Application Analysis: Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples

Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples

In the article “Designing Effective Online Courses,” Burns (2016) asserts that effective online classes should be well designed to organize teaching and learning most engagingly and effectively. Since online learning is mediated through some form of technology, learning and teaching design are critical for students in any online situation. Thus, instructional design is preferred for an online situation to select, organize, sequence, and assess tools, content, and experiences to assist learners in attaining their goals (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples
Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples

Of importance, communication and collaboration are instrumental in promoting effective online learning. This paper will highlight discussion, self-directed learning, small group work, projects, and collaborative strategies that support effective teaching and learning. The essay will also describe the strategies used in this course and highlight how communication is different in this online learning environment (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

First, discussion entails collaborative and open-ended forums that allow an exchange of ideas among the participants. During teaching and learning, discussions are used to further the participants’ thinking, solve problems, learn, understand, and appreciate literacy. In this course, discussions allow the students to present their viewpoints and respond to the ideas of their colleagues while reflecting on their ideas to build up and further their knowledge, comprehension, and interpretation of the various topics. Secondly, self-directed learning can also be utilized to promote online teaching (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

Unlike open and collaborative discussions by different students, self-directed learning entails an approach where the individuals take the initiative to learn or acquire knowledge with or without help or guidance (Bosch & Laubscher, 2019). In this course, self-directed learning will allow the students to diagnose their learning goals, formulate them, and identify and select material and human resources for teaching and learning. In addition, self-directed learning may be used to choose or implement appropriate teaching and learning strategies and evaluate the potential and expected outcomes (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

In the small group work strategy, the participants are organized in pairs or small groups to achieve teaching and learning goals. The groups work independently of their leaders’ intervention (Bosch & Laubscher, 2019). In this course, small group work can create a classroom inquiry where learners listen to each other and build on each other’s knowledge to draw inferences, challenge ideas, and make conclusions. The groups will also foster listening and communication skills, problem-solving and analytical skills, interpersonal skills, and task-sharing during learning. The students will be able to listen, question, persuade, and respect other people’s opinions.

Subsequently, the project entails a unique and progressive strategy that allows learners to elicit tangible or intangible results. It comprises interrelated tasks planned for execution over a specific period to attain desired outcomes (Bosch & Laubscher, 2019). Lastly, collaborative learning entails an education approach that entails a joint effort by students and their teachers (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

The students may work in groups to identify learning solutions. Like projects, collaborative learning in this course will allow the learners to synthesize information and concepts during learning. The students defend their positions, reframe and articulate ideas, and understand concepts more effectively (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

Communication differs in an online learning environment than in any traditional classroom. First, the learning styles in an online environment favor independent approaches. Online learners use a self-directed approach to achieve their academic goals balancing with other duties/responsibilities (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

Online education strategies promote peer-to-peer communication and instructor-student interactions through technology to make learning effective (Gupta et al., 2022). On the contrary, traditional learning environments offer face-to-face interactions during learning. Secondly, the classroom setting is different. Online teaching and learning offer students flexible time and place to learn, allowing them to learn in the most convenient environments (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).

However, traditional classes occur in specific places and times based on the teacher’s preferences or expertise. Technology is the main strategy for adjusting to online learning. For instance, embracing technology such as Google Meet and Zoom will help adjust to online learning strategies. As such, online students should have basic computer literacy skills, while teachers should incorporate necessary resources and instruct their students on how to utilize them to promote online teaching and learning (Online Communication-Nursing Paper Examples).


Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. (2019). Cooperative learning as a strategy for self-directed learning in blended-distance learning environments: A systematic literature review. Student support toward self-directed learning in open and distributed environments, 1-25.

Burns, M. (2016). Designing Effective Online Courses: 10 Considerations. Retrieved from

Gupta, A. K., Aggarwal, V., Yadav, P. D., Naved, M., Dash, S., & Chandwani, T. (2022, April). Effectiveness of technological-based classroom engagement. In 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM) (pp. 887-893). IEEE.