Reflective Journal-Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice-Nursing Paper Examples

The purpose of this reflective journal essay is to present unique viewpoints on this DNP course. It shares challenges experienced throughout the course, knowledge and skills. In addition, competencies gained, and strategies adopted to meet the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN). Furthermore, essentials foundational in the Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice. Consequently, through the numerous course activities, the scholar had an opportunity to develop these basic competencies that align with the AACN essentials.

Reflection (Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice)

The following essentials were met throughout the course:

Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice

The DNP course was challenging but offered opportunities to improve knowledge and abilities in key DNP areas. Furthermore, all weekly activities required in-depth research evaluation and synthesis, aligning with the first essential (DNP Nursing Solutions, 2019). The course demanded significant involvement, particularly in finishing the weekly assignments corresponding to the scientific foundations of practice (Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice).

Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice
Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice

This student developed an understanding of the scientific underpinnings of healthcare technologies. More so, necessary to develop technological interventions to improve patient outcomes. Consequently, this understanding came from identifying healthcare technologies and associated issues affecting patients, conducting a literature search and evaluation of the technologies, and developing recommendations to improve the technologies.

Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking

The main goal of scholarly inquiry is to affect change by gaining a deeper understanding of a practical issue and creating novel methods of approaching problems to resolve them for more preferable outcomes. The nursing scholar is expected to spot quality improvement opportunities in healthcare technology, acknowledge the value of technology and how it affects patient care, and suggest ways to improve that particular technology (Garritano & Stec, 2019). Through weekly assignments, discussions, and readings, this course offers tools and resources that promote the identification of healthcare innovations and their practical use.

The learner developed abilities and competencies needed to accelerate, facilitate, and promote technological advances at the systems level. The course blends collaborative leadership with systems insights essential for quality improvement and system thinking to produce effective action and solutions in difficult situations and enable systems change. Additionally, effective communication abilities are required for collaborative leadership to design quality improvement projects that will increase patient quality and safety. Despite experiencing multiple barriers, the nurse scholar bolstered professional readiness, especially in supporting technological changes and advancements.

Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care

Safe, effective, patient-focused treatment is centered on technology. This course has allowed an in-depth evaluation of healthcare technologies and indicated the importance of using information and patient care technology to enhance practice leadership and clinical decision-making. A DNP is at the vanguard of healthcare delivery with the ability to participate in technological innovation, assess the suitability of healthcare customer data, and take part in the ensuing legal and ethical challenges that arise (Barr et al., 2021) (Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice).

The student has gained meaningful insights into healthcare technology and developed core competencies in technology adoption and utilization to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. The nurse scholar has gained more confidence in selecting the appropriate technology for various patients. Additionally, the scholar has acquired assessment skills to analyze and recommend areas of improvement in healthcare technologies (Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice).


This reflective journal aimed to provide personal experiences with the DNP course and the methods used to meet the course’s goals and acquire the core skills following the AACN’s fundamentals. Despite the many difficulties encountered throughout the course, this nurse scholar completed the I, II, and IV fundamentals. The skills acquired will help boost future careers and clinicians’ ability to provide the best care (Doctoral for Advanced Nursing Practice).


Barr, T. L., Malloch, K., Ackerman, M. H., Raderstorf, T., & Melnyk, B. M. (2021). A blueprint for nursing innovation centers. Nursing Outlook69(6), 969–981.

DNP Nursing Solutions. (2019). The essentials of the DNP program.

Garritano, N., & Stec, M. (2019). Leveraging Technology to Enhance Doctor of Nursing Practice Student Health Policy Engagement. Nurse educator44(4), 192–196.