Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar

Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar.(Program to Generate Calendar)

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Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar

Program to Generate Calendar

Program to Generate Calendar
Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar 1
def calendar(n, s):
#this will convert string value to a corresponding integer
 if s == "Su":
 d = 0
 elif s == "Mo":
 d = 1
 elif s == "Tu":
 d = 2
 elif s == "We":
 d = 3
 elif s == "Th":
 d = 4
 elif s == "Fr":
 d = 5
 elif s == "Sa":
 d = 6

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 print ("Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa")
 for j in range(d):
 print (" ", end = " "),
 i = 1
 while i <= n:
 if i < 10:
 print ("",i,end=" "),
 print(i,end=" "),
 if(i + d) % 7 == 0:
 print (" ")
 i = i + 1

n = int(input("Input the number of days in the month (28-31): "))
s = input("Input the starting day (Su=Sun, Mo=Mon,...): ")

1b) Year 2020 Calendar

# Program to display 2020 calendar and User to enter the specific month to display

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importing calendar module

import calendar

yy = 2020 # year

To take month input from the user

mm= int(input(“Enter year: “))

display the calendar

print(calendar.month(yy, mm))

1c) A short program for January 2020 Calendar

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# Program to display  Jan 2020 calendar  
# importing calendar module
import calendar

yy = 2020  # year
mm = 1    #month 
# the header will be January 2020 
print(calendar.month(yy, mm))

2, loop over 30 days of September

def date_iter(year, month):
for i in range(1, calendar.monthlen(year, month) + 1):
yield date(year, month, i)

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  for d in date_iter(2020, 9):

b) Genialize your calendar to 100 year
days = [“su”, “mo”, “tu”, “we”, “th”, “fr”, “sa”]
months = [“January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”,
“June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December”]

old_length_s = 0
length_current_month = 0
month_header = ""
title = ""

data = dict()
for year in range(startYear, endYear):
s = "|"
# data[year] = dict()
for month in months:
old_length_s = len(s)
s += " "
# data[year][month] = dict()
cal_data = subprocess.Popen("cal " + str(month) +
" " + str(year),shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
week_loop = 0
for line in iter(cal_data.stdout.readline, b""):
if week_loop > 1: #this is after month name and day_names
char_num = 0
day = 0
date = ""
for c in line:
date += c
if char_num > 1: #every three characters
char_num = 0
if len(date.strip()) > 0: #somefields are blank in each month's first week
# data[year][month][int(date)] = days[day]
if days[day] is "su":
if int(date) < 10:

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s += " * "
s += " *  "
s += " " + str(date.strip()) + " "
date = ""
day += 1
char_num += 1
week_loop += 1
# print len(s)
if month is "February" and len(s) is 223:
s += "    "
s += " |"
if first_year is True:
length_current_month = len(s) - old_length_s 
blankspace = (length_current_month/2) - len(month)/2
if len(month)%2 is not 0:
month_header += " "*blankspace + month + " "*(blankspace-1)
month_header += " "*blankspace + month + " "*blankspace
if month is "June":
s += "|  " + str(year) + "  ||"
month_header += "            "
actual_title = str(startYear) + " to " + str(endYear-1)
title = " "*((len(s)-7)-(len(actual_title)/2 -1 )) + actual_title
# print s

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if first_year is True:
first_year = False
for c in s:
if c is not "|":
dividing_line += "-"
decade_divider += "="
dividing_line += c
decade_divider += c
if str(year)[-1] is "0":
print("* = sunday")

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments including how to manage stress in workplaces. All you need to do is place an order with us (Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar ).

def Main():
startYear = int(sys.argv[1])
year_interval = int(sys.argv[2])
endYear = startYear + year_interval
getDaysData(startYear, endYear)

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Programming Homework 1: Generate Calendar