Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Concept analysis is the process of examining concepts in a study to define the inherent characteristics, refine and clarify theoretical, practice, and research concepts to establish a precise theoretical and operational meaning of research or developed instruments. Nursing has a titillating and broad history of conceptual works. Therefore, understanding the use of conceptual work in nursing is crucial to ensuring its progress. This paper describes the method of analysis of peer-reviewed conceptual analysis paper and chapter 3 of the Theoretical Basis for Nursing, describing the analytical procedure and the application for concept in practice. (Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Method of Analysis
Nagel, Keeping-Burke & Shamputa’s (2021) article has been identified for this assignment. The article’s purpose was to evaluate literature for the definition and use of community health centers (CHCs) and develop a conceptual definition. The article methodology is informed by Walker and Avant’s 8-step concept analysis process; choosing a concept, determining the purpose of analysis, identifying the conceptual application, defining attributes, identifying a case and contrary case model, establishing antecedents and consequences, and describing empirical referents. The authors searched literature across various disciplines and systematic reviews to identify several articles to help define and characterize CHCs. (Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

The Analytical Process and Results
First, the authors selected CHC as the concept, identifying operational definition to aid planning for the scoping review. The authors conducted an initial literature search that revealed wide-ranging terms linked with the CHC concept as applied in different contexts. Understanding the CHC concept was crucial for the research purpose and knowledge.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
In the second step, the authors established the drive for the concept analysis, which was to describe CHC to inform use by healthcare professionals and determine how CHC is defined in the literature, distinguishing the term from other concepts in primary care. The authors also identified CHC-related synonyms and entities, delineating crucial characteristics.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The third step was to identify the use of CHC in literature, i.e., the use of CHC concept in healthcare and across related disciplines, by conducting a full-text literature search across various databases using keywords and subject heading to identify relevant literature. One hundred seven articles were identified for inclusion in the concept analysis. The authors noted the use of CHC and extracted its attributes and antecedents. The authors reached a consensus on which data was relevant to the concept analysis recommended by Walker and Avant. Concepts such as family practice, primary healthcare, community mental health, and community health and development centers were associated with CHC.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The fourth step involved defining CHC attributes to determine the phenomena that match the concept. The authors identified six attributes: defined population, comprehensive care, preventative care, primary care, integrated care, and accessibility. CHC is associated with primary care, i.e., individuals seeking care are screened, diagnosed, and treated for various conditions. CHC preventative care refers to the associated roles of health maintenance and public health focus. CHC accessibility was defined in four contexts, including affordability of healthcare services, temporal nature, resource nature, and accessibility of healthcare services.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The defined population attribute referred to the CHC as established for a particular population or geographic area. The health promotion attribute was framed on the CHC’s role in addressing the gaps of social health determinants, including creating a supportive environment, developing personal skills, supporting community health actions, building health policy, and re-orienting health services. Lastly, the integrated/comprehensive health services referred to the internal and external collaborations and partnerships between CHC and relevant stakeholders to promote health and wellbeing.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The fifth step involved establishing the CHC case model to describe a case derived from existing literature or purely based ideals that mirror the CHC attributes. The authors described a comprehensive example of the CHC case model of South Peninsula CHC established to provide a wide range of healthcare services for a population with a demographic provide of poverty, broad age groups, and homelessness. (Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)The population is also characterized by health disparities; high incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases, high teenage pregnancy, STIs, mental heal conditions, and injection drug use. The location has a history of limited health services and limited accessibility. The CHC model was centrally located to ease access and provide integrated and seamless health services with various healthcare personnel. Lastly, there is a framework for stakeholder participation.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The sixth step involved identifying a contrary case to the CHC. The authors provided a contrary case in a medical clinic that does not fully enlist attributes outlined in the concept analysis. The authors described a case model of the City Centre Medical Clinic, a general practitioner office. The clinical have receptionists, three physicians and primarily focuses on episodic care with limited operating hours. The clinical has a high caseload and refers to the treatment of complex conditions for follow-up care. Lastly, the visiting time is limited to 10 minutes; provide limited prevention and management education for patients.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice)
The seventh step involved determining the CHCs’ consequences and antecedents for public health promotion. The Consequences of CHCs include health outcomes at individual levels and the wellbeing of the community. The authors argued that such outcomes are realized through the accessibility of healthcare services, quality healthcare, and effective use of health promotion schemes to enhance health concerns across different levels. The antecedents identified include appropriate visions and support, health governance, funding, and human resources.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The last step involved establishing the relevant empirical CHC referents. The authors identified several referents used to measure CHC attributes, including database analysis, interviews, surveys, validated tools, observations, and chart audits. The identified referents were related mainly to primary care and the accessibility of healthcare services. Primarily, CHCs services are evaluated on dimensions of patient satisfaction, health outcomes, and use of health services. Significantly, The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) collection of information from surveys, billing, and national database were identified as tools used to evaluate CHC primary care services and the relationship between CHC and clients.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Apply the concept to a practice situation.
The CHC concepts identified in this case analysis have significant implications for clinical practices. For instance, the concept analysis illuminates the complexities of CHC concepts, discovering the crucial terms typically used in daily routines. According to McEwen & Wills (2019), concepts can be abstract or concrete and formulated in terminologies that enable people to communicate the inherent meanings about realities and give sense to phenomena that can be directly or indirectly be interconnected. In this case, the community health centers can be directly associated interconnected.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice)
Furthermore, the highlighted CHC concepts advance healthcare research on community health issues related to availability, accessibility, and quality of healthcare services. In this case, the outlined concepts can inform population-wide policies to guide healthcare delivery and promote better health outcomes for communities through the community health centers. Consequently, decisions can be made to equip and integrate CHCs with relevant resources, materials, and healthcare professionals to ensure continued health service delivery through the care continuum.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Concept analysis is a crucial tool for evaluating and determining essential healthcare concepts. Through concept analysis, the study defines CHC as a healthcare agency actively engaging in healthcare services and collaborating with the host community to provide comprehensive and integrated health services founded on primary healthcare principles that mitigate existing health issues, addressing the causal factors for the community. The study uses the 8-step process developed by Walker and Avant to define and characterize community health centers, providing meaning and attributes crucial for scientific research, policymaking, and healthcare interventions.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Nagel, D. A., Keeping-Burke, L., & Shamputa, I. C. (2021). Concept Analysis and Proposed Definition of Community Health Center. Journal of primary care & community health, 12, 21501327211046436.(Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)