Discussion Question 2-Providing High-Quality Care and Administering the Best Available Practices-Nursing Essay Examples

Providing high-quality care and administering the best available practices are the primary goals for healthcare delivery. Thus, EBP remain vital for a BSN-prepared RN to translate evidence or research into clinical practice. Consequently, as the gold standard to offer patient-centered and safe health services. Through evidence-based practice, nurses use acquired knowledge to make informed clinical judgments and decisions concerning patient care.

EBP practice also allows nurses and other healthcare professionals to incorporate scientific and proven medical practices to improve patient care. Healthcare professionals also use EBP as a trusted source to explain treatment decisions and anticipated outcomes. Thus, improving care transparency with patients and their families/caregivers.

Providing High-Quality Care and Administering the Best Available Practices
EBP practice

One of the suitable ways I will continue to integrate evidence in practice is by using scientifically proven information. Moreover, to make clinical decisions and devise treatment care plans. In this case, I will evidence-based information to identify the most appropriate intervention for my patients depending on their needs. I will select and apply proven patient-centered interventions to address my patient’s needs and improve their health outcomes.

Secondly, I promote quality initiative projects to improve the quality of care. The quality initiative process will entail identifying problems, potential evidence-based interventions, and implementation strategies, just like my EBP project on implementing evidence-based care bundles to prevent and manage HAIs (Rahmayant et al., 2020). Also, promoting continued professional development through staff training will help to promote EBP within working environments (Providing High-Quality Care).

However, challenges such as lack of staff or organizational support, failure to understand EBP and its significance, and lack of resources hinder the plan’s implementation. One of the main strategies to obtain staff and organizational support is education and creating awareness about EBP and its significance. Thus, the staff and the organization will support the plan after understanding EPB and its importance in improving care quality and patient satisfaction. Creating a strategic implementation plan will be advantageous in obtaining the organization’s required financial resources. Continued professional development will ensure that the staff is knowledgeable about new care practices they can integrate into their practice to improve patient outcomes.


Rahmayanti, E. I., Kadar, K. S., & Saleh, A. (2020). Readiness, barriers and potential strength of nursing in implementing evidence-based practice. International Journal of Caring Sciences13(2), 1203-1211. http://www.internationaljournalofcaringsciences.org/docs/44_1_rahmayanti_original_13_2.pdf