Health Assessment of the Toddler, Preschool, And School-Aged Child 2

Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult. In addition to describing the similar/different aspects of the physical assessment, explain how the nurse would offer instruction during the assessment, how communication would be adapted to offer explanations, and what strategies the nurse would use to encourage engagement.

Health Assessment of the Toddler, Preschool, And School-Aged Child 2-Sample Solution

Health Assessment of the Toddler, Preschool, and School-Aged Child

The physical examination evaluates anatomic and objective findings using observation, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Subsequently, this information is integrated into the patient’s pathophysiology and history. Nurses perform different physical examinations such as lung function tests, heart rate, chest measurements, and checking the temperature of adults and children. The nurses should introduce themselves to adult patients and pediatrics before beginning the physical examination. The introduction helps to build rapport and trust between the healthcare providers and the patients. The nurses should also describe the procedures they are performing and their importance to adults and children beforehand to make them prepared and comfortable.(Toddler Health Assessment Essay-Sample)

However, physical examination between adults and pediatrics has dissimilarities. First, when collecting subjective data for pediatrics, the nurses can seek the required health information from the patient’s caregiver since the child to provide the data compared to an adult. Therefore, caregivers should assist school-aged children who can provide the information partially. Secondly, the nurses should allow the child to play during the physical examination to reduce the tension and make the child comfortable (Inan & Inal, 2019). In this case, the nurse creates a friendly environment that eases the process by changing how the child perceives the situation.(Toddler Health Assessment Essay-Sample)

Moreover, the nurses should be honest with the child. For instance, the nurse should calmly alert the child of a pain-inducing process. With this, the nurse will build trust to foster positive child-nurse relationships. Positive relationships facilitate cooperation and allow the nurse to learn about the child’s healthcare needs (Sheehan & Fealy, 2020). Therefore, the nurses will address the identified needs for improved health outcomes.(Toddler Health Assessment Essay-Sample)

Consequently, the nurse should use simple language to communicate with the child. The nurse should use repetitions, gestures when necessary and age-appropriate language to ensure the patient fully understands the instructions (Gormley & Fager, 2021). Using a reassuring and calm tone creates a friendly environment and fosters trust with the child during the process. The nurse should also give the child time to speak and listen attentively to encourage communication. Allowing the child to communicate reduces tension and encourages the child to participate in the process. For instance, the nurse can encourage the patients’ engagement by asking about the child’s interests and hobbies.(Toddler Health Assessment Essay-Sample)

Toddler Health Assessment Essay-Sample


Gormley, J., & Fager, S. K. (2021). Personalization of Patient-Provider Communication Across the Lifespan. Topics in language disorders41(3), 249.

Inan, G., & Inal, S. (2019). The impact of 3 different distraction techniques on children’s pain and anxiety levels during venipuncture. The Clinical journal of pain35(2), 140-147.

Sheehan, R., & Fealy, G. (2020). Trust in the nurse: Findings from a survey of hospitalized children. Journal of clinical nursing29(21-22), 4289-4299.

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