Operating Room Personnel and the Consequences of Surgical Smoke Exposure During Surgery

surgical smoke exposure essay sample


You are not doing a research study but gathering research that is already published so that you can answer your question.

You are in this task submitting a search report.

  1. Identify an issue or situation from practice or in healthcare that requires an evidence-informed approach.                                                                                  ( Operating Room Personnel and the Consequences of Surgical Smoke Exposure During Surgery)
  2. Explain why this issue is important for a registered nurse to understand, drawing on the literature to support your argument.
  3. Develop a searchable question using an appropriate framework. Depending on the type of question you are asking (ie qualitative or quantitative), you may choose to use PICO, PEO, PICo, or any other framework you may have found that works for you.  Remember to reference the framework and explain it briefly (all components identified), to demonstrate your understanding and why you have chosen it.        Identify the elements of the question formula in your clinical question.
  4. Design a search strategy, including database choice, key terms, and Boolean operators to link these (tables may be used for this section.                                         In this section you should describe your search in detail, to demonstrate that you have made a comprehensive effort to find the best available evidence to answer your question.  The description should be sufficient that your reader could replicate it and come up with similar results.                                                           You should include:the databases you chose to search, and why you made this choice (referencing is needed to justify this). the keywords or terms you used, the synonyms you included, and how you combined these to form your searches (some explanation of Booleans and their effects is needed here).                                          The results of your search, including number of articles identified in each database.   You may use tables rather than essay-style text to set this information out clearly.
  5. Use this strategy to carry out your search, and identify four research articles that address your question, choosing these from the highest possible evidence sources with reference to an appropriate hierarchy.
  6. Provide full citations for the four articles you have identified.  You do not need to describe or evaluate these articles, or attempt to answer your question using them, as this will be done in the final assessment task.Appropriate articles to use.Please note that you MUST use research papers for this assignment, and for assessment task 3.  General discussion papers, CPE (continuing professional education) papers, and clinical guidelines, although very useful in normal professional practice, are NOT appropriate for this assessment task.Look for:

    Primary research:  articles describing a single study, written by the researchers themselves.  These articles will explain how the study was carried out and the results of that study.

    Secondary research:  systematic reviews, with or without meta-analysis or meta-synthesis, which bring together several studies to provide a bigger picture and, depending on the rigor of the review, stronger evidence.

  7. Include a screenshot of the search history from your database searches as an appendix to your report.                                                                                                HARVARD REFERENCING Format       
  8.  PLEASE NOTE:  This assessment task is about your search for evidence.  You are NOT being asked to answer your question or write an essay about your topic.

You will use this evidence, and the feedback from this assessment task, to inform and underpin the final assessment task, your research presentation.

Operating Room Personnel and the Consequences of Surgical Smoke Exposure During Surgery-Example solution

(Surgical smoke exposure )Operating room personnel are at risk of exposure to surgical smoke during surgical procedures. Surgical smoke is the byproduct of tissue cauterization or vaporization using electrosurgical devices, lasers, or ultrasonic scalpels. This smoke contains hazardous substances such as chemicals, blood fragments, and cellular debris, which can pose health risks to those exposed.(surgical smoke exposure )

The consequences of surgical smoke exposure can vary depending on the duration and intensity of exposure, as well as individual susceptibility. Here are some potential risks associated with surgical smoke exposure:

  1. Respiratory Issues: Inhaling surgical smoke can irritate the respiratory system and cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and sore throat. Prolonged exposure may lead to more severe respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma exacerbation, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  2. Eye and Mucous Membrane Irritation: Surgical smoke can cause irritation and redness of the eyes, as well as irritation of the nasal passages, sinuses, and throat. This can lead to discomfort, difficulty breathing, and increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.
  3. Carcinogenic Risks: Surgical smoke contains numerous hazardous substances, including carcinogens such as benzene, formaldehyde, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Prolonged exposure to these substances may increase the risk of developing cancer, particularly in the respiratory and reproductive systems.(surgical smoke exposure)
  4. Transmission of Infectious Agents: Surgical smoke may contain viable bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms, potentially exposing healthcare workers to infectious diseases. While the risk of transmission is generally low, it is essential to take appropriate precautions to minimize the risk of infection.

To mitigate the risks associated with surgical smoke exposure, healthcare facilities should implement appropriate measures, including:

  1. Local Exhaust Ventilation: Using smoke evacuation systems at the surgical site can help remove surgical smoke directly at the source, reducing its dispersion in the operating room.(surgical smoke exposure )
  2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Healthcare personnel should wear appropriate PPE, including masks, goggles, or face shields, to minimize inhalation or contact with surgical smoke.
  3. Room Ventilation: Maintaining a well-ventilated operating room with adequate air exchange can help reduce the concentration of surgical smoke in the environment.
  4. Education and Training: Providing comprehensive education and training to healthcare workers about the risks of surgical smoke exposure and the appropriate preventive measures is crucial.
  5. Policies and Guidelines: Healthcare facilities should establish clear policies and guidelines regarding surgical smoke evacuation and protection of operating room personnel.

surgical smoke exposure essay sample

By implementing these measures, healthcare facilities can help minimize the potential health risks associated with surgical smoke exposure and ensure a safer working environment for operating room personnel.(surgical smoke exposure )




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