Daubert (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples)
The case study data set was analyzed using the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45) and Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-3). These tools satisfy the Daubert standards established for forensic psychologists to aid in developing and presenting expert evidence. The standards require assessment tools to be peer-reviewed, widely accepted among the scientific community, constitute a tested theory, and have a known error rate. In this case, the effectiveness of the SA-45 tool has been peer-reviewed by many researchers, including Fernández-Sogorb et al. (2022) (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).

Similarly, the SASSI-3 is also a reliable tool with a tested accuracy of 94% in identifying individuals with a high risk of substance abuse. It also incorporates computer formats for data storage and analysis and can be administered easily. It has undergone peer review by several researchers, including Gray et al. (2021), who confirmed its effectiveness by evaluating its reliability and validity among northern plains American Indians. The SA-45 and SASSI-3 are widely used across the scientific community since they constitute systematic observations and can produce valid and reliable results that can be reproduced in different settings (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
Interview Information
The interview information indicates that Ms. C exhibited a normal tone and speech, oriented to time and place. The individual complied with the psychosocial requirement by arriving on time and dressing appropriately. The individual had an intact thought process, with anxiousness, that had presented for two weeks. Also, the individual presented no signs of suicide or homicide, including proper cognitive functioning. Additionally, Ms. C does not use any illicit substances currently (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
Notably, the interview information indicates that Ms. C has a low risk of substance dependency but has problems with substance use, which is a crucial step in determining drug use abstinence. The SASSI-3 (DEF, T=68 & OAT, T= 81) indicates that Ms. C is highly defensive of substance use and is not ready to acknowledge it as a problem. The individual has an isolated substance use problem; hence relapse prevention strategies focusing on recognizing the substance use problem can result in positive outcomes for the individual (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
Collateral Information
The collateral information indicates that Ms. C was previously treated for depression without consistent medication management. The individual was also convicted of a drug offense and is currently engaged in a 2-week drug offender class owing to a misdemeanor theft probation. Ms. C also has a history of domestic violence, occasionally fighting with her current husband. The individual’s parents were alcohol users and suffered from occasional depression during childhood (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
A history of violence, child abuse, and neglect does not run in their family, despite being abused verbally and assaulted by the ex-husband. The study indicates that Ms. C has reformed with a limited risk of violence or neglect of the child. Engel et al. (2022) observe that previous offenders who comply with the probation requirements have a reduced risk of recidivism (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
However, the history of parental alcoholism and depression, including sexual assault, are likely to affect Ms. C’s threat control levels when stressed. Sheffler et al. (2019) argue that individuals may not effectively control stress and pressure caused by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) when coping strategies are weak. The SASSI-3 scores (FVA, T=55) indicate a high risk that Ms. C has a substance use disorder (SUD). Potential SUDs and ACEs can affect parental decision-making, increasing the risk of neglect and child abuse, such as exposing the child to substance use (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
The individual exhibits isolated substance use problems. Hence regular follow-ups should be made to prevent relapse and as cautionary measures. Stohs et al. (2019) assert that regular follow-ups and monitoring are crucial in eliminating cravings for substance use and strengthening coping skills. Additionally, the individual’s mental health and stress coping mechanisms should be assessed regularly due to the history of traumatic experiences (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
Adverse childhood experiences may inhibit an individual’s self-control ability leading to substance use relapse (Sheffler et al., 2019). Regular assessment can help improve coping skills and relieve pressure on the individual when stressed. Therefore, Ms. C has a promising recovery process that should be enhanced with regular interventions and follow-ups. Moreover, to reduce potential risks like neglect or becoming shadow parents (Substance Abuse Potential-Nursing Paper Examples).
Ethical Guidelines
The American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines mandate psychologists and child protection services (CPS) to protect children from any danger or harm in the family environment (Nastasi et al., 2020). In this case, the psychologist’s report must accurately reflect the parental mental condition, including recommendations for benefiting the child and parent. However, they must seek parental consent on issues related to the child, such as major medical operations (Owen et al., 2020). Additionally, psychologists must exhibit competency during the assessment to reduce the potential of false results (Owen et al., 2020). Biased results may indicate that the parent is mentally healthy when they are not, increasing the risk of child neglect and shadow parenthood.
Engel, C., Goerg, S. J., & Traxler, C. (2022). Intensified support for juvenile offenders on probation: Evidence from Germany. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 19(2), 447-490. https://doi.org/10.1111/jels.12311
Fernández-Sogorb, A., Sanmartín, R., Vicent, M., Gonzálvez, C., Ruiz-Esteban, C., & García-Fernández, J. M. (2022). School anxiety profiles in Spanish adolescents and their differences in psychopathological symptoms. Plos one, 17(1), e0262280.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262280
Gray, J. S., Petros, T. V., & Ayala, E. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 with Northern Plains American Indians. Psychological Services, 18(3), 406. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/ser0000413
Nastasi, B. K., Hart, S. N., & Naser, S. C. (Eds.). (2020). International Handbook on child rights and school psychology. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-37119-7
Owen, E. A., Maddux, J. A. & Javier, R. A. (2020). Assessing Trauma in Forensic Contexts. Germany: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 9783030331061
Sheffler, J. L., Piazza, J. R., Quinn, J. M., Sachs-Ericsson, N. J., & Stanley, I. H. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences and coping strategies: Identifying pathways to resiliency in adulthood. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32(5), 594-609. https://doi.org/10.1080/10615806.2019.1638699
Stohs, M. E., Schneekloth, T. D., Geske, J. R., Biernacka, J. M., & Karpyak, V. M. (2019). Alcohol craving predicts relapse after residential addiction treatment. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54(2), 167-172. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agy093