Topic 1 DQ1-Barriers and Facilitators in Childhood Obesity-Related Communication-Nursing Paper Examples

Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples

Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples
Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples

The selected article is Serban et al. (2021). The article seeks to identify barriers and facilitators in childhood obesity-related communication from the healthcare professionals’ perspectives. The article included 15 doctors and 3 dieticians (16 females and 2 males) who treated overweight children in the study. Moreover, Participants remain identified via a public registry of 242 family doctors and 54 pediatricians. A formal list of pediatricians remain unavailable; the researchers invited and selected those from their professional contacts (Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples).

Also, all participants were recruited in Timisoara, Western Romania. Consequently, this type of sampling is convenient, a non-probability method that selects participants based on how easy they are to access. Interviewing professionals in their contact lists appears convenient and the easiest way to obtain participants. Convenience can be based on geographical proximity, time schedules, and willingness to participate (Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples).

Research projects in qualitative and medical fields frequently employ convenience sampling. In medical research, convenience sampling entails choosing clinical cases or volunteers who are accessible nearby (such as at a hospital) or from a database of medical information (Stratton, 2021). Convenience sampling remains often employed in qualitative research in the social sciences and education, where it is practical to use pre-existing groups, such as students (Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples).

This approach remain suitable when the researcher wishes to gain a sense of people’s views and opinions, conduct a test pilot for their survey, or develop ideas that can be investigated more thoroughly in subsequent studies. Convenience sampling, however, has the potential to introduce a variety of study biases, including sample bias and selection bias. This method also limits external validity and the variety in the sample, limiting the result’s generalizability (Childhood Obesity-Nursing Paper Examples).

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Serban, C. L., Putnoky, S., Ek, A., Eli, K., Nowicka, P., & Chirita-Emandi, A. (2021). Making childhood obesity a priority: A qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ perspectives on facilitating communication and improving treatment. Frontiers in Public Health9 Stratton, S. (2021). Population Research: Convenience Sampling Strategies. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine,36(4), 373-374.

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