Nutritional Analysis Project
1. Record your food intake for 24 hours using an App of your choice (myPlate). Include macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Submit the information as a second attachment to the analysis paper or put the information within the analysis paper. The app information might show, as a table or graph displaying details about the food.
2. Analysis Essay – APA format
– 3 page written paper about the foods you ate.
– 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins.
– Using the concepts you have learned already
– Compare your food intake with RDA values,
– Discuss the food from the macro and micronutrients. – Include references at the end of the paper.
– Is your diet adequate? Why Yes or No?
– Is your diet moderate? Why Yes or No?
– Is your diet balanced? Why Yes or No?
– Is your diet nutrient dense? Why Yes or No?
– Is your diet varied? Why Yes or No?
-What influences your appetite and food choices?
-Are there cultural influences over your food choices?
-Are you a good role model to others in your family for a nutritional eating?
-What recommendations for change would you give to yourself, if you were your own patient?
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– Begin your paper with an introduction paragraph.
– Day of food log: What were you doing? Where were you?
– End your paper with a conclusion paragraph.
– What did you learn about yourself with this nutritional analysis?
– What plans do you have to improve your nutritional status?
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