Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example

Therapy Modality Focus Points

Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example

Therapy Modality: Psychoanalytic Therapy

Creator: Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist 

Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Relieving major depression, emotional disturbances, and anxiety (McLeod, 2019).

Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example
Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example 1

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: Psychoanalytic Therapy emphasizes an empathetic and non-judgmental approach, functionality of an individual’s ego and surrounding environment, and present problems (Cherry, 2020). (Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)

Goals of Therapy Modality: To help individuals release emotions and experiences that are unconsciously avoided, i.e., change the unconscious element conscious (, 2017). The other goal is to provide a cathartic experience to help people achieve healing (, 2017).(Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)


  1. Psychoanalytic therapy assumes that psychological problems originate from the unconscious mind (Cherry, 2020).(Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)
  2. Psychological symptoms are caused by hidden interferences, e.g., unresolved issues/repressed trauma (Cherry, 2020).
  3. Treatment focuses on making conscious the repressed/unresolved issues to consciousness to enable individuals to deal with them (Cherry, 2020).(Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)
  4. A cure is possible by bringing their unconscious thoughts and motivation to consciousness.

Therapy Modality: Adlerian Psychotherapy

Creator: Alfred Adler, Austrian physician and psychiatrist

Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Relieve several mental health problems, including eating and personality disorders, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety (Rykova, 2015).

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: Adlerian Psychotherapy emphasizes an individual’s ability to his/her feelings of inadequacy and inferiority (Rykova, 2015). Besides, this kind of therapy emphasizes childhood belief systems and behavioral patterns.  (Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)

Goals of Therapy Modality: The primary goal of Adlerian therapy is to resolve self-directed destructive beliefs and behaviors (, 2016). The other goal is to help clients achieve social empowerment (, 2016).(Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)


  1. A birth disorder causes feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, particularly experience with childhood personal devaluation (Sperry, 2018).
  2. The therapy uses Socratic dialogue to help clients develop constructive and beneficial attitudes. Thus, individuals can achieve confidence, cooperation ability, self-worth, and form cohesive relationships (Sperry, 2018).(Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example)
  3. Clients undergoing therapy are encouraged to gain a positive and productive lifestyle by developing new behaviors, skills, and awareness.
Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example
Psychoanalytic Therapy Comprehensive Nursing paper example


Cherry, K. (2020). The Influence of Psychoanalysis on the Field of Psychology. Retrieved 13 May, from (2016). Adlerian Psychology / Psychotherapy. Retrieved 13 May, from (2017). Psychoanalysis / Modern Psychoanalysis. Retrieved 13 May, from

McLeod, S. (2019). Psychoanalysis. Simply Psychology. Retrieved 15 May, from

Rykova, A. E. A (2015). Comparative Look at the Effectiveness of Adlerian Therapy versus Gestalt Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder. At Berkeley, 33.

Sperry, J. (2018). Evidence-based Adlerian therapy. The Journal of Individual Psychology74(3), 245-246. 10.1353/jip.2018.0016

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