15+ Asthma Essay Topics & Research Questions + Best Asthma Research Article Examples

This article covers over 15 best asthma essay topics, feel free to go through the entire list and pick a topic that is best suited for you. You will also find exemplar asthma essays in the article.

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Asthma is a long-term inflammatory illness of the respiratory system. Repeated bouts of suffocation that vary in intensity and length signal the disease. Tiny bronchial spasms, thickening of bronchial mucous membranes, and subsequent coughs and shortness of breath mark the start of an episode.(asthma essay topics)




Regardless of the knowledge that bronchial asthma has been well-known to medicine for a while, significant advancements weren’t accomplished until the second part of the 20th century. First, a link between asthma episodes and the release of specific compounds linked to allergens into the blood was discovered, allowing asthma to be classified with the category of allergic illnesses. Second, it is now clear that inflammation plays a major role in the progression of the illness.


It is not entirely known what causes asthma in the first place. Genetic predisposition, inhaled chemicals, and environmental particles that might aggravate the airways or cause allergic responses are the main risk factors for developing asthma. Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, as well as beta-blockers used to treat hypertension, heart disease, and migraines, can all cause asthma.(asthma essay topics)

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There are two categories of medications used to treat asthma: first, symptomatic or ambulance treatments that instantly ease bronchospasm. Second, basic treatment medications like glucocorticoids used for long-term prevention of acute asthma.(asthma essay topics)

15+ Asthma Essay Topics & Research Questions + Best Asthma Research Article Examples

Asthma Essay Topics

  1. The Effects of Asthma on Human Wellbeing
  2. Managing Asthma: Techniques & Approaches
  3. The relationship between the environment and asthma
  4. The Contribution of Genetics to Asthma Development
  5. Understanding Asthma Symptoms(asthma essay topics)
  6. The Financial Cost of Asthma
  7. The Connection Between Allergies and Asthma
  8. Exploring the Various Asthma Types
  9. The Development of Asthma Therapy
  10. The future of research and treatment for asthma

Asthma Research Questions

  1. What are the best methods of controlling asthma symptoms?
  2. Does the prevalence of asthma and air pollution correlate?(asthma essay topics)
  3. How is the chance of having asthma influenced by socioeconomic status?
  4. Can the effects of asthma on people and communities be lessened by early intervention and education?
  5. How can knowledge of the genetic causes of asthma be applied to better diagnose patients and administer treatments?
  6. How does the intensity and frequency of asthma symptoms change with obesity levels?
  7. What part do allergens play in the development of asthma and its symptoms?
  8. What impact does climate change have on the prevalence and seriousness of asthma?
  9. Can a change in lifestyle or surroundings help to avoid asthma?(asthma essay topics)
  10. What impact does the gut bacteria have in the onset and treatment of asthma?

Best Asthma Research Article Examples

The chief complaint that this fifteen-year-old patient is complaining of is shortness of breath and nonproductive nocturnal cough. (asthma essay topics)

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Medication is a priority in the treatment of your asthma. Research indicates that those with higher adherence have better outcomes…

Scenario 3: 11-year-old boy complains of wheezing and difficulty “getting enough air.”

This study addresses the risk factors for adult-onset asthma, including cigarette smoking, atopy, and obesity. 

History of Present Illness (HPI): 17-year-old female presents to clinic with c/o cough and nasal congestion. 

Scenario 3: 11-year-old boy complains of wheezing and difficulty “getting enough air.” 

Related FAQs

1. What are 3 interesting facts about asthma?

The majority of American adults who are African-American have asthma. Adult females are more likely to have asthma than adult males. Approximately 9.8% of adult females and 6.1% of adult males have asthma. It is the most prevalent chronic illness among kids.(asthma essay topics)

2. Why is it important to research about asthma?

15+ Asthma Essay Topics & Research Questions + Best Asthma Research Article Examples
15+ Asthma Essay Topics & Research Questions + Best Asthma Research Article Examples

Inflammation of the airways that deliver air to the lungs is what causes asthma. There are many other triggers, such as illnesses or allergies. For a greater knowledge of the disorder, its treatment, and the manner in which people manage it on a daily basis, research is essential.(asthma essay topics)

3. What are 5 things that trigger asthma?

Breathing in cold, dry air; exercising; using some medications; unfavorable weather, such as thunderstorms or excessive humidity; Moreover, some foods, food additives, and scents might cause an asthma attack.

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4. What is the rarest form of asthma?

A uncommon kind of asthma is eosinophilic asthma. It mainly strikes adults and is frequently severe. Even at large dosages, the primary asthma medication, inhaled corticosteroids, has little to no impact on the condition.(asthma essay topics)


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