Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Nurses are pivotal in addressing adolescent sexual health education, playing the role of educator, advocate, and support system. Nurses create a safe and confidential space for adolescents to share their experiences and concerns, or ask questions about sexual health, offering accurate and meaningful information to help them navigate adolescence. Furthermore, nurses facilitate and foster robust sex education, covering areas like contraception, consent, risk behavior, social and intimidate relationships, and sexually transmitted diseases. Nurses guide adolescents through informed decision-making regarding their sexual health, focusing on the importance of responsible behavior. By promoting open communication and providing non-judgmental advice, nurses contribute meaningfully to overall adolescent sexual health, ensuring they remain healthy and live and decide in an informed manner.(Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample 1

Annotated Bibliography

Mark, N. D., & Wu, L. L. (2022). More comprehensive sex education reduced teen births: Quasi-experimental evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(8), e2113144119. Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            The article addresses the potential role of robust sexual education in minimizing teen pregnancy in the United States (US). Per the authors, sex education for adolescents in the US is a debatable topic among researchers, policy formulators, and the wider community. However, comprehensive sex education requires facilitators, including federal funding, to operationalize and achieve its ultimate objectives. The effectiveness of comprehensive sex education in reducing teen births has to be confirmed to guarantee federal funding. The authors undertook this study to offer causal evidence that could help in the ongoing debate regarding the importance of comprehensive sex education in reducing teeth birth and potentially influence decision-making regarding financial assistance for comprehensive sex education. The authors adopted a quasi-experimental design, using county-level data on births and data on federal funding for more comprehensive sex education. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The authors established that federal funding targeting more comprehensive sex education minimizes county-level teen birth rates by over three percent. The authors conclude that federal funding for more comprehensive sex education is vital in addressing teen pregnancies and births in the US. This study is relevant to the current research topic as it emphasizes the importance of sex education in addressing challenges adolescents face, specifically teen pregnancies and births, which comprise an adolescent overall life, including education, family relationships, forced early marriage, and necessitated early entry into employment. The findings are valid and applicable because they replicate and complement mixed findings from randomized controlled trials by offering population-level evidence of the causal role comprehensive sex education plays.(Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

However, the findings still leave many questions unanswered because the study does not address the role of more comprehensive sex education on other outcomes of sexual reproduction and development. Additionally, the study does not explain how more comprehensive sex education caused a decline in teen births. The study also fails to explain the overall reduced rate of teen births in the past 30 years. Lastly, the lack of random assignment is a potential source of bias. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)       

Maria, D. S., Guilamo-Ramos, V., Jemmott, L. S., Derouin, A., & Villarruel, A. (2017). Nurses on the Front Lines: Improving Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Across Health Care Settings: An evidence-based guide to delivering counseling and services to adolescents and parents. The American Journal of Nursing, 117(1), 42. Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            This study addresses the role of nurses at the front lines in enhancing adolescent sexual education and reproductive health in the healthcare environment. Per the authors, nursing care for adolescents exists in various healthcare settings, including schools, acute care clinics, communities, and public health clinics, offering them an opportunity to enhance adolescent sexual and reproductive health and minimize unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. However, nurses require the necessary knowledge and skills to offer evidence-based guidance and services to teenagers and their parents and ensure adolescents can access the needed sexual and reproductive healthcare care. The authors posit that nurses are well-positioned to share necessary information regarding sexual and reproductive health with teenagers and their parents in schools, communities, and clinical settings. The authors discuss the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine’s goals and recommendations regarding adolescent sexual and reproductive health as a health care and human rights problem.(Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

This article is relevant to the current research topic on nurses’ role in adolescent sexual education. The article offers insights into how nurses can support adolescent sexual and reproductive health, covering adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes and when sexual education and counseling should be initiated to prevent adverse outcomes. The study also provides factors hindering adolescent vaccination uptake, especially HPV vaccines, which will be helpful for nurses designing educational and counseling programs for adolescents and their parents regarding reproductive and sexual counseling. Importantly, the article covers SAHM’s calls for improvement of adolescent sexual and reproductive healthcare, addressing the three goals and providing recommendations nurses can adopt to enhance sexual and reproductive healthcare for adolescents. Nurses can use the information to improve their knowledge and skills in delivering evidence-based sexual and reproductive health services. However, this article is not experimental or research-based, offering weak evidence on nurses’ role in adolescent sexual education. Also, the adopted design, a review of SAHM’s goals and recommendations, limits generalizability.   (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)            

