Discussion Essay Assignment Marking Rubric(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Title: ___________ (Assignment Title)

Criteria | Excellent (4) | Good (3) | Satisfactory (2) | Needs Improvement (1) | Unacceptable (0)

  1. Content | Demonstrates a | Presents a | Provides | Lacks clarity | Fails to address | comprehensive | clear and | relevant | and focus, | the assignment | understanding | well- | information | lacks depth | requirements, | of the topic | structured | and analysis | and originality | contains errors, | with original | argument | but lacks | in presenting | or is off-topic. | insights and | supported | depth or | ideas. | | well-supported| by evidence | analysis. | | | arguments. | and examples. | | |

  1. Organization | Presents a | Provides a | Has a clear | The structure is | The essay lacks | well-organized | mostly | organization, | confusing and | a coherent | and logical | coherent | but some | disorganized, | structure, | structure | structure, | areas may lack | making it | making it | with clear | though a | coherence. | difficult to | difficult to | introduction, | few areas | | follow. | follow. | body, and | may need | | | | conclusion. | improvement. | | |

  1. Evidence | Effectively | Utilizes | Provides | Lacks sufficient| Fails to provide & Support | supports the | appropriate | some evidence | evidence and | relevant | main points | evidence | to support the | support to | evidence to | with relevant| to back up | main points but | back up main | back up main | and credible | main points. | may be lacking in | points. | points. | sources. | | credibility. | |

  1. Critical | Demonstrates | Analyzes the | Offers | Shows limited | Fails to Thinking | excellent | information | reasonable | critical | demonstrate | critical | critically | critical | thinking and | critical | thinking | and presents | thinking but | analysis of | thinking | skills, | well-reasoned | lacks depth or | the information | skills or | providing | arguments. | originality. | presented. | analysis. | insightful | | | | | analysis. | | | |(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

  1. Clarity | The writing | Presents | The writing is | The writing is | The writing is | is clear, | ideas with | generally clear | unclear, | confusing, | concise, and | clarity and | but may be | convoluted, and | convoluted, | coherent, | coherence, | wordy or | lacks coherence,| and lacks | with | though | contain some | making it | coherence, | appropriate | occasional | instances of | difficult to | making it | use of | lapses. | wordiness or | follow. | nearly | vocabulary | | lack coherence. | | unreadable. | and grammar. | | | |

  1. Conclusion | Provides a | Summarizes | Offers a brief | The conclusion | Lacks a clear | strong and | the main | conclusion but | is weak or | or coherent | effective | points and | may lack a clear | does not | conclusion, | conclusion | restates the | connection to the | effectively | leaving the | that | thesis. | thesis or main | summarize the | reader unsure | reinforces | | points. | main points. | of the essay’s | the thesis | | | | purpose. | and leaves | | | | | a lasting | | | | | impression. | | | |(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

  1. References | Uses a wide | Cites relevant | Includes some | The references | Fails to include | range of | and credible | relevant sources | are inadequate | proper | credible | sources | but may not | or improperly | references or | sources to | appropriately | fully adhere to | cited, showing | contains | support | throughout | citation | inadequate | plagiarism. | arguments | the essay. | guidelines. | research. | | and ideas. | | | |(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

  1. Overall | A strong, | A well-written | A satisfactory | The essay | An unsatisfactory Impression | compelling, | essay that | essay that | demonstrates | essay that | and | effectively | meets the | significant | fails to meet | exceptional | communicates | basic | weaknesses in | the assignment | essay that | the ideas. | requirements but | various aspects, | requirements, | exceeds | | lacks polish and | making it | lacks clarity, | expectations | | refinement. | unsatisfactory | and is poorly | and | | | | written overall. | demonstrates| | | | | outstanding | | | | | comprehension| | | | | of the topic| | | |(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Note: The weights for each criterion and the overall grading scale (e.g., A, B, C) can be added to the rubric based on the specific requirements of the assignment and the grading policy of the educational institution. The rubric presented here is a general template that can be customized to fit the specific needs of your discussion essay assignment(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)


Write a discussion that includes a brief summary of;

  1. Spinal cord injury(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)
  2. Spinal cord tumors
  3. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  4. Guillain Barre Syndrome
  5. Myasthenia gravis
  6. Restless legs syndrome
  7. Trigeminal neuralgia (Tic douloureux)
  8. Facial paralysis or bell’s palsy

DISCUSSION WK 4-sample solution

Spinal Cord Injury-(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord, leading to temporary or permanent changes in the cord’s normal motor, sensory, or autonomic function (Alizadeh et al., 2019). Patients with spinal cord injury experience permanent devastating neurologic deficits and disability.(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Spinal Cord Tumors

Spinal cord tumors are abnormal tissue masses surrounding or within the spinal cord and/or spinal column (Alizadeh et al., 2019). These tumor cells uncontrollably grow and multiply as they are seemingly unchecked by the mechanisms that control normal cell growth and development.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a rare neurological disease that affects motor neurons (Masrori & Van Damme, 2020). Therefore, this disease affects the spinal cord and the brain cells, which control voluntary muscle movement.

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain barre syndrome is a rare disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks nerves (Shahrizaila et al., 2021). Key symptoms of this disorder include tingling and weakness in feet and hands.(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune, neuromuscular disease leading to skeletal muscle weakness (Dresser et al., 2021). Key risk factors for this disease include fatigue, surgery, stress, and illness or infections.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a condition that leads to an uncontrollable urge to move the legs (Manconi et al., 2021). This condition interferes with the activities of daily living of the affected person.(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux)

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic condition that leads to recurrent episodes of severe facial pain (Weiss & Zamponi, 2022). This condition affects the trigeminal nerve, interfering with the feeling or nerve signaling in many body parts, such as the face and head.

Facial Paralysis or Bell’s Palsy

Facial paralysis is a condition that makes the affected individual unable to move the muscles of the face on one or both sides (Burrows et al., 2021). This condition results from damage to the nerve because of congenital conditions, as well as other trauma or disease such as brain tumors and stroke.(Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay)

Spinal cord injury DiscussionEssay


Alizadeh, A., Dyck, S. M., & Karimi-Abdolrezaee, S. (2019). Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: An Overview of Pathophysiology, Models and Acute Injury Mechanisms. Frontiers in neurology, 10(2), 282-289.

Burrows, A., Bartholomew, T., Rudd, J., & Walker, D. (2021). Sequential Contralateral Facial Nerve Palsies Following COVID-19 Vaccination First and Second Doses. BMJ Case Reports CP, 14(7), 109-115.

Dresser, L., Wlodarski, R., Rezania, K., & Soliven, B. (2021). Myasthenia Gravis: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Manifestations. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(11), 22-35.

Manconi, M., Garcia-Borreguero, D., Schormair, B., Videnovic, A., Berger, K., Ferri, R., & Dauvilliers, Y. (2021). Restless Legs Syndrome. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 7(1), 80-89.

Masrori, P., & Van Damme, P. (2020). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Clinical Review. European Journal of Neurology, 27(10), 1918-1929.

Shahrizaila, N., Lehmann, H. C., & Kuwabara, S. (2021). Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The Lancet397(10280), 1214-1228.

Weiss, N., & Zamponi, G. W. (2022). The Omega of TRPM7 Channels in Trigeminal Neuralgia. Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 474(12), 1213-1215.

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