Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Healthcare services and healthcare facilities are essential components of any human society and receive a significant portion of that society’s resources. Healthcare organizations like hospitals and clinics should put the safety of their patients, their employees, and the general public at the top of their priorities list. Furthermore, the quality of care delivered within the hospital should be of great interest to hospital accreditation (Jha, 2020). By definition, hospital accreditation means a self-assessment and external peer assessment process utilized by healthcare organizations as an accurate assessment yardstick of their performance levels concerning established standards and implementing measures to improve continuously. Organizations like The Joint Commission (TJC), headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, and the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Healthcare, whose headquarters are found in Milford, accredit hospitals in the US. Ohio (Bhalgat, 2018). Consequently, this essay purposes of outlining the differences between TJC and DNV surveys.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Comparing Cultural Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 1

Differences between TJC and DNV

Hospital accreditation in the US has been the preserve of TJC for more than four decades, but recently a new accreditation firm whose origins in Norway (DNV translates to the Norwegian Truth) has won over some hospitals. While the two organizations may have points of convergence on what areas to address when determining the accreditation, several distinctions abound, as the summary table that follows demonstrates.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

AspectTJC StandardsDNV Standards
Focal pointTargets vital elements of patient care functions  within the organization’s structure required to provide safe, high-quality care(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Focuses on outcomes and integrates the Conditions of Participation with the International Standards Organization9001 Quality Management Systems Requirements(ISO 9001)
ProcessThree-year survey  with standards directly related to the CMSAnnual survey with most MS standards directly related to the CMS and ISO 9001 quality management.
Scoring ProcessThree-point scale( 0- insufficient compliance, 1- partial compliance, and 2- satisfactory complianceHas no aggregate scoring with standards scored  Standards Scored as Meets requirementsNonconformity Category I Conditional level – Egregious non-complianceNonconformity Category I – NoncompliantNonconformity Category II – Occasional or isolated lapse in compliance– Immediate Jeopardy – Immediate threat to patient safety
TelemedicineThree choices, namely the originating site, can fully privilege and credential  the practitioner  according to MS standards Use credentialing  information from a TJC accredited organization  or Use credentialing and privileging decision from sites accredited by TJC(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Two choices, namely the accrediting site, can full privilege and credential the practitioner as per MS standards  Alternatively, utilize credentialing and privilege decisions from telemedicine organizations or distant sites of the participating hospital.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Only four differences are highlighted here, but the list is not exhaustive as more differences abound.


The two organizations compare in that both are hospital accreditation organizations whose standards are acceptable in the US. The two organizations also use the originating site to fully privilege and credential the practitioner according to MS standards and use a standardized scoring process before accreditation the hospitals.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Why Accreditation May does not Equate to Quality Healthcare

Hospitals in the US must demonstrate compliance to the Conditions of Participation as envisaged by CMS. According to Griffith (2018), this demonstration is through an unannounced triennial survey by one of the four not-for-profit accrediting organizations or state examiners. Critics of accreditation schemes like the scholar mentioned above contend that the accreditation may not translate into quality care since the program is hampered by excessive secrecy. For example, CMS lists over 4500 nonfederal hospitals under contract but does not outline hospitals’ selection of compliance surveyors. Be that as it may, accreditation cannot be abandoned, but its shortcomings in ensuring quality care still exist. Subsequently, a different set of programs utilizing different skills and tools is mandatory as healthcare providers and organizations embrace redirection towards the principles of continuous improvement as set out by TJC and ISO 9001. One should, however, remember that accreditation schemes are not the equivalent of government-sponsored and controlled initiatives where the functioning and financing of these accreditation schemes should be independent of control from the government.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)


In conclusion, this essay has established that hospital accreditation can lead to quality improvement n hospitals no matter which accrediting organization carries the task. TJC should welcome the competition offered by DNV since the two organizations can now challenge one another. They constantly assess themselves to ensure that they are doing all they can to provide patient care that is the safest and the best- quality at an affordable cost.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 2


Jha, A. K. (2018). Accreditation, Quality, and Making Hospital Care Better. Jama320(23), 2410-2411.

Griffith, J. R. (2018). Is it time to abandon hospital accreditation? American Journal of Medical Quality33(1), 30-36.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Shilpa Bhalgat (2018) Accreditation and Importance of Quality Assurance in Health Industry(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) URL: Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/323676187_ACCREDITATION_AND_IMPORTANCE_OF_QUALITY_ASSURANCE_IN_HEALTH_INDUSTRY Accessed April 17th, 2021)

Part Four: Transparency in the Health Care System

The Concept of Transparency in the Healthcare System

The IOM describes transparency in healthcare as providing public information on a healthcare system’s quality, efficiency, and consumer experience reliably and understandably (Vlan, 2020). The information made public includes price and quality data to influence patients, providers, payers, and other stakeholder’s behavior while achieving better patient and health outcomes. Simultaneously, the physicians, hospital, and other providers make public their standard charges for specific health care services offered through price transparency. Simultaneously, the insurer reveals to the subscribers the rates these insurers have negotiated with the hospitals and physicians.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Primary Benefits and Drawbacks of Transparency in the Healthcare System

The importance of transparency in healthcare systems has several advantages to stakeholders in healthcare since it has been should to improve healthcare. This improvement is because transparency makes practitioners more accountable, which in turn translates to better patient outcomes. Additionally, transparency can lead to improved productivity as administrators in healthcare learn strategies to motivate their staff and help them to work more productively. Another benefit of transparency is that it can help decrease the operating costs of a hospital. Suffice it to say that transparency encourages individual staff members to make decisions, thus saving healthcare administrations expenses. On the flip side, though, transparency brings drawbacks like having to change the perception of the staff where quality metrics are regarded as the organization’s secrets that should not be revealed to outsiders. This perception results in staff resistance necessitating the use of funds to create awareness and break the resistance. Another challenge is getting the released information becomes a challenge to the general public as they have to get authorization from the IT department, who naturally have other duties to perform. Despite these minor disadvantages, every organization must devise strategies to overcome them since the benefits of transparency far outweigh the attendant drawbacks.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Impact of Transparency on healthcare consumers

Zhang et al. (2020) observe that adequate transparency generates more informed consumers with a significantly reduced information asymmetry as far as the patient’s self-management initiatives are concerned. While some people argue that transparency makes the patient ask unnecessary questions, the increased number of questions would shed more light on the provider on the best treatment and care plan to adopt in every patient’s scenario.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)



Vian, T. (2020). Anti-corruption, transparency, and accountability in health: concepts, frameworks, and approaches. Global health action13(sup1), 1694744.(Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Zhang, A., Prang, K. H., Devlin, N., Scott, A., & Kelaher, M. (2020). The impact of price transparency on consumers and providers: A scoping review. Health Policy.

Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Summary of the Differences and Similarities between the JC and DNV surveys Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 3