Burnout among nurses continues to threaten quality care and patient satisfaction. It results from long-term interpersonal and emotional stressors in the workplace, majorly predetermined by the workload and working environment. Nurses are high-risk category for work-related stress compared to other healthcare professionals (Farhadi et al., 2021) (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
For instance, nurses are highly stressed from high workloads, lack of shifting and reward, the emotional cost of caring, complex interpersonal relationships, and an increased need for competency in the ever-changing technology (Lin et al., 2019). Adequate research to obtain evidence-based information will also be vital to address the problem. This paper will critically appraise two quantitative and qualitative articles to provide evidence-based literature to address the problem (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
PICOT question: Among nurses (P), how does practicing stress management (I) as compared to not practicing stress management (C) impact burnout (O) over six months (T) (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Background of Studies
(Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples)
The qualitative study by Don Santos (2020) asserts that workplace stress among nurses has been linked with depression and negative feelings regardless of nurses’ gender, registration, and specialization. Therefore, this study aims to explore and understand that cultural and social factors determine the self-efficacy of nursing professionals. The study is significant to nursing to improve the working environment for nurses in South Korea and globally to improve health outcomes (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).

The research question was, “How does the nursing career pathway influence burnout, stress, social bias, and stigma among women nurses in South Korea?” Moreover, Friganović et al. (2021) claim that ICUs are specific environments linked with high patient turnovers, intense workloads, and stress that reduce the quality of care and patient satisfaction (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
This study aimed to determine the sense of knowledge and attitudes of burnout among nurses with burnout. The research is significant to nursing to fill the information gap on experience and attitude of burnout among ICU nurses in five Zagreb University hospitals in Croatia. The research question was “What is the sense of knowledge and attitude of burnout among nurses with burnout?”
The quantitative study by Elkady et al. (2019) is significant to nursing as it influences the quality of care and patient safety, ultimately affecting health outcomes. This study aims to contribute to evidence-based literature on reducing burnout among nurses in public hospitals in Egypt and creating awareness among them. The research question was, “Is there a relationship between resilience, mindfulness, and job burnout among nurses?” (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Diehl et al. (2021) study is significant to nursing as it may be used to effectively determine the distribution of nursing workload and solve burnout problems. Thus, the study aimed to investigate the role of resources in the relationship between workload (quantitative demands) and burnout among nurses. The research question was, “What is the role of resources in protecting nurses from burnout?”
How Do These Four Articles Support the Nursing Practice Problem You Chose?
The four articles support the selected nursing problem. Research by Don Santos (2020) supports my nursing problem by determining the sources of stress that lead to burnout and reduce self-efficacy among nurses. Determining the sources of stress will be vital to devise evidence-based interventions by curbing potential sources of stress to mitigate burnout (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Friganović et al. (2021) focus on determining nurses’ knowledge and attitude toward burnout to guide the intervention process. Elkady et al. (2019) support the research question by addressing mindfulness and resilience as potential stress management strategies that influence burnout among nurses. Diehl et al. (2021) support my research by exploring the relationship between social, personal, and organizational resources with workload quantitative needs and burnout among nurses (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
The intervention group in the research will be nurses practicing stress management, while the control group will be nurses not practicing stress management. The intervention in research by Don Santos will comprise nurses who can identify their sources of stress workplace stress and practice coping strategies such as mindfulness and yoga, while the control group is nurses unaware of the sources of stress and do not practice any coping mechanisms leading to burnout (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
The intervention group in research by Friganović et al. (2021) will be nurses who know about burnout, while the control group will be nurses who lack knowledge and have negative attitudes. In the study by Elkady et al. (2019), nurses practicing mindfulness and resilience are the intervention groups, while those not practicing are the control group. In Diehl et al. (2021), nurses receiving resources such as psychological support in stress management are the intervention group, while those who do not have any resources are the control group (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Method of Studies
The qualitative articles used a phenomenological design with qualitative interviews to collect and analyze data. However, the inductive approach by Friganović et al. (2021) allowed the researchers to create a thematic framework from emerging data, while the semantic approach explored the participants’ views, beliefs, and experiences. Don Santo used qualitative interview sessions to collect personal sharing and participant feedback (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
