Importance of doctorate nursing degree
Discussion Board for Week 1:
1. After reading Moran et al. (2020) chapters 1 to 3 reflect on and Discuss why nursing leaders encouraged the development of the practice doctorate nursing degree. (Related to MO 2)
2. After reading Moran et al. (2020) chapter 3, give a minimum of 2 examples of scholarship as it relates to the practice doctorate nursing degree. (Related to MO 1,4)
3. Explain the relevance of the DNP scholarly project to nursing clinical practice. (Related to MO 1,2,3, 4)
4. Now that you have explained the relevance of the DNP scholarly project to nursing clinical practice, begin to think about what you want to improve in your clinical setting. In next module”s discussion board, you will be asked to identify what you want to improve in your clinical setting. In preparation for the next module, list here in response to this #4, one or two potential problems that you are considering for your DNP project.
Discussion should show evidence of having read the textbook and other assigned sources. Comments should not be isolated or disjointed. Communication skills such as good listening are evident in well thought out discussions. Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the material assigned . Ideally, there is a willingness to test new ideas rather than offer only cautious or ‘safe’ comments. Students may interact with other class members by asking questions or challenging conclusions.
Solution:Importance of doctorate nursing degree
Nursing leaders encouraged the development of the practice doctorate nursing degree for several reasons, driven by the evolving healthcare landscape and the need for highly skilled and specialized nursing professionals. Here are some key reasons behind this push:
- Advancement of Nursing Practice: Nursing leaders recognized that the healthcare industry was becoming more complex, with an increasing demand for advanced practice nurses who could take on expanded roles and responsibilities. The practice doctorate in nursing (Doctor of Nursing Practice or DNP) was designed to bridge the gap between the traditional master’s level preparation and the research-focused doctorate (Ph.D.). It enables nurses to attain a higher level of clinical expertise, leadership skills, and evidence-based practice knowledge.
- Patient-Centered Care: The DNP degree emphasizes evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and the application of research findings in clinical settings. By encouraging the development of DNP programs, nursing leaders sought to improve patient outcomes and the overall quality of healthcare. DNP-prepared nurses are equipped to make data-driven decisions that positively impact patient care.
- Leadership Development: Nursing leaders recognized that the nursing profession needed leaders who could drive change, lead interprofessional teams, and influence healthcare policy. The DNP curriculum incorporates leadership and management skills, preparing nurses to take on administrative roles and influence healthcare organizations positively.
- Closing the Gap in Nursing Education: Historically, nursing has been one of the few healthcare professions without a clear and standardized terminal degree for clinical practice. By introducing the DNP, nursing leaders aimed to elevate the profession’s educational standards and align them with other healthcare disciplines. This further legitimizes the advanced practice nurse’s role and contributions to healthcare delivery.
- Meeting Workforce Demands: As the healthcare system faced increasing challenges due to an aging population, chronic diseases, and a shortage of healthcare providers, nursing leaders recognized the need to produce highly skilled nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse midwives to meet the demands of an evolving healthcare workforce.
- Research Translation: While the Ph.D. in nursing focuses on research and academia, the DNP emphasizes translating research into practice. Nursing leaders recognized that the practical application of research findings was crucial for improving patient care and outcomes.
- Advocating for Autonomy: Nursing leaders believed that empowering nurses with advanced degrees and specialized training would allow them to work more autonomously, collaborate with other healthcare professionals as equals, and contribute to the development of evidence-based policies that positively impact patient care.
Overall, nursing leaders saw the development of the practice doctorate nursing degree as a means to elevate the nursing profession, improve patient care, and address the challenges facing the healthcare system. The DNP degree has since gained recognition and popularity, and it continues to play a vital role in shaping the future of nursing practice
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Moran et al. (2020) discussed in detail the reasons why nursing leaders tend to encourage the development of the practice of doctorate nursing degree. The authors assert that nurse leaders are encouraging nurses to consider pursuing a doctorate nursing degree because the industry is challenging and demands new skills and knowledge to improve service delivery.
The healthcare industry is dynamic, and there is the possibility that new diseases and infections are likely to be experienced, demanding that improving the knowledge and skills through education would assist in addressing such challenges. Secondly, nurses get the opportunity to learn new ideas and develop problem-solving skills that are critical in addressing the high and ever-increasing cost of care (Moran et al., 2020).
Learning under a Doctorate nursing degree prepares the nurses in healthcare to improve health system performance, resulting in patients receiving more quality services. The education programs also prepare the nurses to collaborate more in the workplace, working with other professionals for quality care.
There are a number of scholarship available that relates to the practice doctorate nursing degree, two examples of these scholarship in practicing the doctorate nursing degree include the following- Clinical scholarship and analytical methods for evidence-based practice: Creates guidelines for putting research findings into practice, drawing on translational and implementation science findings. Improves health by applying research findings and using evidence to inform practice-based knowledge development (Moran et al., 2020).
