discussion post 6.5

The main goal of conducting research is to uncover the truth. Think about the issue that you described and consider the following:(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)

  • Describe any assumptions that you may have about what the research-based evidence will reveal to be true.
  • Are you receptive to research findings that do not agree with your assumptions? Please explain.(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)
  • Have you already formed your own conclusions and are you looking for evidence to support your claims? Please explain.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample – Solution

Describe any assumptions that you may have about what the research-based evidence will reveal to be true.

Assumptions are beliefs accepted to be true without proof. As a researcher, I attempt to discover the relationship between variables and believe the existing relationship between the selected variables should be discovered. One of the research issues I have explored is how physical activity (exercise) versus physical inactivity (lack of exercise) affects fall rates and related injuries in long-term care facilities. My assumption for this topic is that physical activity/exercise reduces fall rates and related injuries in long-term care facilities. On the other hand, I assume that lack of exercise or physical inactivity predisposes older people to risks of falls.(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)

Are you receptive to research findings that do not agree with your assumptions? Please explain.

I am receptive to research findings that do not agree with my research findings. Although some research findings may disagree with my assumptions, they are significant as they create a need or gap for more extensive research work to seek more information about them. In this case, I will be driven to dig deep into research to gain more insights about my topic. Being receptive, whether research findings agree or disagree with assumptions, helps healthcare providers to be thorough and proficient in evaluating research findings, thus allowing them to obtain accurate information to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)

Have you already formed your conclusions, and are you looking for evidence to support your claims? Please explain.

I have concluded that evidence-based practice aid in achieving the desired outcomes in any healthcare setting. I have also searched for evidence to support my claims. As such, nurse-led evidence-based interventions are crucial for addressing patient problems based on their needs. Research-based evidence suggests that exercise intervention improves muscle strength, gait, and balance, which are instrumental in preventing falls among older adults (Sun et al., 2021). Exercise improves older patients’ functional levels and reduces dependency while improving their quality of life. On the contrary, physical inactivity leads to a loss of muscular strength, which increases the risk of falls.(Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample)

Research-based evidence assumptions EssaySample



Sun, M., Min, L., Xu, N., Huang, L., & Li, X. (2021). The effect of an exercise intervention on reducing the fall risk in older adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International journal of environmental research and public health18(23), 12562. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8657315/


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