IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example
The field of psychiatry has theories and models that psychiatric mental health care nurse practitioners use to establish behaviors and ultimately craft necessary interventions. Among these interventions is interpersonal therapy (ITP). A study conducted by Van Schaik et al. ( 2007) demonstrated that in primary carry practice, IPT for depressed geriatrics is better than standard care provided the practitioners have room monetary challenges are addressed. (IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)

Mufson et al. (2018) noted that about 10% of all teenagers would experience a major depressive episode during their adolescence, with 6 out of 10 of these victims not receiving any services or appropriate treatment. Considering that the untreated individuals amongst this [population risk having recurrent episodes and other forms of adverse consequences, there is a salient need for the PMHNP of the the2020s to incorporate ITP in one’s clinical practice. The psychiatrist nurse practitioner must appreciate that most psychosocial theories trace their development in theoreticians’ personal experiences and not empirical research. The interventions arising are premised on models and not evidence-based theories (Pehlivan & Guner, 2016). Be that as it may, the psychiatrist practitioner can forestall the long-term effects of depression among affected individuals can be decreased if evidence-based therapies like ITP are incorporated in clinical practice through practical application. The professional mental health care provider incorporates ITP into clinical practice by helping the patient achieve the goals of ITP by helping the patient communicate better with other people and resolve the challenges that contribute to the client’s depression.(IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)
Besides, the senior population, another population that would best be served by ITP therapy in adolescents and young adults. Yator et al. (2020) opine that using ITP would lower the incidence of suicidal behavior, other related mental health disorders, and poor physical health.(IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)

van Schaik, D. J., van Marwijk, H. W., Beekman, A. T., de Haan, M., & van Dyck, R. (2007). Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for late-life depression in general practice: uptake and satisfaction (Links to an external site.) by patients, therapists and physicians.?BMC family practice,?8, 52. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2296-8-52
Mufson, L., Rynn, M., Yanes-Lukin, P., Choo, T. H., Soren, K., Stewart, E., & Wall, M. (2018). Stepped care interpersonal psychotherapy treatment for depressed adolescents: A pilot study in pediatric clinics. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 45(3), 417-431.(IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)
Pehlivan, T., & Güner, P. (2016). The Use of Theories in Psychiatric Nursing-II. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi, 7(2).(IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)
Yator, O., Khasakhala, L. I., John-Stewart, G., & Kumar, M. (2020). Acceptability and feasibility of group interpersonal therapy (IPT-G) for depressed HIV+ postpartum adolescents delivered by community health workers: a protocol paper. Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry, 11, 1179557320951222.(IPT for depressed geriatrics comprehensive nursing paper example)