Response to Palos
Palos, your post is excellent! I want to explore the pros of discontinuing the medications for the sake of the assessment. Teachers strive to ensure that students reflect their potential in tests, including restricting ADHD medications that may enhance students’ performance (Jangmo et al., 2019). In this case, discontinuing the medications will accurately reflect the student’s potential (Response to Palos).
ADHD medications boost students’ performance, resulting in inaccurate results. Besides, Becker and Barkley (2020) observe that it will ensure that students display results consistent with their overall performance throughout the school term. It also helps shun irregularities among students who may opt for the same ADHD medications when they see their counterparts excelling.
This may occur, especially if the student initially recorded improved performance when on the medications compared to when not using them. Therefore, teachers must focus on the ADHD student’s needs, monitor their progress, and provide individualized education programs to help avoid cases of medication discontinuation during tests (Response to Palos).
Becker, S. P. & Barkley, R. A. (2020). ADHD in adolescents: development assessment and treatment. New York: Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781462541836
Jangmo, A., Stålhandske, A., Chang, Z., Chen, Q., Almqvist, C., Feldman, I., … & Larsson, H. (2019). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, school performance, and effect of medication. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 58(4), 423-432.