The phenomenological approach used by both articles is beneficial as it allows researchers to explore and understand groups with people with shared stories and experiences of social problems or issues. However, the method is limited as researchers should collect data from at least 50 groups or individuals (Bush &Amechi, 2019) (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Subsequently, Elkady et al. (2019) used a convenient sampling method to recruit participants from different public hospitals. On the contrary, Diehl et al. (2021) used random sampling, where data was collected from a stratified 10% random sample of a database with different hospitals in Germany. Random sampling is a probability sampling technique where individuals in a large population have a fair and equal chance of being selected (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
In contrast, convenience sampling relies on the accessibility and location of the research variables. Convenience sampling is cheap, simple, and efficient to implement since the sample is easily accessed. However, it may lead to bias in sampling, while the results may lack generalizability. While random sampling lacks bias and is cheap, it may lead to problems in selecting good samples, and limited knowledge may mislead the results (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Results of Studies
Don Santos (2020) concluded that workplace bullying, family stress, being misunderstood by public members, career enhancement, and personal stress were potential sources of stress among nurses. Friganović et al. (2021) found that stressful work demands, lack of leisure time, strained relationships, lack of organizational support, and lack of knowledge about burnout led to poor outcomes in coping strategies to curb burnout. Elkady et al. (2019) revealed a significant correlation between resilience, mindfulness, and burnout (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Mindfulness and self-compassion were positively linked with resilience, which was inversely related to burnout. On the other hand, Diehl et al. (2021) revealed a strong correlation between burnout scales and quantitative demands in nursing. The study found a slight negative correlation between burnout and workplace commitment and the meaning of work. However, staff recognition, a good working team, and commitment modulate the workload.
The problematic burnout issue also calls for more research to devise evidence-based interventions. First, there is a need to review the current policies and regulations to offer guidelines about nursing job responsibilities. Secondly, external professional bodies or associations should be put in place to investigate inappropriate behavior, bad leadership, and mismanagement that harm the nursing rights of employed persons (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Public hospitals should organize programs that create awareness of stress-coping strategies and train nurses on mindfulness and resilience to curb burnout to prevent burnout. Integration of mindfulness into the nursing curriculum can promote stress-coping mechanisms among nurses. Nurses should be involved in allocating vital health resources to protect them from burnout (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are principles that guide study practices and designs. Through informed consent, the participants should be informed what the study will ask, how the data collected will be used, and potential consequences concerning the study. Secondly, the participant’s identity should be kept confidential and anonymous to protect their names or use self-identifiable statements or information (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Voluntary participation allows individuals to participate in a study without coercion (Campbell et al., 2022). The participants have a right to withdraw from a study without any pressure or explanation. Non-maleficence is another ethical consideration that asserts that research participants should not encounter physical, psychological, economic, or social harm during a study.
The selected research articles observed the ethical considerations for research. Don Santos (2020) observed confidentiality and anonymity. The data was locked in the password-protected cabinet while each participant was assigned a pseudonym. Friganović et al. (2021) also observed ethical guidelines by seeking consent from all the ethics committees at the university hospitals where the study was conducted, Zagreb University Hospital, and from the participants (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
The study procedure was also conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Elkady et al. (2019) observed voluntary participation by informing the participants that they had a right to withdraw from the study at any stage. The study also observed confidentiality and anonymity as participants’ information was top secret and confidential, and they were not to fill in any identifiable information in the questionnaires. Diehl et al. (2021) study participation was anonymous and voluntary. Written informed consent was provided at the beginning of the questionnaires (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Outcomes Comparison
The anticipated outcomes for the PICOT question entail reduced burnout among the nurses. In this case, nurses practicing stress management will have reduced burnout compared to those who will not practice stress management. Reduced burnout among nurses will improve the nurses’ job satisfaction, which has a positive impact on productivity and performance (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Thus, reduced burnout will improve the quality of care and patient safety, leading to improved health outcomes. The research will also improve decision-making, preventing medical errors. It will reduce potential turnover rates that cause a shortage in the nursing workforce. The PICOT question will improve the nurses’ knowledge and attitude on burnout, causes, and suitable management strategies (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Subsequently, the outcomes of the four research articles relate to the research question. Don Santos (2020) will also reduce burnout among nurses by understanding social and environmental factors affecting nurses to improve their working conditions. Friganović et al. (2021) will improve nurses’ attitudes and knowledge on burnout as a strategy towards intervention.
