This professional capstone and practicum reflective journal examine the topics of New practice approaches, Interprofessional collaboration, Health care delivery and clinical systems, Ethical considerations in health care, Practices of culturally sensitive care, Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients, Population health concerns, The role of technology in improving health care outcomes, Health policy, Leadership and economic models, and Health disparities.
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.
This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries (professional capstone and practicum gcu) should address one or more of the areas stated below. In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.
- New practice approaches
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Health care delivery and clinical systems
- Ethical considerations in health care
- Practices of culturally sensitive care
- Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
- Population health concerns
- The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
- Health policy
- Leadership and economic models
- Health disparities
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. professional capstone and practicum reflective journal week 2
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Leadership and economic models
I successfully completed the week, and I gained insights into leadership and economic models. In a clinical setting, all nurses are leaders. Clinical leadership and leadership at the bedside are vital for patient care. I have learned that nurse leadership is not only linked to executive management and formal leadership roles but can also be developed in care rooms and at the bedside. This leadership focuses on healthcare teams and patients instead of formal leadership positions. Leadership in nursing is a professional attribute, and all nurses are leaders in patient care. My encounter with patients called for leadership skills to support and provide direct care. The ability to work effectively with healthcare teams is also a leadership attribute. Effective nurse leadership enables the delivery of high-quality care and ensures patient safety while performing other leadership roles. There is an emphasis on cooperation between nurses for the new health care era.(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
Leadership also involves promoting high-quality and affordable care. Nurses play a pivotal role in health economic modelling. Economic modelling in healthcare is a crucial tool for authorities, experts, and staff to support their decisions on healthcare resource utilization. Cost reduction is part of the healthcare reform, and nurses must use their knowledge and experience to provide a synthesis that anticipates and predicts the impact and cost of a healthcare intervention. I have learned that economic modelling relates to the cost-effectiveness of a clinical process or intervention. The costs are assessed together with the intervention’s health benefits. The economic model should also focus on the intervention’s use of resources. I have learned that this modelling can dictate a patient’s entire treatment path.

Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Interprofessional Collaboration (capstone journal example)
Interprofessional collaboration involves health professionals from varying professions working together towards a common goal. Nurses are integral in enabling and utilizing effective communication modes to collaborate with practitioners from other disciplines.
I have gained the know(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)ledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to work in a collaborative environment throughout the week. It was an opportunity to apply elements of interprofessional collaboration like accountability, responsibility, coordination, effective communication, assertiveness, and mutual trust and respect. I have experienced and shared knowledge and skills with other professionals.(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
Interprofessional collaboration requires the input of varying personalities, talents, and capabilities to improve patient outcomes. It allows various professionals to learn from each other and make collective decisions in solving clinical issues (Müller et al., 2018). I have gained crucial competencies such as value and ethics, team-based practice, collaborative roles and responsibilities, and interprofessional communication for collaborative practice. The skills mix increases the effectiveness and efficiency of care delivery.(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
Müller, C. A., Fleischmann, N., Cavazzini, C., Heim, S., Seide, S., Geister, C., … & Hummers, E. (2018). Interprofessional collaboration in nursing homes (interprof): development and piloting of measures to improve interprofessional collaboration and communication: a qualitative multicentre study. BMC family practice, 19(1), 1-11.
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
The past week presented multiple learning opportunities and several challenges vital in my professional development. It was another week of learning about clinical ethics associated with integrity and human dignity. Human dignity is a crucial concept in clinical practice, and it follows all biomedical ethics principles. Every human being should maintain human dignity because humans have a unique nature. God dignified human beings, giving them an intrinsic value. The innate value is invested in individuals because of being human despite their economic, social, and cultural statuses.
I have encountered many patients throughout the week, some wealthy and others struggling finically and from different cultures. Nurses are expected to treat everyone equally. I have learned that simple acts like asking questions politely, closing a curtain, and involving patients in decision-making entail maintaining human dignity. Other simple acts I identified include ensuring hygiene while handling patients, addressing them properly, and letting them choose the clothing of their liking. Recognizing human dignity and observing integrity helps nurses and patients work together towards a common goal.(professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
Many patients, especially the hospitalized, experience self-worth and esteem issues. Various factors threaten a patient dignity, such as the inability to perform activities of daily living, feeling worthless and meaningless, lack of support from family and friends, and future uncertainty. I also learned that compromising a patient’s privacy and autonomy decreases their dignity. Preserving integrity and dignity are at the heart of patient care and are the most significant ethical requirements for nurses. Ensuring integrity and human dignity creates a pleasant feeling among patients and peace of mind. It facilitates effective communication between healthcare staff and patients.
