The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example
- Demonstrate an understanding of various psychotherapy theoretical concepts, frameworks, and modalities for the treatment and management of individuals, groups, and families across the lifespan with acute, complex, and chronic psychiatric mental health disorders, including a focus on vulnerable populations at risk for mental health issues, and considerations of cultural, socio-economic, legal and ethical factors affect those seeking treatment.
The counseling and psychotherapy courses presented students with crucial psychotherapeutic modalities. Throughout the course, the students identified the different modalities appropriate for other clinical conditions and individuals. Besides, the students were exposed to various mental health conditions and their influences on an individual’s physical, social, and cognitive functions. The students were taken through various legal, ethical, economic, and social factors influencing treatment interventions. (The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)

- Exhibit knowledge of acute, complex, and chronic psychiatric mental health disorders related to criteria of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders to diagnose and manage individuals, groups, and families across the life span and the formation of a differential diagnosis to establish treatment planning for care with particular emphasis on matching specific psychotherapy modalities that correlate to specific psychiatric mental health diagnosis for best outcomes based on evidence-based research data and findings.
The APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders has been a crucial resource for students in this course. Students have acquired the most relevant and available criteria for diagnosis and treatment of various levels of mental health sicknesses in individuals, groups, and their families through the material. The APA DSM-5 aided students’ understanding of various mental health illnesses and their differential diagnoses, including specifics signs and symptoms that can guide certain diagnoses and not the other (APA, 2013). The course has improved my clinical understanding of mental health illnesses, prognoses, and the appropriate therapy modality for each condition through the clinical journal.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
- Analyze evidence-based therapeutic models of interview techniques to obtain a full history and assessment for use in developing a differential diagnosis and develop a therapeutic relationship with patient-centered care for individuals, groups, and families across the life span with acute, complex, and chronic psychiatric mental health disorders.
The course has improved students’ interview techniques appropriate for evaluating EBP therapeutic models. Allen & Becker (2019) highlight the significance of clinical interviewing as an exchange between clinician and patient to gather information crucial or diagnosis and treatment intervention. In this regard, the course has equipped students with adequate interviewing skills necessary for obtaining subjective and objective data from patients during clinical assessments. Other readings, including Corey (2017), Shea (2017), and APA (2013), have aided students’ understanding of contemporary interviewing techniques.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
- Evaluate the PMHNP role in screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment with psychotherapy modalities in psychiatric mental health care across the lifespan while including health promotion, advocacy, healthcare policy, and placement within the continuum of care.
The course provided students with crucial understanding and knowledge on clinical theories and concepts essential for psychotherapeutic practice. The students have learned the various approaches to the psychotherapeutic procedures, including incorporating various treatment interventions such as counseling, pharmacology, and psychotherapy in treatment management throughout the care continuum.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
- Identify core professional values and ethical/legal standards into the practice of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner role in relation to patient safety, quality indicators, and outcome improvement in delivering quality psychiatric mental health care to patients.
Various course materials exposed the students to different legal and ethical standards, and professional values relating to PMHNP’s role in sustaining patient safety and quality care delivery exposed the students to multiple roles in clinical settings. For instance, an adequate understanding of different mental health prognoses and EBP interventions have proven crucial in enhancing students’ understanding of their roles as PMHNP, particularly in contributing to improved healthcare quality. (The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.
The materials presented in this course have aided the students’ theoretical and practical understanding of therapy modality concepts, mental health diagnosis, and treatment interventions. Besides, the course materials have aided the students’ in-depth knowledge of clinical interviewing techniques crucial for mental health diagnosis and management of various levels of cognitive impairment. Equally, professional values, ethics, and legal provisions would also be vital in discharging appropriate mental health care in clinical settings.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)

Allen, D. N., & Becker, M. L. (2019). Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, United States. Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Academic Press, ISBN 9780128022030, 307-336. (The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Association Publishing.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
Corey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)
Shea, S. (2017). Psychiatric interviewing: The art of understanding (3rd ed.). Elsevier.(The counseling and psychotherapy course Reflection-comprehensive nursing paper example)