Nursing Administration Function: A Comprehensive Guide for Nursing Students

Nursing Administration Function-Essay Sample

Nursing administration plays a critical role in ensuring that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively. Specifically, nurses specializing in administration are responsible for managing the daily operations of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to the nursing administration function, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Nursing students who aspire to become nurse administrators will find this guide helpful in understanding the key responsibilities and skills required for this career path.(Nursing Administration Function)

Importance of Nursing Administration

Nursing administration is crucial to healthcare institutions’ success as it helps ensure patients receive high-quality care. Furthermore, nurse administrators oversee the implementation of policies and procedures designed to promote patient safety and improve healthcare outcomes. They also manage resources, such as staff and equipment, to ensure they are used effectively and efficiently. By doing so, nurse administrators help to reduce costs and improve the overall quality of care.(Nursing Administration Function)

nursing administration function

Definition of Administration in Nursing

Administration in nursing refers to managing the daily operations of healthcare institutions, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. In this case, nurse administrators are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling various aspects of healthcare delivery, including patient care, personnel, budgeting, and facility management.(Nursing Administration Function)

Planning Function

Definition of Planning in Nursing Administration

Planning is setting goals and objectives, identifying resources, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Therefore, in nursing administration, planning involves setting goals and objectives for patient care, staffing, budgeting, and facility management.(Nursing Administration Function)

Importance of Planning in Nursing Administration

Planning is critical in nursing administration as it helps to ensure that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively. Nurse administrators can prioritize their efforts and allocate resources appropriately by setting goals and objectives. This helps to ensure that patients receive high-quality care and that staff members can perform their duties effectively.

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Steps Involved in the Planning Function

The steps involved in the planning function of nursing administration include:

  1. Setting goals and objectives: Nurse administrators must identify the goals and objectives they want to achieve, such as improving patient satisfaction or reducing costs.
  2. Identifying resources: Nurse administrators must identify the resources that are required to achieve their goals and objectives, such as personnel, equipment, and supplies.
  3. Developing strategies: Nurse administrators must develop strategies to achieve their goals and objectives, such as implementing new policies or procedures or investing in new equipment.
  4. Implementing strategies: Nurse administrators must implement the strategies they have developed to achieve their goals and objectives.(Nursing Administration Function)

Organizing Function

Definition of Organizing in Nursing Administration

Organizing is the process of arranging resources, such as personnel, equipment, and supplies, to promote efficiency and effectiveness. In nursing administration, organizing involves arranging resources to ensure patients receive high-quality care and that staff members can perform their duties effectively.

Importance of Organizing in Nursing Administration

Organizing is critical in nursing administration as it helps to ensure that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively. By arranging resources to promote efficiency and effectiveness, nurse administrators can help reduce costs and improve the overall quality of care.(Nursing Administration Function)

Steps Involved in the Organizing Function

The steps involved in the organizing function of nursing administration include:

  1. Identifying resources: Nurse administrators must identify the resources that are required to deliver high-quality care, such as personnel, equipment, and supplies.
  2. Assigning responsibilities: Nurse administrators must assign responsibilities to staff members to ensure that each person knows what is expected of them.
  3. Establishing communication channels: Nurse administrators must establish communication channels to ensure that staff members can communicate effectively with each other.
  4. Developing policies and procedures: Nurse administrators must develop policies and procedures to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently.(Nursing Administration Function)

Staffing Function

Definition of Staffing in Nursing Administration

Staffing is the process of recruiting, hiring, and retaining personnel capable of providing high-quality care. In nursing administration, staffing involves ensuring that healthcare institutions have adequate qualified staff members to provide high-quality care to patients.(Nursing Administration Function)

Importance of Staffing in Nursing Administration

Staffing is critical in nursing administration as it ensures that healthcare institutions can provide high-quality care to patients. By hiring qualified staff members, nurse administrators can ensure that patients receive the care they need to recover from illnesses and injuries. Adequate staffing also helps to reduce staff burnout and turnover, which can negatively affect patient care.(Nursing Administration Function)

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Steps Involved in the Staffing Function

The steps involved in the staffing function of nursing administration include:

  1. Recruiting: Nurse administrators must identify and recruit qualified personnel to work in healthcare institutions.
  2. Hiring: Nurse administrators must conduct interviews and hire qualified personnel to work in healthcare institutions.
  3. Training: Nurse administrators must provide training and development opportunities to ensure that staff members can provide high-quality care.
  4. Retaining: Nurse administrators must develop strategies to retain qualified personnel to ensure that healthcare institutions have adequate staff members to provide high-quality care.(Nursing Administration Function)

Directing Function

Definition of Directing in Nursing Administration

Directing is the process of guiding and supervising personnel to ensure that they perform their duties effectively. In nursing administration, directing involves providing leadership to staff members to ensure patients receive high-quality care.

Importance of Directing in Nursing Administration

Directing is critical in nursing administration as it ensures that staff members can provide high-quality care to patients. By providing leadership and guidance, nurse administrators can ensure that staff members have the resources and support to perform their duties effectively.

Steps Involved in the Directing Function

The steps involved in the directing function of nursing administration include:

  1. Providing leadership: Nurse administrators must provide leadership to staff members to ensure they perform their duties effectively.
  2. Setting expectations: Nurse administrators must set expectations for staff members to ensure they know what is expected of them.
  3. Resources: Nurse administrators must provide resources to staff members to ensure they have the tools and support they need to perform their duties effectively.
  4. Providing feedback: Nurse administrators must provide feedback to staff members to ensure they know how they are performing and where they can improve.(Nursing Administration Function)

Controlling Function

Definition of Controlling in Nursing Administration

Controlling is monitoring and evaluating performance to ensure that goals and objectives are achieved. In nursing administration, controlling involves monitoring and evaluating the performance of staff members to ensure that they provide high-quality care to patients.

Importance of Controlling in Nursing Administration

Controlling is critical in nursing administration as it ensures that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively. By monitoring and evaluating performance, nurse administrators can identify areas where improvements can be made to promote patient safety and improve healthcare outcomes.(Nursing Administration Function)

Steps Involved in the Controlling Function

The steps involved in the controlling function of nursing administration include:

  1. Monitoring performance: Nurse administrators must monitor the performance of staff members to ensure that they are performing their duties effectively.
  2. Evaluating performance: Nurse administrators must evaluate the performance of staff members to identify areas of improvements.
  3. Implementing improvements: Nurse administrators must implement improvements to ensure that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively.(Nursing Administration Function)
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Nursing administration is an essential aspect of healthcare delivery that involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling various aspects of healthcare delivery. In this case, each function of nursing administration is critical in ensuring that healthcare institutions operate efficiently and effectively to provide high-quality care to patients. Therefore, by understanding the functions of administration in nursing, nursing students can prepare themselves for a rewarding career in healthcare administration.


  1. What are the key responsibilities of nursing administration?

The key responsibilities of nursing administration include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling various aspects of healthcare delivery, including patient care, personnel, budgeting, and facility management.

  1. What skills are required for nursing administration?

Skills required for nursing administration include leadership, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking.

  1. How can nursing students prepare for a career in nursing administration?

Nursing students can prepare for a career in nursing administration by obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, gaining experience in a healthcare setting, and obtaining additional education and certifications in nursing administration. It is also essential for nursing students to develop skills in leadership, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking.

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