Remote Learning for Visually Impaired Students-Nursing Paper Examples

I. Problem Statement

Remote learning is gradually substituting the traditional learning environment due to technological advancement. Most students are now learning through discussion boards and video conferencing, including performing online assessments. These developments are negatively impacting visually impaired students (VIS).

Philemon and Michael (2021) observe that the students experience challenges like the inaccessibility of adequate braille versions for online instruction materials. Hence, making it challenging for them to learn effectively. Besides, they remain affected by the digital divide, like internet inaccessibility among some students. Hence, forcing them to lag in learning compared to those with proper internet access.

Remote Learning for Visually Impaired Students
Remote Learning for Visually Impaired Students

They also find it challenging to use complex web page designs (Philemon & Michael, 2021). Also, they face attitudinal barriers due to insufficient support in utilizing online classes. Some instructors may not emphasize improving learning among VIS, like supporting them on how to use technical training gadgets. Hence, forcing them to lose morale with their education.

The research problem focuses on learning as a cognitive psychology area. Various theories can apply, such as the information processing theory, which describes the recording, storage. In addition, retrieval of information from the human brain. Johnson (2019)argues that the theory assumes that humans respond to environmental stimuli. Moreover, based on how they capture, process, store, and retrieve the information they receive. It relates to remote learning challenges among VIS since it posits that the inability of students to capture information in online learning impedes their ability to process the information and replicate it during an online assessment.

Also, the social learning theory applies to the problem since it assumes that people learn new behaviors through observation and imitation of others (Akpan & Kennedy, 2020). In this case, VIS may find it challenging to pay attention to other students’ behaviors, retain, reproduce, and get motivated. More so, to emulate the behavior through remote learning since their learning options are limited to hearing only.

Besides, the behavioral learning theory can also be applied to the problem. It assumes that individuals utilize their innate and inherited factors to acquire new behaviors from the environment (Johnson, 2019). In this case, inadequate resources like electricity and the internet for remote learning may result in negative reinforcement. Hence, impeding the student’s morale in learning.

c). The performance issues in the education field include age, which relates to the human cognitive systems. Moreover, in a way that younger VIS must exhibit hard work to enrich their knowledge base. At the same time, adult learners may find it challenging to absorb and retain information. However, can effectively connect new ideas with already assimilated information (Mangal & Mangal, 2019).

Another issue is emotional factors, whereby positive remote learning environments encourage positive emotions for absorbing and retaining information learned. Additionally, learners may find it challenging to tap new concepts and ideas into long-term memory due to mental conditions, reducing the effectiveness of remote learning (Mangal & Mangal, 2019).

d) How can remote learning resources be integrated to improve learning outcomes among visually impaired students?

II. Contemporary Relevance (Remote Learning)

a). The information processing theory can help improve the understanding of human cognitive performance in remote learning. It explains the encoding of information in long-term memory, provides an objective perspective of learning, and makes it easy to explore various issues related to learning (Johnson, 2019).

However, it fails to consider the motivational factors affecting human cognition and assumes serial brain processing, hindering understanding of the problems affecting remote learning among VIS (Johnson, 2019). Consequently, the social learning theory also explains human cognitive performance issues by highlighting the importance of observation, reinforcement, and punishment in influencing individuals’ behaviors (Akpan & Kennedy, 2020).

It is flexible in explaining people’s learning differences and incorporates different learning methods like observation and direct experience. Also, its weaknesses, like failure to account for individual actions and ignorance of ordinary developmental milestones in learning, impede understanding of remote learning challenges among VIS.

Lastly, the behavioral learning theory explains the problem since it can be utilized in highly context-dependent tasks and allows for experimental reproducibility of the results (Johnson, 2019). However, it is ineffective in analytical and comprehensive learning and impedes understanding of the remote learning challenges among the VIS.

b). The information processing theory can be applied in explaining and addressing remote learning challenges among the visually impaired, like bridging the digital divide among students. It assumes that information enters the brain through visual means, whereby individuals filter the information they pay attention to before storing it in their long-term memories (Johnson, 2019). In this case, education instructors can utilize visual aids like braille to increase information assimilation among VIS. 

