The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
The review of the Analyze phase from pages 67-106 in “The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL: Combining the Best of Both Worlds Together to Eliminate Waste!” By Ptacek et al. (2011) includes a summary of the chapter, its critique, and its application.(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma methodology constitutes measures taken in finding and validating the root causes of the problems within a business while ensuring that the improvement option is focused on the causes and not the effects of the problem (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). The chapter details the deliverables used to verify the key inputs and outputs variables connected to the project’s objectives. These deliverables include Pareto and pie charts, brainstorming, impact maps, and employee balance charts. Ptacek and Motwani (2011) observe that these tools are utilized across the Analyze phase stages, including value analysis, process cycle efficiency, process flow, data collection, and formulation of theories.(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The chapter establishes a foundation for exploring the Six Sigma methodology. Its purpose is to aid project teams in identifying problems and their causes within a production process. Its audiences include students, tutors, the organization’s management, and its employees. Notably, the chapter’s authors utilized their vast experience in lean production strategies and Six Sigma methodology to provide readable, detailed views and industry-bound literature. Their exploration of this phase of the Six Sigma methodology is more comprehensive and detailed than what Setiadi (2020) presented. Their presentation is concise and devoid of typo errors, making it suitable for learning. Moreover, they utilized diagrams, graphs, and tables to illustrate various concepts, making it easy for the audience to grasp and understand. For example, they developed a fishbone diagram representing the bones’ primary processes resulting from delayed hospital admission (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011).(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Additionally, the chapters describe every tool used during the phase, its benefits, and the procedures for constructing them. For example, the authors describe a radar chart, its construction procedure, and benefits like the visual representation of the before and after measurements in one view. Also, the chapters provide relevant and generalizable information. The employee balance chart in a current state shows process activities that failed to meet a takt time of 14 minutes and a future state indicating improvements that should be implemented (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). Patel and Desai (2018) observe that the balance chart applies to industries like manufacturing and mining and in different regions worldwide. Despite providing detailed information on the Analyze phase, the authors do not incorporate the roles of top management and important stakeholders in approving the findings and progression to the next phase.(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
I can apply the chapter readings on the Analyze Phase of Six Sigma methodology in the health industry to determine hospital admissions due to flu. I can use the demand analysis plot to determine patient demands based on their transactions and preferences over a given period of a hospital’s operations (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). For instance, flu plummets in America between December to February, meaning that admissions would be higher during that period. In this case, the demand analysis plot would be beneficial in quantifying patient demands and ensuring their satisfaction, enabling the country to adequately schedule necessary resources to meet the demand and reduce service delays during peak outbreaks (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). However, applying such a method to analyze a problem may be challenging due to unpredictable natural phenomena. For example, seasonal changes may lead to demand fluctuation, rendering the analysis unreliable. Also, its time consuming and requiring extensive data collection, organization, and coordination to produce generalizable results.(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Patel, M., & Desai, D. A. (2018). Critical review and analysis of measuring the success of Six Sigma implementation in manufacturing sector. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example).
Ptacek, R., & Motwani, J. (2011). The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL: Combining the Best of Both Worlds Together to Eliminate Waste! Chelsea, MI: MCS Media, Inc. ISBN: 978-1450766340(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Setiadi R. (2020). Making sense of lean six sigma process improvement. Melbourne: Robert Setiadi, ISBN: 9780648963608(The Analyze Phase of the Six Sigma Methodology Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)