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Population Health Concerns
The healthcare environment is changing every day with increasing health care needs and population health concerns. In the past week, I have interacted with multiple patients, and I could categorize health risk factors that contribute to illnesses. Many patients are diagnosed with health conditions associated with food safety, alcohol-related harms, tobacco use, heart disease and stroke, lack of physical activity, obesity, healthcare-associated infections, and drug prescription. Many patient encounters reveal a lack of accountability on the patient side and the healthcare system side. The trend is worrying, and it shows that the government and public health organizations are failing to educate the community on healthy living. (professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
Many patients are ill not because of their fragile bodies but because of unhealthy lifestyles such as unhealthy diets, excessive alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. Some patients’ have grown weak, rigid, and tire quickly due to a lack of physical activities, including frequent exercises. Conditions of osteoporosis and varicose veins are prevalent due to a lack of physical exercise to strengthen bones and reduce fat accumulation in blood vessels. Many people seem unaware of the risks associated with their lifestyles. They are uneducated, and they end spending too much money on preventable and controllable health problems. If the trend continues, the healthcare system will be in a crisis in the decade to come. (professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
I learned that a collaboration between the patients and the healthcare providers is critical to the patient’s recovery and improved health outcomes. It shows that focusing on prevention rather than disease treatment can help ensure healthy communities and reduce healthcare costs. Moving from disease-focused care to wellness and prevention is more urgent than ever.
Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
In my time in the clinical setting, many experiences qualify as life-changing and critical for my individual and professional development. There were good and bad experiences, and all of them were learning opportunities, with each instance changing the course my career development has taken (professional capstone and practicum reflective journal)
I have undergone the most transformative experiences in the last nine weeks, critical for any practice involvement that would come later in my career. I have had practical experiences to apply my theoretical knowledge and develop new knowledge and skills to adjust my previous practice. I moved from being a student to a professional healthcare worker, expanding my knowledge and understanding of various concepts like new practice approaches, health policy, and healthcare challenges that require nurses’ input to reduce their adverse impact on populations.
Before commencing my clinical, I had inadequacies in priority setting, time management, managing multiple patients, nursing pharmacology, nurse thinking, and clinical reasoning. These weaknesses were highly attributed to a lack of sufficient clinical experience in various clinical settings, but during this clinical and towards the end, I have become a much better nurse with substantial experience in clinical practice. My socializing ability was vital throughout my clinical, and it is the primary reason I have completed many tasks successfully and taken advantage of learning opportunities.
Professional capstone and practicum reflective journal week 4
Professional capstone and practicum reflective journal
I worked in a team and gained interprofessional collaborative skills and competencies. I have learned that communication is the primary element of interprofessional collaboration and coordination, which are critical to enhancing provider productivity, quality of care, and patient safety. The healthcare environment is changing, posing more challenges and concerns.
During my clinical and interaction with patients and staff, I discovered ethical issues, population health concerns, cultural issues, inconsistencies in health care delivery, leadership gaps, and health disparities that affect the effectiveness of the healthcare organization. Diet-related illnesses contribute to the majority of diagnoses at the hospital, and the problem is only growing with the lack of adequate prevention and wellness interventions. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, varicose veins, and hyperlipidemia are causing mayhem, and the healthcare system and staff should focus on reform to implement countermeasures like healthy lifestyle education and therapy to prevent illnesses and promote wellness.
There are still issues with culturally sensitive care as America becomes ever more diverse, calling for nurses to engage in continuing education to reinforce their cultural knowledge. During my encounter with patients, I identified some causes of health disparities, including poverty, environmental threats, geographical distance, mental health, physical disability, gender, inadequate access to healthcare, and behavioral factors. Although the gap in racialized health disparities is shrinking, people of color still struggle to access quality healthcare in the United States.
Professional capstone and practicum reflective journal health policy
During this time, I have become more appreciative of the roles of technology in healthcare. I have interacted with electronic health records, patient engagement tools, medical imaging information systems, clinical decision support, and other medical devices.
Healthcare IT enables efficient sharing and analysis of health information. I have learned that technology increases nurses’ and other providers’ capabilities and patient engagement while enhancing the quality of life.
One primary transformative experience was working with patients at the bedside and realizing that they depend on me for their well-being. It is a disturbing experience to realize that a person’s life is in your hand, but I have grown as a leader at the bedside. I have positively influenced the health outcomes of my patients by engaging in the completion of patient care and the provision of safe patient care.
I have learned that all nurses have informal leadership roles not associated with any given position. Another vital leadership role for all nurses is assessing a patient’s health needs and deciding the most beneficial and cost-effective treatment modality.
Health care spending affects a patient’s well-being and health outcomes, and nurses need to ensure cost-effective care while assessing the health implications of an intervention. I have interacted with different types of patients and realized that nurses have a role to play in advocating for their patient’s needs as a basic matter of promoting human dignity. Nurses should work to ensure equality in health care and maintain integrity in all circumstances. Patients appreciate honesty and would only share information with trustworthy nurses. Generally, the experience was immense, and I have gained vital knowledge, skills, and competencies critical for my individual and professional development.
This professional capstone and practicum reflective journal examines the topics of New practice approaches, Interprofessional collaboration, Health care delivery and clinical systems, Ethical considerations in health care, Practices of culturally sensitive care, Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients, Population health concerns, The role of technology in improving health care outcomes, Health policy, Leadership and economic models, and Health disparities