Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples

Observation (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples)

I recently purchased a bird feeder to attract more birds, so I tested different bird seeds from a local store. The store sells three different bird seed varieties: low-cost, moderate-cost, and high-cost varieties. According to the store seller, this means that each type of seed has a different potential to attract birds. However, I wondered whether the seeds exhibited varied capabilities, so I set out to test this analogy using a scientific method (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples
Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples


The observation’s question informs a research hypothesis: the low-cost, moderate-cost, and high-cost seed varieties exhibit varied abilities to attract birds (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).


Materials needed:

a bird feeder

low-cost seeds

medium-cost seeds

high-cost seeds

corn grains

open space


The subjects included in the experiment are the birds and me as the researcher. The number of birds attracted is the dependent variable: it depends on the type of seeds provided, which is the independent variable. For this experiment, the sample size will constitute four bird feeders: feeder one will have low-cost seeds, feeder two will have medium-cost seeds, and feeder three will have high-cost seeds. The fourth feeder will be a control experiment as it will be filled with non-commercial feeds; and corn grains. The comparisons made from the experiment will help us determine whether a different variety of seed grain affects the number of birds attracted(Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

Control Groups

A control group is a vital aspect of a research experiment as it allows the researcher to test the hypothesis against already established variables and assumptions. It is a scientific test done under controlled conditions, meaning that specific factors are changed at a time while others are kept constant (McKubre et al., 2018). In this experiment, the dependent variable is the number of birds affected by different seed varieties’ independent variables (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

There is no definite way to test a hypothesis using controlled groups in most cases. Therefore, researchers make predictions about patterns that can be seen in nature if the patterns exist. For this case, a control group would be composed of ordinary grains: it has no modifications to the commercial bird feed.

Experimental Design

An experimental design uses a scientific approach where one or more independent variables: seed varieties, are manipulated and applied to dependent variables: birds, to measure their effectiveness. The effects of independent variables on dependent variables are measured over time to allow researchers to draw meaningful and reasonable relationships between variables (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

In this experiment, a true experimental research design would be used. The design is justifiable: the study has a control group, a variable that I could manipulate, and a random distribution. Therefore, I will measure the effects of three seed varieties and a control group on the number of birds attracted and determine their relationship. Since this experiment is based on observation, data is gathered by observing patterns and variations in the number of birds attracted by different seed varieties. I will observe and record findings using photographic observations, field notes, and datasheets.

Data Collection

Data collection refers to the process of gathering and analyzing information on the variables that enable a person to respond to the research questions, test a hypothesis, and assess the outcomes. The process begins by looking at each research question and developing the best way to collect data and find ways to respond to the questions (McKubre et al., 2018). As stated above, this experiment would utilize photographic observations and field notes. The focus would be capturing images of the number of birds at each feeder at one particular time (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

The feeders will be put in an open space at intervals, one at a time. Photographs taken show significant disparities depending on the type of seeds placed in a bird feeder. The other data collection tool uses field notes: they allow the recording of time intervals, frequency, and rates. Datasheets will also be used to input numerical data. Moreover, taking field notes enables a researcher to critically analyze every event as it unfolds and, in this case, when seeds are replaced. I noted that every data collection method yields different results and depicts the efficiency of a particular research tool provided it is suited for that study(Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).

Data Analysis

Data analysis refers to how data can be cleared, transformed, and modeled to find useful information necessary during the decision-making process. Data analysis performs the duty of extracting useful information from given or selected data with selective choices (Kim & Wang, 2019). In this experiment, I would analyze data obtained from photographic observations, datasheets, and field notes. Through critical analysis, one can interpret results by following critical steps to apply the results (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples). 

In this experiment, data will be gathered in photographs, numerical data, and notes. After analyzing data, results presented as frequencies and time intervals will be presented in graphical representation using charts and graphs. Photographs will be integrated into the final results as a visual reference to depict actual events in the experiment (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).


Data collection tools used in any experiment present useful findings and results. I established that high-cost seeds attracted many birds compared to both low-cost and medium-cost seeds. Contrastingly, corn grains attracted half the number of birds attracted by high-cost seeds. These disparities support my hypothesis that low-cost, moderate-cost, and high-cost seed varieties exhibit varied abilities to attract birds. The hypothesis would be rejected should all feeds attract the same number of birds (Applying the Scientific Method-Nursing Paper Examples).


Kim, J. K., & Wang, Z. (2019). Sampling techniques for big data analysis. International Statistical Review87, S177-S191.

McKubre, M. C., Macdonald, D. D., Sayers, B., & Macdonald, J. R. (2018). Measuring techniques and data analysis. Impedance Spectroscopy: Theory, Experiment, and Applications, 107-174.

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