Capstone PowerPoint Summary-Nursing Paper Examples

Capstone PowerPoint Summary

My capstone evidence-based change project PowerPoint presentation was on implementing an evidence-based care bundle to prevent and manage CAUTIs among hospitalized patients with indwelling catheters. The presentation featured the project’s aims to foster change through EBP to improve care quality and patient safety. The proposed evidence-based intervention will promote adherence to infection control and sterile principles. In addition, standard processes, supplies, and procedures during catheter care, reduce unnecessary catheterizations/and reduce catheterization duration (Capstone PowerPoint Summary).

Moreover, that poses risks to CAUTIs while educating and training nurses and other healthcare professionals. The presentation also highlighted a strategic plan to implement the proposed and listed resources, such as human resources, equipment/supplies, and the finances required to implement the project. Lastly, an evaluation remain discussed. It was essential to determine whether the evidence-based bundle intervention achieved the anticipated measurable outcomes, such as increased care quality and patient safety.

Capstone PowerPoint Summary
Implemention of an Evidence-Based Care Bundle to prevent and manage CAUTIs

The presentation addressed crucial issues instrumental to implementing change to improve healthcare facility quality. The stakeholders crucial for the implementation of the project remain also included, and their roles defined. The strategic plan provided is also vital to guide the stakeholders in implementing the project, while the evaluation plan will determine the effectiveness of the project (Capstone PowerPoint Summary).

The proposed intervention (evidence-based care bundle) was well-researched based on the literature provided. Thus, intervention is appropriate for preventing and managing CAUTIs among patients with indwelling catheters. One of the main questions that arose was based resources required to implement the project. An example of the question that arose was, “What is your estimated budget to implement the project?” Another question was, “What strategies are necessary to sustain the change?”

My evidence-based change promotes interprofessional collaboration since it affects interdisciplinary healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals should follow the proposed evidence-based care interventions while offering care to patients with indwelling catheters. Secondly, the presentation was presented to a team of interdisciplinary healthcare providers who provided their input concerning the project (Capstone PowerPoint Summary).

The experience has improved my skills, knowledge, and competency in promoting change to improve care quality and patient safety. In the future, I will use evidence-based practice to identify appropriate intervention strategies for my patients and make clinical judgments and decisions that affect healthcare delivery (Connor et al., 2022). Thus, fact-based and scientifically proven nursing practice will improve health outcomes (Capstone PowerPoint Summary).


Connor, J., Flenady, T., Massey, D., & Dwyer, T. (2022). Clinical judgment in nursing – An evolutionary concept analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing

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