III. Interpretation of Research Findings

a). Malik and Marwaha (2022) revealed the importance of mental representations, language, and symbolic reasoning in VIS learning. These factors support the research question by highlighting the need for instructors to adopt strategies like braille versions for online instruction to improve students’ perception of their environment.

Besides, a study by Turple (2019) also supports the research question by exploring the significance of information processing theory in integrating remote learning resources for the VIS. It examines the stages of human cognitive processing, which are vital in aligning remote learning resources with the student’s cognitive needs.

Fan et al. (2021) also found that remote learning increases myopia among students. As a result, they suggest ways of accommodating the learning needs of VIS, like engaging in outdoor activities and prover desktop illumination. Finally, Kharade and Peese (2017) also suggest ways of improving learning among VIS. They include adopting web-enhanced instruction and incorporating assistive technology specialists in education programs to improve remote learning features and resolve student problems using online platforms. 

b). The article by Malik and Marwaha (2022) provide evidence-based ways of improving learning outcomes among children with disability, such as increasing instruction time and providing specialized training. It still has gaps in improving mental processes affected by visual impairment. Besides, Turple’s (2019) study comprehensively analyzes visual information processing stages, which is important in integrating remote learning resources for VIS. The study does not suggest ways of improving every stage of information processing.

Additionally, Fan et al. (2021) findings are crucial to improving remote learning since they suggest ways of improving conditions of VIS during increased screen time, such as adequate sleep and desktop illumination. However, the study does not identify the association between screen time and its effects on VIS. Finally, Kharade and Peese’s (2017) findings support remote learning improvement among VI students by providing various ways of resolving e-learning challenges, such as adopting assisted technology specialists in education programs. The study does not identify the training and technical support required to embrace e-learning fully.

IV. Methodological Principles

a). The strategies for improving cognitive processes among the VIS include adopting braille versions supporting online instruction materials. It is also crucial to enhance instructors’ provision of technical support to students in effectively using online resources (Philemon & Michael, 2021). Other strategies include enhancing internet accessibility across remote areas with low network coverage and utilizing simple web designs incorporating the needs of VIS. Instructors should help students identify web designs familiar to their learning needs. 

b). Braille versions supporting the online instruction materials will make it easy for VIS to assimilate information learned, increasing positive student learning outcomes (Philemon & Michael, 2021). Besides, providing technical support will encourage a positive student attitude and increase their experience with remote learning activities. Moreover, increasing internet accessibility will allow timely provision and access to learning resources among instructors and students, enhancing a positive learning environment (Shamas-ul- Zia, Khalid & Malik, 2021). Finally, simple web designs incorporating virtual designs enable the VIS to navigate the website platforms.


The study will provide a different perspective on improving remote learning among VIS. It provides simple and affordable techniques to teach VIS in any setting, like braille versions that align with the instructional materials. Thisexpands on previous studies, like the study by Mwanza, Simalalo, and Simui (2021), which emphasized the importance of internet connectivity and computer gadgets in improving remote learning in the home environment.

Implementing the solutions can also strengthen the findings of Kharade and Peese (2017), which underscore the importance of adopting suitable strategies, like assistive technology specialists, in improving learning outcomes among VIS. The current study’s findings will provide a pathway for improving these strategies, such as increased internet access, allowing students to explore the internet, and identifying online challenges affecting their online experience.


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Fan, Q., Wang, H., Kong, W., Zhang, W., Li, Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). Online Learning-Related Visual Function Impairment During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in public health9, 645971.

Johnson A. P. (2019). Essential Learning theories: applications to authentic teaching situations. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Kharade, K., & Peese, H. (2017). Learning by E-learning for visually impaired students: Opportunities or again marginalization? E-Learning and Digital Media9(4), 439–448.

Malik, F., & Marwaha, R. (2022). Cognitive development. StatPearls [Internet].

Mangal, S. K. & Mangal, S. (2019). Psychology of learning and development (Eastern economy). Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited. ISBN: 9789388028202

Mwanza, E., Simalalo, M. & Simui, F. (2022). Virtual learning for persons with visual impairment: an exploration of learning platform in a home environment from UTH special school in Lusaka, Zambia (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Zambia). European Journal of Education and Pedagogy.Philemon, A. & Michael, N. (2021). Challenges of visually impaired students using virtu