Mthiyane, G. N., & Habedi, D. S. (2018). The experiences of nurse educators in implementing evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. Health SA = SA Gesondheid, 23. Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            This article explores nurse educators’ experience in adopting evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. The article provides that nurse educators are elemental in mentoring student nurses regarding building evidence-based practice skills, accessing research resources, and engaging in research efforts. The authors emphasize the need for EBP teaching and learning to nurses, particularly educators and students. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)The researchers adopted a qualitative research approach, collecting data from two campuses, to complete this study. The study employed a non-probability purposive sampling approach and used semi-structured interviews to collect data. From the data, the researchers established two themes: challenges nurse educators experience when implementing EBP in teaching and learning and EBP benefits and value in teaching and learning. The findings indicate that nurse educators are integral in supporting EBP implementation in teaching and learning and have a positive attitude toward EBP implementation.  (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The findings are relevant to the current research topic, although no direct link to adolescent sexual education is established. While providing sexual education to adolescents, nurses are recommended to adopt evidence-based approaches to ensure the most effective reproductive and sexual healthcare, including counseling and other services. Evidence-based approaches are linked to improved patient outcomes because they are informed by the best available evidence. By emphasizing the importance and value of evidence-based approaches, this article helps the current research efforts towards ensuring that the sexual and reproductive healthcare nurses provide is evidence-based to optimize adolescent sexual outcomes. However, the authors limited their research to nursing educators and the two campuses, limiting the generalization of the findings to other healthcare professionals and institutions. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Archalousová, A., Slezáková, Z., Zrubcová, D., Solgajová, A., Spá?ilová, Z., Krištofová, E., & Slamková, A. (2021). The Need for Nurse Interventions in Sex Education in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2). Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            This article investigates why nurse interventions are necessary in adolescent sex education. The authors posit that comprehensive school health education programs would benefit from developmentally appropriate evidence-based sexual health education. The study focuses on the registered school nurse, postulating their invaluable contribution, alongside parents and educators, in supporting and implementing evidence-based sexual health education programs that foster healthy sexual development among teens.(Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The researchers conducted the study in Slovakia, involving 438 adolescents aged 12-15. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect the data, which was analyzed using parametric comparison text. The researchers established that most adolescents obtained information regarding sexuality and reproductive health from parents and friends. Additionally, boys and girls had significant variations in who they consider a competent professional to provide sexual education at school. The boys favored a sexologist and the girls preferred a school nurse. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)The girls viewed school nurses are elemental in educating about sexuality, healthy lifestyle, parenting, and marriage. Boys are less likely than girls to consider education for marriage and parenting. The authors conclude that community and school nurses can successfully provide sexual education at schools.(Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The findings are relevant to the current research topic as they favor nurses providing sexual and reproductive education to adolescents as an additional applied nursing discipline. The findings will inform the current research efforts to prove the importance of the nursing role in adolescent sexual education. Additionally, it offers valuable insights into considerations for boys and girls that can be adopted when developing sexual and reproductive education programs. Conclusively, nurses in various settings, including schools, can be integral in operationalizing adolescent sexual education. However, the sample of adolescents was small and the study did not gather parent’s opinions, making the findings partial. The non-probability, deliberate sampling is a potential source of bias, making the generalizability of the findings weaker. More research is needed on parents’ and teachers’ opinions.     (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)       

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, National Academy of Medicine, & Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

            This publication addressed the future of nursing, focusing on the period 2020-2030. It discusses the evolving role of nurses and the increasing complexity of nurses; role in the coming decade. The publication posits that nurses operate as healthcare providers, educators, and community servants in various settings and practices and at different professional levels. Nurses are typically the initial contact with individuals from various backgrounds and experiences in need of healthcare services. The authors posit that nurses, as the largest workforce among healthcare professionals, are integral in ensuring people, regardless of their backgrounds, live the healthiest possible lives. Moreover, nurses can help attain health equity. However, in-depth education, facilitative work environments, and practice independence are needed to foster nurses’ role in realizing a healthy society. (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The authors conducted a study seeking to establish a path for the nursing profession to aid in minimizing inequalities in people’s capacity to realize their full health potential. This publication offers information that is relevant to the current research topic, although it has no direct link to adolescent sexual education. The insights provided regarding the role of nurses in reducing inequalities and health disparities regarding healthcare access can be extended to adolescent sexual health. Adolescents, especially from minority communities, face a myriad of health disparities and inequalities when trying to access sexual and reproductive healthcare, which contributes to poorer sexual outcomes, including early pregnancies, births, and higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases. Using the insights provided in this publication, nurses can help reduce inequalities in adolescent sexual and reproductive healthcare access. The publication has several limitations. First, it is not experimental, limiting the generalizability of the information provided. Second, the information provided is immensely general and cannot be tied to a specific applied nursing role, especially sexual education for adolescents.   (Nurse Role in Adolescent Sexual Health Education Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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