Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Advocacy is a powerful tool for reducing abuse and violence, empowering victims to improve their situations through formal counseling, supporting safety planning, and facilitating access to support services (Rivas et al., 2016). Advocacy can be individual-based or multi-agency interventions for the affected population. Interpersonal violence is the most common form of abuse and violence involving intimate partner violence, youth violence, elder violence, child abuse, and neglect (Sumner et al., 2015). This paper discusses violence and abuse against others, focusing on pregnant women, children, elders, and minority populations, the screening process, and the role of PMHNP in the advocacy and prevention of abuse and violence.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example


In the United States, 20 people are physically abused every minute by their partners. About 46.7% of females and 29% of males are victims of rape, and 12.5% of children experience maltreatment before age 18 (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence [DCADV], 2020). One in every four women and one in every nine men are exposed to severe intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or stalking annually (Basile et al., 2011). Over 19 million women and 5 million men in the US have experienced stalking, while approximately 60.8% and 43.5% of females and males, respectively, have fallen victims of stalking from their partners (Basile et al., 2011; Morgan & Truman, 2019 ). Furthermore, approximately 72% of homicides are associated with intimate partner violence, of which 92% are females (National Network to End Domestic Violence [NNEDV], 2020).(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Abuse and Violence

Actions termed as abusive and violent are those associated with behaviors intended to show, institute, and maintain control over an individual or a group of people, including children, partners, colleagues, the elderly, or minority groups (Newfoundland Labrador [NL], n.d). Abuse and violence can take any form, including subtle manipulation, disrespect, mental pain, or physical harm. According to Smith et al. (2017), 20% of abuse and violence cases are caused by family members, neighbors, friends, law enforcers, bystanders, or persons known to the victims.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Pregnant Women and Children

Intimate partner violence is the most common form of abuse in pregnant women and children. Up to 6% of pregnant women in the US experience domestic violence, with physical assault, psychological, verbal, and sexual abuse and violence the most reported (Holmes & Young, 2019).   Furthermore, one in every fifteen children witnesses and experience the impact of intimate partner violence annually (Smith et al., 2017). Abuse and violence among women result in increased cases of homicides, preterm births or low birthweight, perinatal death, and adverse child behavioral outcomes. Such behavioral effects include post-traumatic symptoms, withdrawal, negative moods, physical aggression, disobedience, anxiety, and depression, among other externalizing and internalizing behaviors.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse involves intentional actions that lead to harm for individuals aged 60+ years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020). These actions include physical, sexual, financial, and emotional/psychological abuse and neglect. One in every ten adults aged 60+ years is exposed to abuse (National Center for Elder Abuse [NCEA], 2021). As a result, the victims experience physical and emotional effects. They become anxious and fearful or nurse physical injuries, which can be disabling or fatal.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Minority Populations

Systemic racism and ethnic stereotypes are the primary cause of abuse and violence against minorities in the United States. However, gender and sexual orientation are also determinants of violence and abuse of individuals affiliated with minority groups. Minorities, particularly communities of color, experience disproportionate violence, and abuse, predisposing them to more significant risks of adverse health outcomes (CDC, 2022). Black/African, Indian, Alaskan Native, Hispanic, and Latino population experiences higher homicide incidences compared to other ethnic populations (CDC, 2017; CDC, 2022). Two in every five women of ethnic minorities are sexually assaulted at one time in their life (CDC, 2022). Annually, 18%, 34%, and 10% of LGBTQ students have experienced physical or sexual violence, been bullied in school, and threatened or injured, respectively (CDC, 2022).(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Screening and PMHP Involvement

Screening victims of violence and abuse is crucial for appropriate intervention. Various mechanisms and recommendations for screening children and adults exposed to violence and abuse exist (Child Welfare Information Gateway, n.d; Feltner et al., 2018). For instance, women of reproductive age are screened for abuse/violence from partners, provided healthcare, or referred victims to relevant authorities (Feltner et al., 2018). Equally, clinicians are required to be alert and screen children under their care for actual or potential abuse (Welfare Information Gateway, n.d). However, healthcare providers rely on public and law enforcement information to screen for violence and abuse victims.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Role of PMHNP