Health is improved, practice is influenced, and health systems are transformed as a result of research translation and the use of evidence. Creates ground-breaking medical inventions, recommendations, and new service offerings. Aids in or leads the conduct of systematic reviews, which summarize research findings and recommend treatments for pressing clinical problems.
Organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking: Funding for innovations in practice is secured through competitive means. Develops and assesses strategies for enhancing quality. Manages the process of creating, analyzing, and improving clinical practice models to improve health care delivery.
Relevance of the DNP scholarly project to nursing clinical practice
There is a high relevance in the DNP scholarly project in the clinical nursing practice because it makes it possible that the currently existing problems and needed are identified through the adoption of evidence-based search strategies and the significant appraisal of the literature (Kesten et al., 2021). The DNP project is also relevant because it improves patient quality of life and its outcome .
Future Improvement in my Clinical Setting. The potential problems include:
· The focus is on improving the nurses’ services to guarantee patient empathy.
· The determination of handling side effects of medicine to patients.
Kesten, K., Moran, K., Beebe, S. L., Conrad, D., Burson, R., Corrigan, C., Manderscheid, A., & Pohl, E. (2021). Practice scholarship engagement as reported by nurses holding a Doctor of Nursing practice degree. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34(2), 298-309.
Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice project (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Discussion Board:
A. Share an example of evidence-based practice from your work setting. B & C. Describe how qualitative and quantitative research results can be used to solve practice problems. This is known as translational research.
Refer back to last module’s discussion board item #4 in which you identified one or two potential problems that you are considering for your DNP Project. As we move into the building blocks for evidence, try to think about what you want to improve through your DNP project. A. State the problem that you are considering for your DNP project. B. Find a peer-reviewed quantitative research article that addresses this problem. C & D.
State the type of research design and the associated level of evidence in the article. E. What critical appraisal questions did you use to critique this article from Melnyk Chapter 5? Please list both the question and the answer to each question. (Use the questions that match the research design in the article). F. How can you use this evidence from your chosen article to solve your clinical problem?
1. A. Share an example of evidence-based practice from your work setting. B & C. Describe how qualitative and quantitative research results can be used to solve practice problems. This is known as translational research.
For us as nurses, our delivery of safe, high-quality, patient-centered care is dependent upon our good understanding of evidence-based practice, and how to apply it successfully (Schmidt & Brown, 2022). Evidence-based practice examples from my work setting involves using the previous records in the hospital facility about hospitalization and conducting research where evidence about the issue is used for intervention for better health services to reduce hospitalization cases.
Qualitative and quantitative research are critical in providing significant scientific evidence that is well-balanced and illuminated for the purpose of better findings that are unique in the process of supporting evidence-based care.
Mixed research is more valuable because it makes it possible to get detailed information about the target research, like interviewing the participants using open-ended questions and structure some of the questions to serve a quantitative approach giving about the measurable outcome that influences a significant decision.
2A. State the problem that you are considering for your DNP project.
The one problem that I consider significant in the DNP project is obtaining approval for the area of interest in the research, especially when targeting to source data from healthcare facilities and other sensitive areas that need a significant explanation and emphasis to get the opportunity.
Healthcare facilities are keen on making sure that patients’ data are secured from possible exposure from a researcher that failed to follow the provided guideline. Due to the risks associated with the hospital, getting approvals is challenging for the research.
B. Find a peer-reviewed quantitative research article that addresses this problem. According to Savander et al. (2021), patients might fail to secure their data during an interview or follow-up survey and might share sensitive data that the researcher might expose. The article explains the role that healthcare organizations play in ensuring that participants, including their families, are given consent to be aware of the research being conducted to protect the interest of both parties.
C&D. Research design used in the study is quantitative research and a quasi-experimental design (Savander et al. (2021). The ultimate goal of using a quasi-experimental quantitative research design, helps with attempting to establish a cause-effect relationship from one variable to another.
E. What does this research mean for clinical practice?
The research means that there is the need for all researchers to follow the protocol of getting approvals before any research to get a credible outcome and protect the participants for future involvement in other research activities.
F. How can you use this evidence from your chosen article to solve your clinical problem? The hospital ensures that the process of getting approval is long, and the researcher has to share the intention of conducting the study and also get an opportunity to understand the procedure and guidelines to follow on using the data and giving the consent to the participants. The researcher also has to share their plan for securing the data and give assurance that they understand the consequences of the violation.
Savander, E. È, Hintikka, J., Wuolio, M., & Peräkylä, A. (2021). The patients’ practises disclosing subjective experiences in the psychiatric intake interview. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 605760.
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2022). Evidence-based practice for nurses (Fifth edition ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Siedlecki, S. (2020). Quasi-experimental research designs. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 34(5), 198-202.
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