Week 6: Art Creation & Reflection –Photography/Cinema-Nursing Essay Samples

Cubism was a style of painting pioneered by Pablo Picasso in the early 20th century (Podoksik & Charles, 2019). The technique indicates a transformation of the traditional painting styles, depicting realistic objects’ perspectives based on a single viewpoint. Cubist artists superimpose different facets of an object to achieve a two-dimensional design, emphasizing the realistic nature of the artwork.

Lian and Zhang (2020) observe that the painting technique focuses on portraying the whole structure of an object to enhance its realistic expression without utilizing diverse perspectives, such as graded shading. The artists allow space between piercing figures and objects to blend the background into the foreground, resulting in a clear view of objects from all angles (Lian & Zhang, 2020) (Art Creation & Reflection).

Inspiration Piece

Title: The Cup of Coffee

Artist: Pablo Picasso

Year: 1913

Place of origin: Spanish

Art Creation & Reflection
Adopted from Picasso (1913).

Picasso painted the cup of coffee using collage, charcoal, and white chalk on green paper. The artist created the painting by allowing the silhouette of the rectangular instrument to rise on the left side, resulting in a shadow that blurs the real and fake edges of the coffee cup (Picasso, 1913). Besides, shading under the white coffee cup also creates the perception of high relief. The painting’s landscape consists of yellow colors depicting various portions of the coffee cup. The artist achieved cubism in the coffee cup painting by creating spaces between the objects to form geometric shapes while depicting a flat surface of the objects in the painting.

My Art Piece

Title: Cubist Drawing of Coffee Cup


The piece of art consists of different views of a two-dimensional coffee cup. The different angles of the cup mirror each other on a single plane with flat surfaces. Spaces are created along mirror-like planes to produce geometrically perfect shapes. Parts of the cups that are not visible when illuminated by light are painted black, while the reflection is painted with fake reflections, either dotted or stripped.


The two pieces of art depict two-dimensional structures with flat surfaces, which is the central theme of cubism. Cubist artists like Pablo Picasso employed cubism in art to achieve expressions of flatness and two-dimensional views by reassembling abstracted forms into distinct planes (Podoksik & Charles, 2019). The technique enhanced the illusion of depth based on the dynamic merging of the foreground and background angles of the object.

Besides, similarity in the art is depicted by the spaces between the objects, which result in the creation of perfect geometric shapes. These spaces highlight the fake edges of the objects in the portraits. However, the paintings differ based on the medium and colors used in producing them. Picasso utilized yellow colors to highlight the background of the coffee cup painting. Picasso used collage, charcoal, and white chalk on paper on green (Podoksik & Charles, 2019). On the other hand, I used dark colors to portray the fake edges of the cup and a white background for the objects. I only used paper and pencil to paint the coffee cup (Art Creation & Reflection).


Lian, G., & Zhang, K. (2020). Transformation of portraits to Picasso’s cubism style. The Visual Computer36(4), 799-807. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-019-01661-2

Picasso, P. (1913). The Coffee Cup. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, USA. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/784846

Podoksik, A. & Charles, V. (2019). The Ultimate Book on Picasso. United Kingdom: Parkstone International. ISBN: 9781783105014

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