Due to the mental impact of violence and abuse, the PMHNP plays a critical role in identifying stimuli to mental health illnesses and providing enough evidence for relevant authorities to take appropriate actions (Feltner et al., 2018). In some cases, it is challenging to obtain signs and symptoms to aid justice or health interventions, particularly among children and the elderly. In this regard, PMHNP plays a crucial role in helping the victims to identify stressors and provide evidence for children and women to be protected from intimate partner violence. Besides, the PMHNP provides the necessary mental health support, including social, emotional, and behavioral intervention for the victims, helping them achieve positive health outcomes and justice for their predicaments. Because of these roles, they advocate for the better lives of victims under their care, i.e., Besides, the PMHNP contributes to research and community awareness on the risks and impact of violence and abuse among vulnerable populations. This involvement is critical in reducing incidences of violence and abuse and providing victims with appropriate information on the available resources.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)


Violence and abuse are critical determinants of health among communities. The outcomes of violence can be fatal and disabling, although, in some cases, they are not. However, violence and abuse contribute to poor mental and physical health among victims and the associated economic burden to the victims, their families, and the government. Nevertheless, PMHNP plays crucial advocacy roles such as providing enough evidence to aid justice for victims, facilitating community awareness of risks of abuse and violence, and providing resources for victims.(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 1


Basile, K. C., Black, M. C., Breiding, M. J., Chen, J., Merrick, M. T., Smith, S. G., … & Walters, M. L. (2011). National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report. Retrieved 17 August 2022, from: (Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (June 2017). Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence. Available at: (Accessed 17 2022)(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2020, May). Violence Prevention: Preventing Elder Abuse. Available at: (Accessed 17 August 2022)(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Control and Prevention Centers for Disease (June 2017).LGBT Youth. Available at: (Accessed 17 August 2022)

Control and Prevention Centers for Disease (June 2022). Community Violence Prevention. Available at: (Accessed 17 August 2022)

Feltner, C., Wallace, I., Berkman, N., Kistler, C. E., Middleton, J. C., Barclay, C., … & Jonas, D. E. (2018). Screening for intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and abuse of vulnerable adults: evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. Jama320(16), 1688-1701(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example). https://10.1001/jama.2018.13212  

Holmes, M. R. & Yung, J. (2019). Prenatal Exposure to Domestic Violence: Summary of Key Research Findings. Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland, OH. Retrieved 17 August 2022, from:

Morgan, R. E., & Truman, J. L. (2019). Criminal Victimization, 2018. Bureau of Justice Statistics. NCJ253043. Retrieved 17 August 2022, from:

National Center for Elder Abuse (2021). Research, Statistics, and Data. Available at: (Accessed 17 August 2022)(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (2020). National Statistics. Available at: (Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) (Accessed 17 August 2022)

National Network to End Domestic Violence (2020). 14th annual domestic violence counts report. Available at:   (Accessed 17 August 2022)

New Found Land Labrador (No date). Defining Violence and Abuse. Available at:   (Accessed 17 August 2022)(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Petrosky, E., Blair, J. M., Betz, C. J., Fowler, K. A., Jack, S. P., & Lyons, B. H. (2017). Racial and ethnic differences in homicides of adult women and the role of intimate partner violence—the United States, 2003–2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report66(28), 741(Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example).

Rivas, C., Ramsay, J., Sadowski, L., Davidson, L. L., Dunnes, D., Eldridge, S., … & Feder, G. (2016). Advocacy interventions to reduce or eliminate violence and promote the physical and psychosocial well‐being of women who experience intimate partner abuse: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews12(1), 1-202.

Smith, S. G., Basile, K. C., Gilbert, L. K., Merrick, M. T., Patel, N., Walling, M., & Jain, A. (2017). National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010-2012 State Report. Retrieved 17 August 2022, from:

Smith, S.G., Zhang, X., Basile, K.C., Merrick, M.T., Wang, J., Kresnow, M. & Chen, J. (2018). The Intimate National Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2015 Data Brief – Updated Release. Atlanta: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: (Accessed 17 August 2022)

Role of PMHNP in the Advocacy and Prevention of Abuse and Violence Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
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