Health Promotion in minority population

Health Promotion in minority population Essay-Solution

Rubric Criteria

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Identification and Description of Selected Minority Group

20 points

Health Disparities and Nutritional Challenges for Minority Group

30 points

Barriers to Health for Minority Group

30 points

Health Promotion Activities Practiced by Minority Group

20 points

Three Levels of Health Promotion Prevention

30 points

Cultural Competent Health Promotion for Ethnic Minority Population

30 points

Thesis, Position, or Purpose

10 points

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

10 points


10 points

Mechanics of Writing

4 points


6 points

Rubric Criteria

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Identification and Description of Selected Minority Group

20 points

Health Disparities and Nutritional Challenges for Minority Group

30 points

Barriers to Health for Minority Group

30 points

Health Promotion Activities Practiced by Minority Group

20 points

Three Levels of Health Promotion Prevention

30 points

Cultural Competent Health Promotion for Ethnic Minority Population

30 points

Thesis, Position, or Purpose

10 points

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

10 points


10 points

Mechanics of Writing

4 points


6 points

Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:

  1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
  2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
  3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
  4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
  5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)
  6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Health Promotion in minority population Essay

Healthcare promotion is instrumental for the physical and psychosocial well-being of a nation. The United States is multicultural, and diverse citizens are likely to encounter healthcare disparity and cultural incompetence. Notably, cultural diversity, socioeconomic and level of education factors affect the healthcare outcomes of distinct ethnic groups. The U. S. is a home for diverse ethnic groups ranging from African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Pacific Islanders to Native Hawaiians at risk of all social and healthcare disparities. (Health Promotion in minority population Essay)As such, healthcare professionals should portray a higher level of cultural competence while devising healthcare plans for individual patients to promote quality care and patient satisfaction. This paper elucidates the current healthcare status of African Americans (Blacks), how race and ethnicity affect their health, healthcare disparities, and nutritional challenges. The essay will also describe barriers to health care among Blacks, healthcare promotion often practiced, and the cultural practices and beliefs healthcare professionals should consider while devising a care plan.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Description of African Americans and their Health Status

According to the US Census Bureau (2021), African Americans are the second largest minority group after Hispanics contributing about 13.6% of the United States total population. The Bureau further projected that the life expectancy for Blacks at birth averaged about 77 years (79.8 years for women and 74 years for men) as of 2020. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) claims that Blacks live longer, with the death rate declining by 25% for individuals aged 65 years and above(Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example). Despite the increased life expectancy, young Blacks still succumb to conditions prevalent in older White populations. The statistics imply that diseases start early and progress fast to cause early deaths.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Healthcare Disparities and Nutritional Challenges

Black Americans are socially disadvantaged populations continuously encountering preventable differences in opportunities to access quality healthcare. Maxwell and Carratalla (2020) claim that the leading death causes among African Americans are chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer. For instance, Black Americans experience the highest mortality rate for cancers than any other ethnic group. Also, 13.8% of Black Americans have fair or poor health outcomes compared to 8.3% among non-Hispanic Whites. Eighty percent of Black American women are obese or overweight compared to 64.8% of non-Hispanics. Maxwell and Carratalla (2020) further claim that 10.6% of Black Americans were uninsured compared to 5.9% of non-Hispanic Whites in 2017. Only 89.4% of Black Americans had health coverage compared to 93.7 % of White Americans. However, Black Americans (8.7%) sought mental health services compared to non-Hispanic White Adults (18.6%) in 2018).(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Subsequently, socioeconomic status has played a major role in the nutritional status among African Americans. The US Census Bureau (2021) claimed that the poverty rate among African Americans was about 19.5%, which elicited an inability to afford basic human needs such as healthy food and clean water. Thus, most African Americans can only afford excess sugar and fats, inadequate fiber and vitamin intake, and lack of balance diet and clean water leading to nutritional deficiencies.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Socioeconomic, Sociopolitical, Education and Cultural Barriers to Healthcare

