Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

The possible projects topics identified from the community needs assessment included:

  1. Fall prevention in the geriatric Alzheimer’s unit.

Hospital-related falls are complex and multifactorial issues that significantly affect adults with cognitive impairments. Notably, the number of adults living with dementia is poised to rise exponentially in the coming years (Fernando, Fraser, Hendriksen, Kim, & Muir-Hunter, 2017). This means the fall-related morbidity and mortality will increase among older adults, exacerbating the effect of falls in the geriatric Alzheimer’s hospital unit.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Falls are associated with multiple risks, including a reduction in functional status, including balance, vision, gait, and severity of dementia (Fernando et al., 2017). Moreover, studies have shown dementia patients to have 5times falling risks compare to other patients. As a result, patients suffer crippling injuries, including fractures, and in critical cases, such patients die. While various mitigation measures exist, the risks associated with community and institutionalized dwellings provide variations in cognitive impairment.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample 1

For these reasons, there is a critical understanding of falling risks, and effective prevention strategies are crucial to reducing the economic burden associated with falls and the adverse outcomes on victim’s lives.

  • Appropriate assessment tools to determine proper placement for clients just needing detox from substance abuse vs. being admitted to a mental health facility.

There exist several substance abuse and mental health assessment tools. However, the problems associated with dual diagnosis persists. This is because the psychosocial representation of substance abuse effect and mental health issues overlap (Subodh, Sharma & Shah, 2018). Equally, substance abuse and mental health issues have the same effect on each other. This means an individual with a substance abuse problem can lead to short and long-term mental health disorders. Similarly, an individual with mental health disorder can resort to substance abuse as a mitigation strategy. This complex relationship necessitates appropriate psychological assessment and treatment.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Moreover, substance abuse and mental health issues have different treatments. Although there are specific instruments that psychologists can use to determine whether an individual requires further assessments, the nature, and severity of substance abuse or mental health disorder, most often than not, individuals are given dual diagnoses (Subodh et al., 2018). Consequentially, integrated treatment strategies are recommended. However, it is notable that substance abuse and mental illness cause several disease combinations. Furthermore, these combinations have unique symptoms. Therefore, specific instruments are needed to help determine the appropriate treatment interventions.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

  • Infection control for proper hand hygiene in a mental health facility for young adults, adults, and geriatric population.

Mental health patients are significantly affected by HCAIs and are considered high-risk patients because of their compromised state of health (Rovers et al., 2020). The World Health Organization classifies hand hygiene as a primary measure and method of protection against hospital-acquired infections (HCAIs).  Appropriate handwashing mechanisms in hospitals can significantly prevent disease-causing microorganisms from healthcare workers to a patient or one patient to another (Haque, Sartelli, McKimm & Bakar, 2018). Risks of acquiring hospital-related infections are associated with the presence of infectious agents and their ability to cause infections, the host, and the general environment.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

An infectious agent’s ability to cause infection depends on its virulence, ability to survive various surfaces, and antimicrobial resistance. On the other hand, host factors common in hospitals such as reduce immunity from advanced age, malnutrition, underlying medical condition, the severity of a patient’s sickness, immunosuppression, or low birth weight among children contribute to infection risks. Equally, environmental factors such as prolongs hospitalization, a recommendation for invasive devices/procedures, or ICU admission contribute to risks of infection.(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

In essence, a simple procedure such as washing hands can protect patients from acquiring infections from other patients or healthcare workers, thereby saving patient’s lives, reducing morbidity, preventing long-term disability and resistance to medication, emotional stress, limits prolonged hospital stay, and minimize associated healthcare costs. (Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample 2


Rovers, J. J. E., van de Linde, L. S., Kenters, N., Bisseling, E. M., Nieuwenhuijse, D. F., Munnink, B. O., … & Nabuurs-Franssen, M. (2020). Why psychiatry is different-challenges and difficulties in managing a nosocomial outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in-hospital care. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control9(1), 1-8(Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample).

 Fernando, E., Fraser, M., Hendriksen, J., Kim, C. H., & Muir-Hunter, S. W. (2017). Risk factors associated with falls in older adults with dementia: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada69(2), 161-170. 10.3138/PTC.2016-14 

Haque, M., Sartelli, M., McKimm, J., & Bakar, M. A. (2018). Healthcare-associated infections–an overview. Infection and drug resistance11, 2321. 10.2147/IDR.S177247

Subodh, B. N., Sharma, N., & Shah, R. (2018). Psychosocial interventions in patients with dual diagnosis. Indian journal of psychiatry60(Suppl 4), S494. 10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_18_18

Professional Capstone and Practicum Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
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