Elkady et al. (2019) use mindfulness and resilience as potential interventions to mitigate burnout, while Diehl et al. (2021) determine the role of personal, social, and organizational resources in job burnout. Thus, the provision of nurses with the necessary resources will reduce burnout. Therefore, the four articles will burn out to improve nurses’ job satisfaction and ultimately improve the quality of care, patient safety, and the nursing profession (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
The PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing problem are related. In this case, the PICOT question and research articles will be instrumental in addressing the nursing problem. The PICOT question will aid in pinpointing what the research intends to answer. As such, question allows one to plan for the research and foresee the potential challenges or problems, saving time and effort. Subsequently, the four research articles will be used to answer the PICOT question by providing evidence-based literature. Importantly, answering the research question will be vital to addressing the identified burnout problem among nurses (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Based on the information, the proposed evidence-based practice change manages stress to mitigate potential burnout risks among nurses. Some of the identified stress-coping strategies are mindfulness and resilience. Elkady et al. (2019) claim that an 8-week Mindfulness Stress Reduction intensive training program will reduce burnout among nurses. Resilience is a protective factor against work-related stress to help nurses overcome negative effects in their workplace environment.
This paper has critically appraised two quantitative and qualitative research articles to address the burnout problem among nurses. The articles agree that burnout harms job satisfaction, quality of care, patient outcomes, and health outcomes. The articles are related to the identified nursing problem and will be used to answer my research question (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
The articles’ anticipated outcomes relate to my research to reduce and mitigate burnout to improve the quality of care and patient safety. The four research articles will be used to answer the PICOT question by providing evidence-based literature. Importantly, answering the research question will be vital to addressing the identified burnout problem among nurses (Qualitative and Quantitative Studies-nursing Paper Examples).
Bush, A. A., & Amechi, M. H. (2019). Conducting and presenting qualitative research in pharmacy education. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 11(6), 638-650. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2019.02.030
Campbell, C. M., Taylor-Clark, T., & A Loan, L. (2022). Protecting nurse survey participants: Ethical considerations for conducting survey research among nurses. Clinical Ethics, 17(4), 391-408. https://doi.org/10.1177/14777509211036639
Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S., Schablon, A., Nienhaus, A., Escobar Pinzon, L. C., & Dietz, P. (2021). The relationship between workload and burnout among nurses: The buffering role of personal, social and organizational resources. PloS one, 16(1), e0245798. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0245798
Dos Santos, L. M. (2020, October). Stress, burnout, and low self-efficacy of nursing professionals: A qualitative inquiry. In Healthcare (Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 424). MDPI. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040424
Elkady, A. A. M. (2019). Mindfulness and Resilience as Predictors of Job Burnout among Nurses in Public Hospitals. International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences, 8, 14-21. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1252939.pdf
Farhadi, A., Bagherzadeh, R., Moradi, A., Nemati, R., & Sadeghmoghadam, L. (2021). The relationship between professional self-concept and work-related quality of life of nurses working in the wards of patients with COVID-19. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-8. https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-021-00595-2
Friganović, A., Kurtović, B., & Selič, P. (2021). A cross-sectional multicentre qualitative study exploring attitudes and burnout knowledge in intensive care nurses with burnout. Slovenian Journal of Public Health, 60(1), 46-54. https://doi.org/10.2478%2Fsjph-2021-0008 Lin, L., He, G., Yan, J., Gu, C., & Xie, J. (2019). The effects of a modified mindfulness-based stress reduction program for nurses: a randomized controlled trial. Workplace health & safety, 67(3), 111-122. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2165079918801633