Discussion 4.5

Critical appraisals are used to broaden understanding and summarize evidence. This helps determine if research evidence is ready for practice. There are certain steps to conducting critical appraisals.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

  • Locate a scholarly journal article(primary source) and apply the steps of the critical analysis found in your textbook.
  • Post your analysis to this discussion board.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.


The objective of this assignment is to gain insight into the unique needs of patients in hospice care, the challenges they face, and the strategies employed by healthcare providers to meet those needs. By the end of this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of hospice care and the importance of patient-centered care in this setting.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Assignment Tasks:

Task 1: Introduction to Hospice Care (Research) a. Define hospice care and its purpose. b. Discuss the philosophy behind hospice care and its key principles. c. Explain the difference between hospice care and palliative care. d. Identify the eligibility criteria for hospice care.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Task 2: Needs Assessment (Interview) Conduct an interview with a healthcare professional (nurse, social worker, or counselor) who works in a hospice care facility or with a hospice care organization. The interview should focus on understanding the diverse needs of patients in hospice care. Students can structure the interview with the following questions, along with additional questions of their own:

a. What are the physical needs of patients in hospice care? b. What emotional and psychological needs do patients typically have in this setting? c. How do healthcare providers address the spiritual needs of patients? d. What challenges do healthcare providers face in meeting the diverse needs of patients in hospice care? e. How does the interdisciplinary team collaborate to provide patient-centered care?(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Task 3: Ethical Considerations in Hospice Care (Critical Analysis) a. Discuss the ethical considerations involved in hospice care decision-making. b. Analyze the potential conflicts that may arise between patients, families, and healthcare providers regarding end-of-life care choices. c. Offer potential strategies to resolve these ethical dilemmas while respecting the patients’ wishes.

Task 4: Supporting Families and Caregivers (Research) a. Identify the challenges faced by families and caregivers of patients in hospice care. b. Explain the importance of providing emotional and psychological support to families during this time. c. Investigate the resources and services available to assist families and caregivers in coping with the demands of hospice care.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Task 5: Cultural Sensitivity in Hospice Care (Case Study) Select a case study of a patient from a different cultural background and discuss how cultural beliefs and practices may impact their experience in hospice care. Students should address ways healthcare providers can promote cultural sensitivity and provide culturally competent care.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Task 6: End-of-Life Decision Making (Opinion Piece) Write an opinion piece discussing the significance of involving patients in end-of-life decision-making and the importance of honoring their preferences and values. Students should also explore how healthcare providers can facilitate meaningful discussions about advanced care planning.

Task 7: Reflective Essay Write a reflective essay on your learning journey throughout this assignment. Discuss what you have learned about the needs of patients in hospice care, how your perceptions have evolved, and how you can apply this knowledge to future healthcare practice.

Format and Submission Guidelines:

  1. The assignment should be in a formal academic writing style with proper citations and references using APA or MLA format.
  2. Include an introduction and conclusion to provide a coherent structure to the assignment.
  3. Any interviews or case studies should be properly documented, with consent obtained if necessary.
  4. Submit the assignment as a Word document or PDF file

Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample-(solution)

Validity of the Study

Zweers et al. (2019) conducted a qualitative study through semi-structured interviews between May 2017 and May 2018 among 14 cancer patients admitted to hospice care (10 female and 4 male individuals). The researchers aimed to determine the supportive needs of cancer patients in hospice care. Patients in hospice care experience significant anxiety, which can exacerbate their conditions without substantive care from experienced palliative staff(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample). The author’s use of semi-structured interviews was crucial in understanding and collecting first-hand information about the anxiety symptom management requirements for cancer patients in hospice care (Magaldi & Berler, 2020). The authors ensured the reliability and accuracy of the data collected by involving patients under 24/7 professional care with less than three months’ expectancy. They utilized NVIVO to structure and analyze the interview results, with two independent researchers responsible for creating the analysis codes and themes (Zweers et al., 2019).(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Relevance of Results

The study results identified six vital needs of patients in hospice care. Zweers et al. (2019) observe that the patients desired to be engaged in open communication, provided with honest information about their health progress, and a safe environment by nurses who understand their situation. Other needs for improving anxiety management include respect for the patient’s needs, proper management of the symptoms, and a sense of control (Zweers et al., 2019). (Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

These study results could inform measures for improving anxiety symptom management among hospice patients. The findings can also help nurses and doctors administer personalized care to improve the patients’ experiences and coping with anxiety during their final months (Zweers et al., 2019). Despite a limited sample, the study results indicate the need to improve anxiety management among hospice patients. In this case, future researchers should consider developing systematic psychosocial approaches to improve anxiety management during the final phase of a patient’s care.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

In conclusion, the semi-structured interviews provided valid and reliable insights into hospice patients’ needs in coping with anxiety. The study participants identified six needs in coping with anxiety: open communication, a safe environment, respect, proper symptom management, a sense of control, and honest information about their health progress.(Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample)

Needs of patients in hospice-care EssaySample



Magaldi, D., & Berler, M. (2020). Semi-structured interviews. Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 4825-4830. 10.1007/978-3-319-24612-3_857

Zweers, D., de Graeff, A., Duijn, J., de Graaf, E., Witteveen, P. O., & Teunissen, S. C. (2019). Patients’ needs regarding anxiety management in palliative cancer care: a qualitative study in a hospice setting. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®36(11), pp. 947-954.https://doi.org/10.1177/1049909119846844

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