Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

The first concept reviewed was Clark and Olender’s conceptual model (COCM). COCM was established to help foster civility in nursing academia and practice settings. Clark et al. (2011) argue that COCM illustrates the contribution of faculty and student stress, faculty superiority, student entitlement, work overload, and inadequate knowledge and skills to manage incivility in nursing academia. However, Clark et al. (2011) argue that the conceptual model stressors contribute to incivility in the clinical practice setting since similar factors are experienced in nursing academia and practice.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
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Clark and Olender’s model relates significantly to my workplace’s work environment assessment results. Like in COCM, the staff described instances of high workload as a precursor to burnout. Nurse shortage and insufficient specialists predetermine increased workload, leading to long working hours, consequent fatigue, and lack of motivation among the nursing and subordinate staff. Understanding these factors is central to establishing effective mitigation measures. Clark et al. (2011) revealed that implementing interventions to reduce the stressors, including procedures, policies, education, and self-care programs, is essential for culturing workplace civility. Some of these interventions, such as education and self-care programs, have been partly implemented at my workplace, considering only the nursing staff have mentoring programs and limited growth and development opportunities.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

My workplace can benefit from Clark et al.’s (2011) interventions, including procedures and policies that guide interactions and relationships within the practice setting. For instance, the subordinate, nursing staff, and leaders will equally have a predetermined engagement framework to curb instances of civil actions. Clark et al.’s (2011) results had a high percentage of nursing leaders emphasizing the significance of shared vision and partnership in education and practice. My workplace could further benefit from joint education and practice meetings to establish guidelines to practice, emphasizing civility and teamwork. Consequently, such meetings could result in policies and procedures that focus on civility with measurable outcomes.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The second concept reviewed was the cognitive rehearsal. Cognitive rehearsal is a proven strategy for effective communication and message dissemination to the violent and uncivil individuals in the workplace (Griffin & Clark, 2014). In certain instances, such individuals believe that it is okay to behave uncivilly. While my workplace is relatively civil except for the discriminatory consideration of support staff in mentorship programs, high workload, and limited career development opportunities, cognitive rehearsal could significantly improve workplace interactions and collaborations. Confronting uncivil individuals would be chaotic, and most employees lack the skill to confront such individuals.

Ideally, when members in an organization are prepared, have confidence, and are respectful, they can address incivility. Broome & Marshall (2021) argued that training members of an organization prepare them to handle incivility. Therefore, the organization can use the concept to improve communication among all stakeholders, irrespective of their position. Although the organization promotes freedom of expression of opinions, this concept is not entirely exploited since not every employee is trained on how to handle uncivil situations. Some employees, particularly the nursing and support staff, tend to withhold some information for fear of reprisal, impacting patient care delivery. However, a cognitively aware nurse could handle such a situation by asking polite questions and communicating the significance of sharing practice-related information and its impact on healthcare outcomes.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Cognitive rehearsal would allow nurses and support staff to communicate more openly and respectfully, enhancing interactions, collaboration, and nursing care processes. Cognitive rehearsal could control impulses by addressing uncivil behavior in private (Griffin & Clark, 2014), allowing individuals to memorize thoughts or expressions to help them not act uncivilly. Therefore, cognitive rehearsal will play a significant role in allowing all stakeholders to adopt my workplace’s civil engagement behaviors. This is because it prepares employees to react to threats in the workplace that would trigger impulse actions when facing unprofessional behavior from a colleague.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The last concept reviewed is the impact of employees’ workplace perception of their wellness and work productivity evaluated through absenteeism and presenteeism. Chen et al. (2015) examined this concept observing a positive association between organizational support for a healthy work environment with lower presenteeism with other potential cofounders, including employees’ health and behavior adjusted. Contrarily, Chen et al. (2015) found a negative association between absenteeism with other workplace support frameworks. Although considering employees’ health and risks had a negligible effect on their productivity, enhancing employees’ psychological factors increase the impact on productivity. These findings support the concept that wellness initiatives would improve employees’ presenteeism.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

My organization could benefit from the wellness and self-care initiatives. The results of the workplace assessment revealed less emphasis on employee wellness and self-care adversely affecting the employees’ wellbeing. Broome & Marshall (2021) argue that supporting the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders in an organization promotes an establishment of a resilient workforce characterized by safe settings. In this case, my organization should strive to create an inclusive and equitable environment for all employees and address power inequities associated with uncivil behavior to help eliminate existing and potential workplace incivility and violence among leaders and employees. Such initiative would help the leaders develop a culture of trust and respect among all employees.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Clark and Olender’s conceptual model, cognitive rehearsal, and employees’ workplace perception of their wellness are crucial concepts for workplace civility. My workplace can benefit from Clark et al.’s (2011) interventions, including procedures and policies that guide interactions and relationships within the practice setting. My workplace can also use cognitive rehearsal to allow nurses and support staff to communicate more openly and respectfully, enhancing interactions, collaboration, and nursing care processes. Lastly, my organization can adopt wellness initiatives to improve employees’ presenteeism. In sum, these concepts are crucial in establishing a civil organization.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration41(7/8), 324-330(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing45(12), 535-542.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Chen, L., Hannon, P. A., Laing, S. S., Kohn, M. J., Clark, K., Pritchard, S., & Harris, J. R. (2015). Perceived workplace health support is associated with employee productivity. American Journal of Health Promotion29(3), 139-146.(Reviewing Literature Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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