African Americans come from poor socioeconomic backgrounds, reside in low-income households, and face financial constraints to seek healthcare and engage in healthy lifestyles. For instance, African Americans are likely to portray poor health-seeking behavior and do not visit healthcare facilities for frequent medical check-ups unless when they fall ill(Health Promotion in minority population Essay). Poor socio-political representation of the minority African Americans leads to poor resource distribution to build education infrastructure and implement policies that promote equal educational opportunities for minority groups, hindering access to knowledge. Limited education opportunities lead to low employment status among African Americans, hindering access to quality healthcare and healthy foods. Cultural differences elicit health disparities among African Americans. For instance, African Americans have biased attitudes and beliefs toward modern and western medicine (Shepherd et al., 2018). For this reason, most Black Americans seek ineffective traditional care. Cultural incompetence among healthcare professionals reduces African American patients’ satisfaction leading to health disparities.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Health Promotion by African Americans(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and overweight/obesity concerns are the major health risks among African Americans. Therefore, regular medical examinations to promote early detection and lifestyle modification should be vital in health promotion. Besides the healthcare sector and the government, non-government institutions and faith-based organizations participate in health affairs. (Health Promotion in minority population Essay)For instance, churches provide education and screening programs for lifestyle disorders. Churches collaborate with healthcare institutions to sensitize minority groups on adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Health promotion programs encourage African Americans to acknowledge cultural differences and restore faith in modern medicine. The healthcare sector within the African American population has provided education and incentives for healthcare professionals to be culturally competent to address the needs of African-Americans while offering patient-centered. The digital sector has created television programs to educate and encourage African Americans to live healthy lifestyles. The digital era has also allowed African Americans to access a wide variety of information on good health-seeking behavior, healthy eating, and physical fitness that promote healthy well-being.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example)

Suitable Healthcare promotion Strategies for African Americans

Primary and secondary healthcare promotion is the most effective strategy for African Americans. As mentioned, African Americans are affected by chronic conditions such as cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes (Maxwell & Carratalla, 2020). Most of the mentioned conditions are lifestyle disorders that can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy eating and physical fitness. For instance, inadequate physical activity raises the risks of developing obesity and linked cardiovascular conditions(Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example). A poor diet promotes nutritional disorders that can be prevented through healthy eating. On the side, secondary prevention promotes frequent screening and medical examination for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment before the diseases cause irreversible and detrimental effects on the patients. Secondary prevention is also important for African Americans as most are unlikely to prevent various developing diseases due to cultural disparities attributed to financial constraints, socioeconomic inequality, and limited access to quality healthcare.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Cultural Consideration Prior Devising care for African Americans

Healthcare professionals should consider their patients’ cultural backgrounds before devising care plans. Of importance, providers should consider the cultural practices and beliefs of African Americans before creating care plans as they influence the patient’s compliance with the set health care plans. Comprehensive care plans should be patient-centered to improve the healthcare outcome of minority groups in society. First, healthcare providers should consider the patient’s religious beliefs concerning modern medication. The providers should consider the patient’s beliefs and myths about certain clinical procedures and therapies (Graves Jr et al., 2017). Healthcare professionals should be able to communicate effectively across different cultures and address personal patient experiences from cultural differences that may have subjected patients to trauma and fear to build trust and confidence among the patients.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example)

Notably, Leininger’s cultural care theory is the most appropriate care model that supports culturally competent care for African Americans. The model aims to offer congruent, culturally competent care by supporting, enabling, and facilitating decisions/acts tailored to fit the patient’s cultural beliefs, values, and lifestyles (Wehbe-Alamah, 2018). The care model aims to improve healthcare outcomes and fit patients with similar or different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the theory emphasizes that healthcare professionals understand patients’ cultural values and beliefs to incorporate them into their care plans.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)


In summary, African Americans encounter immense challenges in the United States, with healthcare being one of the major concerns. Despite the high prevalence of chronic conditions among African Americans, the population encounters multiple healthcare barriers ranging from low income, low literacy levels, and limited access to healthcare facilities.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example) Cultural disparities between African Americans and healthcare providers significantly limit access to and provision of quality care. However, adequate healthcare promotion through health education has played a vital role in remedying the situation. Primary and secondary levels of health care promotion prevent diseases while promoting early diagnosis and treatment, respectively. Cultural competence among healthcare providers promotes congruent, culturally competent care.(Health Promotion in minority population Essay)

Health Promotion in minority population Essay Example


Graves Jr, S. L., Herndon-Sobalvarro, A., Nichols, K., Aston, C., Ryan, A., Blefari, A., … & Prier, D. (2017). Examining the effectiveness of a culturally adapted social-emotional intervention for African American males in an urban setting. School Psychology Quarterly32(1), 62.

Maxwell, C., & Carratala, S. (2020). Health disparities by Race and Ethnicity. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Paradies, Y., Sivasubramaniam, D., Sherwood, J., & Brockie, T. (2018). Racial and cultural minority experiences and perceptions of health care providers in a mid-western region. International journal for equity in health17(1), 1-10.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). African American Health. Retrieved from

US Census Bureau. (2021, December 31). Population Estimates. Retrieved from

Wehbe-Alamah, H. B. (2018). Leininger’s culture care diversity and universality theory: Classic and new contributions. Annual Review of Nursing Research37(1), 1-23.


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