Organizational Leadership and Informatics: NUR-514 examines the role of leadership, organizational science, policy, and informatics in supporting safe, high-quality, cost-effective patient care within interprofessional, dynamic health care environments…
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NUR-514: Organizational Leadership and Informatics
Paper details
NUR-514 examines the role of leadership, organizational science, policy, and informatics in supporting safe, high-quality, cost-effective patient care within interprofessional, dynamic health care environments. Many interesting topics will be covered during the next 8 weeks including:
- Collaboration, conflict resolution, decision-making and negotiation
- Leadership theoriesInnivative models of care delivery
- Informatics, Electronic Health Records
- Models of care delivery
- Practice change
- Communication
There are 3 textbooks to help you explore the course objectives.
Each week there are two (2) discussion questions and you must post an initial post to one of them by day 3 and to the other one by day 5. For full participation points, you must have at least 5 original participation posts and 3 must be substantive (in addition to answering the discussion questions with an initial post). The response posts should be on 3 separate days to maximize points earned. A rubric is used to calculate points for substantive posts.
What is a substantive initial post? First, read the discussion prompt carefully and decide what concepts need to be covered, review course readings and the online library to explore the topics further, write at least 250 words covering all sections of the prompt and use at least 2 scholarly citations/references in APA format. Use experiences and examples from your nursing practice but support them with information from the literature. A graduate school discussion is more than opinion.
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What is a substantive response post? Respond to the previous post with at least 100 words and at least 1 scholarly citation/reference in APA format. Shorter responses with or without references are also appreciated but do not count as substantive posts. The course has 5 assignments including an APA assignment: Leadership style reflective essay (Week 2), Implementing Change with an Interprofessional Approach Presentation (week 3), The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation (Week 5), Emerging Technology Brief (week 6), Benchmark-Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper (Week 8).
NUR-514 Course Objectives
In this course, the learner will:
- Explore various health care system and organizational relationships (e.g., stakeholders, economic, financial, political, ethical issues, organizational structure, and delivery of care, including mission/vision/philosophy and values).
- Discuss professional leadership theories and how they shape the nurse leader in such things as collaboration, conflict resolution, decision making, and negotiation.
- Discuss change management theories and strategies and the ethical, social, legal, economic, and political implications of practice change on nursing practice decisions.
- Analyze the impact of health care policy on health care organizations and cost-effective quality care.
- Evaluate strategies for managing human, fiscal, and health care resources in the design of cost-effective, innovative models of care delivery or practice change proposals.
- Explore current and emerging patient care, information system, and communication technologies that can deliver and enhance safe, high quality, cost-effective patient care and health outcomes.
- Examine the implications of health care informatics and the role of the advanced registered nursing specialties leader on performance measures and standards related to quality.
- Discuss the design, implementation, and evaluation of electronic health record systems and clinical decision support systems.
- Evaluate legal (HIPAA), ethical, reimbursement, emerging technologies, and interprofessional issues related to informatics and information systems.
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Epidemiology & Pathophysiology Papers
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis | Epidemiology of Tuberculosis: Application of the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Reference made to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website… |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pathophysiology, Epidemiology & Diagnostics | This article discusses the pathophysiology, epidemiology & diagnostics of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. |
Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis | This article discusses the Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Read More:
- Critical analysis of a peer-review article: Cystic fibrosis (CF)
- Practicum Reflection: Pediatric Clinical Experience
- Transcultural Heritage: People of Mexican Heritage –Reflective Exercise 21
- Episodic/Focused SOAP Note: Focused Nose Exam
- Critique of Evidence Based Practice: Section 3 – Collection and Analysis Evidence
- NRNP 6635 Week 4 Assignment : Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, and OCD Soap Note
Are you looking for answers to a similar assignment? Our team has competent and qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us (NUR-514: Organizational Leadership and Informatics).