Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example

Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example

While reviewing the content and material related to psychiatric health, I was surprised with the holistic concept inherent in gestalt therapy (Corey, 2016). While my previous experience involved both individual and external stressors, this concept offers a unique perspective that facilitates an holistic approach to treatment and management. Gestalt therapy contained the concept of getting to know a psychiatric client through understanding their environment, family, culture, society, and forces influencing individual behavior (Raffagnino, 2019). Through this dimension, a psychiatrist understands the interconnectedness of various stressors influencing mental state rather than an individual’s perception. (Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example)

Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example
Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example 1

Furthermore, I also learned about the need to avoid using jargons or questions that begin with why during psychiatric mental health assessment (Corey, 2016). Essentially, patients may use different words with different meanings. For instance, a client may use paranoia to explain a feeling of social disapproval. Besides, asking questions using the why is not practical since clients might not know why they experience certain feelings. Unless clearly explained or necessary, the use of technical terms should be avoided. Equally, questions directed at clients should elicit a more detailed response. Thus, allowing a patient to discover more about the cause of their problems as they reflect more on their lives during a psychiatric assessment.(Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example)

This information will be helpful in my practice in several ways. I will adopt a more holistic approach to therapy. Rather than taking individual actions as subjective, I will consider the influence of extrinsic factors in shaping an individual’s behaviors and perception of self, past, present, and future moments. Such a therapeutic position will allow me to help clients gain awareness of intrinsic and extrinsic sensations to respond and reason with them fully.  Appropriate positioning of interview questions will also enable me to get the correct information necessary to make an appropriate diagnostic label of patient problems.(Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example)

Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example
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Corey, G. (2016). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage.  

Raffagnino, R. (2019). Gestalt Therapy Effectiveness: A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence. Open Journal of Social Sciences7(6), 66-83. 10.4236/jss.2019.76005 

Shea, S. C. (2017). Psychiatric interviewing: The art of understanding (3rd ed.). Elsevier.(Psychiatric Interview Components comprehensive nursing paper example)

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