Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

            Leadership has been vital in growing and rapidly evolving the nursing profession. Nursing management seems like a profession of its kind that requires special skills, training, and characteristics. Nursing leadership roles have become even more visible as the health care sector faces the global Covid-19 pandemic. Nurses have taken up different roles in this case, such as case managers, directors, educators, supervisors, administrators, and researchers. Regardless of the titles, nurses have a mandate to demonstrate effective leadership styles.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Social Media Assessment-Nursing

            Transformational, laissez-faire, autocratic, and servant leadership styles form central pillars for nursing leaders. The transformational leadership style encourages employees to take ownership of their duties and perform beyond their expectations. Transformational leaders encourage adaption to change by promoting staff teamwork and self-esteem, motivating and encouraging the staff to be involved in developing and implementing health care policies. Thus, nursing leaders should be charismatic, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational to depict transformational leadership. Secondly, laissez-faire leadership allows leaders to make few decisions and encourage teamwork to develop strategic solutions to work-related problems using a hand-off approach. Nurse leaders should trust, encourage innovation and tolerate errors while being ready to step in when necessary.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            Unlike laissez-faire, the autocratic leadership style takes a unilateral approach where the leader delegates the staff with orders and rules. Autocratic leaders are intolerant of errors and innovation (James et al., 2021). The leaders are rapid decision makers, authoritative, self-reliant, highly structured, and ultimate bosses. On the contrary, servant leadership applies a supportive approach where the leader provides staff members with the tools, skills, and work relationships required to elicit the best performance. In this case, servant leaders listen actively, share power, empathize with others, conceptualize ideas, and prioritize other peoples’ needs.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            The discussed leadership styles have pros and cons. Transformational leadership styles allow nursing leaders to inspire staff to devise better means of achieving the set goals by promoting effective conflict resolution strategies. Transformational leaders also mobilize their staff to complete tasks promoting morale and motivation through exceptional rapport (Kiwanuka et al., 2021). However, transformational leadership may be ineffective in ad-hoc circumstances. This leadership style requires a fully established structure, thus unsuitable for new organizations.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Liaises-faire leadership does not dictate how the employees operate and perform well in highly experienced teams. However, the leadership style is ineffective in health care settings that constantly change and need urgent decision-making. On the contrary, autocratic leadership effectively makes quick decisions required in a health care setting, for instance, during emergencies or in zero occurrence policies like driving zero for pressure ulcers. However, autocratic leadership limits trust, and communication, which are crucial in health care. Essentially, servant leadership is crucial in leading a health care multidisciplinary team and allows leaders to meet individual team members’ needs based on their roles and needs. However, servant leadership may not be effective in nursing, where top-down decisions are required to align the entire team.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

In nursing, leading entails making decisions that emanate from actions taken in the face of unchartered or perilous circumstances during scenarios with no standard solutions. In this case, leaders assess the context and create and adapt solutions based on tactical knowledge and scientific evidence to guide others. On the contrary, managing is a process of guiding others through evidence-based procures and practices to accomplish pre-established outcomes. Followers engage with leaders and managers to identify problems, complete tasks, and offer feedback for evaluation. Thus, followers offer complementary assertive and healthy actions to support the leaders and managers.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Transformational is my leadership style as per the leadership self-assessment. My transformational leadership score was 73 out of the possible 80. I agree with the leadership self-assessment since I express most of the elements featured in transformational leadership. I have always portrayed exemplary role model influence since childhood and gained the trust and respect of my younger siblings. Therefore, I believe I have nurtured my competence to become a leader, influence, and positively inspire my team members.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample


Kiwanuka, F., Nanyonga, R. C., Sak‐Dankosky, N., Muwanguzi, P. A., & Kvist, T. (2021). Nursing leadership styles and their impact on intensive care unit quality measures: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Management29(2), 133-142.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

James, A. H., Bennett, C. L., Blanchard, D., & Stanley, D. (2021). Nursing and values‐based leadership: A literature review. Journal of Nursing Management29(5), 916-930.(Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Nursing Leadership Styles Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample 1

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