Issues related to using technology in the healthcare setting

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

For this discussion, please respond to the following questions:

  • In your area of practice or experience (oncology nurse navigator), what barriers have you seen to the effective integration of nursing informatics and/or technology with evidence-based practice and best patient care?
  • How might these barriers be overcome?

Do not exceed one paragraph in length.

Be sure to reference the week’s readings. (You may simply cite the textbook as “M & M,” for the two authors’ names.)

Nursing Informatics and the FoundationNursing Informatics of Knowledge FIFTH EDITION  (Chapter 7)

Dee McGonigle / Kathleen Garver Mastrian

(please write in simple discussion format, it does not need to be formal writing.)

Issues related to using technology in the healthcare setting-Solution

Issues related to using technology in the Healthcare Setting

(Barriers in nursing informatics Sample-Essay) Nursing informatics and healthcare technology play a critical role in healthcare delivery and addressing challenges associated with limited access to clinical care, including oncology care. Telephone communication, interactive video, and audioconferencing support the role of oncology nurse navigators, who are perceived as collaborative caregivers and virtual resources for healthcare clients and technology providers (Rowett, 2020). Oncology nurse navigators are part of the healthcare team working closely with patients and families, providing clinical communication and care near their homes.

Navigation in oncology has multiple benefits, including a shorter diagnosis time, early treatment commencement, reduced healthcare costs, reduced emergency department visits, and readmission rates, and increased treatment adherence and follow-up (Rowett, 2020). However, multiple barriers impact the integration of nursing informatics and technology with evidence-based practice and patient-best care in oncology nurse navigation. Lack of information access, limited information, limited usefulness or usability of technologies, issues linked with using many health IT, and technical problems are some challenges impacting the integration (Carayon et al., 2019).

A lack of knowledge regarding clinical practice guidelines on using health technologies negatively impacts the integration. Poor internet connection, inability to acquire digital devices, health and IT illiteracy and geographical location are among the issues affecting the integration on the patients’ side. Some facilitators or interventions to address the barriers include consistent nurse leadership support, healthcare team members’ commitment to the integration, formation of multidisciplinary teams, and education regarding clinical practice guidelines surrounding the use of technology in oncology nurse navigation (Correa et al., 2020).

Oncology nurse navigators need robust training on using multiple health IT to facilitate the integration with evidence-based practice and patient best care. Consistent internet access, patient education, and support of marginalized patient populations can facilitate the integration.(Barriers in nursing informatics Sample-Essay)

You can also read about How Advanced Technologies May Be Used in Nursing Practice to Improve Patient Care 

Barriers in nursing informatics Sample-Essay


Carayon, P., Hundt, A. S., & Hoonakker, P. (2019). Technology barriers and strategies in coordinating care for chronically ill patientsApplied ergonomics78, 240–247.

Correa, V. C., Lugo-Agudelo, L. H., Aguirre-Acevedo, D. C., Contreras, J. A. P., Borrero, A. M. P., Patiño-Lugo, D. F., & Valencia, D. A. C. (2020). Individual, health system, and contextual barriers and facilitators for implementing clinical practice guidelines: a systematic metareview. Health research policy and systems18(1), 1-11.

Rowett, K. E. (2020). Oncology nurse navigation: expansion of the navigator role through telehealth. Number 3/June 202024(3), 24-31.


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