Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example

Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example

            Bipolar depression treatment continues to change from initial sedative medications produced several side effects to today’s mood stabilizers like valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine and lithium. Gatlin (2018) notes that as first line treatments, mood stabilizers targets to improve social interactions, moods, and behaviors to treat and prevent bipolar mood states that oscillate between loss of depression and highs of mania. Among the elderly population the preferred mood stabilizers include Lamotrigine due to its minimal side effects. Others are like citalopram and sertraline as they have the lowest potential for drug-drug interaction (Katz et al, 2017). (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example
Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example 1

            Topiramate whose brand name is Topamax is a drug prescribed for bipolar disorder. Psychiatrists also use it to treat epilepsy in both pediatric and adult patients together with other anticonvulsants. As a long term medication, Topimarate may cause cognition problems like slow thought, confusion and loss of appetite amongst others. According to Hirsch (2018)  some of the mood stabilizers recommended by pediatric and adolescent psychiatry are like Amphetamine XR or ER , dexmethylphenidate and methylphenidate for various psychiatric disorders among them ADHD. (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

            Due to the limited scope of this discussion, the last of the medications to be discussed herein is gabapentin, an anticonvulsant medication used to treat pain and seizures. Berlin et al., (2015) note that , Gabapentin with its most common brand name Neurontin  is regarded as off- brand drug used to treat anxiety disorders. Among its most notable side effects, unusual eye movements, double vision, loss of coordination and drowsiness and their persistence or worsening should have the patient promptly inform the physician or pharmacist. (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

  1. Discuss gabapentin. What is it used for (in psychiatry)?
  2.  This discussion include any associated monitoring, testing, or major side effects.
Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example
Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example


Berlin, R. K., Butler, P. M., & Perloff, M. D. (2015). Gabapentin therapy in psychiatric disorders. The primary care companion for CNS disorders.(Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Gitlin, M. J. (2018). Antidepressants in bipolar depression: an enduring controversy. International journal of bipolar disorders6(1), 1-7. (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Hirsch, G. S. (2018). Dosing and Monitoring: Children and Adolescents. Psychopharmacology bulletin48(2), 34. (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Katz, T. C., Georgakas, J., Motyl, C., Quayle, W., & Forester, B. P. (2017). Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in the Elderly. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry4(1), 13-32. (Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example)

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Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example
Use of Conventional Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Comprehensive nursing paper example 2