Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Stakeholder groups can include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, communities, the government, and the organization’s management. These groups have varying interests in a project, and the project outcomes affect them differently (Rajhans, 2018). Resistance to change is isolated for each group due to the varying interest in the project. Shareholders can support a project while employees resist the change because of fear of role interruption or job security. Some changes are employee-initiated, and shareholders can resist because of the financial implications, among other consequences. The project manager should address resistance to change for each stakeholder group to ensure that most people buy-in and are invested in the change initiatives.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Some strategies for addressing resistance to change include education and communication, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, negotiation and agreement, manipulation and co-optation, and explicit and implicit coercion (Kotter & Schlesinger, 2015). Change managers need stakeholders to understand the reasons behind the change initiative. They need to hear the managers’ or leaders’ rationale even when they do not entirely agree with it. Change managers should arrange meetings to communicate the change and the need for change. Change managers should gather input from all levels and positively engage everyone in the change. Engaging all stakeholders allows people to come up with ideas, discuss them with others, and be invested in the process. Change managers should also facilitate and support when particular stakeholder groups resist change due to fear of the uncertain and anxiety. Training is one way to offer facilitation and support (Kotter & Schlesinger, 2015). Change managers should also negotiate and agree with all stakeholders regarding the change. The approach to change should be fair, logical, and consistent. They need to use information selectively to encourage stakeholders to adjust their position. The mission to sell the change should be headed by people who are happy with the prospect of change. The leaders must communicate the impact of the change initiative and potential negative consequences so that people understand what to expect and prepare themselves. These best practices apply to all stakeholder groups and come in handy for change managers.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Kotter, J. P., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2015). Choosing strategies for change. Harvard business review. (Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Rajhans, K. (2018). Effective communication management: A key to stakeholder relationship management in project-based organizations. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 12(4), 47-66.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Topic 4 DQ 2
Management and leadership are sometimes used interchangeably despite wide variations. Management is the act of controlling a group or a set of entities to achieve a particular goal. Leadership is the ability to influence, enable, motivate, and support others to contribute to an organization’s success. Managers and leaders can have power and control, but influence and inspiration differentiate the two concepts (Liphadzi et al., 2017). Notably, leaders have followers while managers have subordinates, and the latter establish circles of power while leaders create circles of influence. Managers can be leaders, and leaders can be managers. Unfortunately, not all managers are leaders. Most managers can be leaders if they carry the leadership duties of management while communicating, motivating, inspiring, guiding, and encouraging employees to raise their performance to a higher level and become more productive. Generally, the concept of leadership is not associated with managership. People become leaders by virtue of their qualities in them (Center for Creative Leadership, 2021). Therefore, not all managers are leaders, although all managers are encouraged to exhibit leadership qualities. Most companies are moving to break down the divide between leaders and managers to achieve faster and sustainable change by recruiting managers with effective and desired leadership qualities.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
The organization’s leadership qualities and characteristics include integrity, delegation, communication, gratitude, influence, and empathy. Additionally, communication, ability to inspire other individuals, enthusiasm, strategic thinking, decisiveness, confidence, and forward-thinking are leadership attributes that have been observed to influence change positively in the organization. Passionate and enthusiastic leaders have convinced many people to participate in change initiatives. Communicating effectively has been a fundamental factor in successful organizational change implementation.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Center for Creative Leadership. (2021). What Are the Characteristics of a Good Leader? https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/characteristics-good-leader/(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Liphadzi, M., Aigbavboa, C. O., & Thwala, W. D. (2017). A theoretical perspective on the difference between leadership and management. Procedia Engineering, 196, 478-482.(Leading and Managing People Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)