Communication in Leadership
Communication is an integral factor that defines the progress and outcome of leadership across organizations. Boynton (2022) explains that it constitutes leaders’ efforts to pass the appropriate information and receive feedback from employees in an organization. Successful leaders must demonstrate good communication skills to inspire and empower employees across the organization. Leaders in most healthcare organizations succeed in executing projects due to their effective communication skills, making it easy to engage and be understood by the audiences being addressed (Boynton, 2022) (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
This paper will explore previous literature on the concept of communication and its influence on leadership success. It will explore various types of organizational communication that leaders can utilize to ensure the appropriate passage of intended information and the reception of feedback. It will further explore the roles of communication in leadership success by evaluating the positions of researchers and experts on how leaders can successfully promote change and improve performance among employee teams.
Moreover, the paper will explore the relationship between communication and the transformational leadership approach, including how transformational nurse leaders utilize communication competence to inspire and motivate positive employee performance. The last part will examine the barriers to effective leadership communication and the strategies necessary for improving the performance of nurse leaders in healthcare organizations (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Types of Organizational Communication
Verbal, non-verbal, visual, and visual communication are all forms of organizational communication. Verbal communication involves passing information to others through speech, such as when giving speaking engagements, communicating during meetings, placing calls over the phone, or having fruitful engagements with other employees. Verbal communication is essential in organizations because it guarantees communication clarity (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
According to Guo et al. (2021), executive verbal communication affects investor opinion integration by having an impact on the revelation of fresh information as well as the clarity and authority of the material being communicated. Managers must effectively convey to their staff their expectations, objectives, and feedback. It helps to make sure that everyone is working towards the same goals and is on the same page (Kurniadi & Mahaputra, 2021).
Additionally, it fosters the relationships, trust, and rapport that are necessary for productive teamwork and collaboration with the staff. By enabling negotiations for solutions at work, it also facilitates dispute resolution. Managers must have the capacity to hear many points of view, untangle misconceptions, and come up with solutions that benefit all parties. According to Guo et al. (2021), executive verbal communication affects investor opinion convergence by having an impact on the revelation of fresh information as well as the clarity and authority of the material being communicated (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
To communicate with staff members across organizational departments, organizational leaders can also use non-verbal communication (Kurniadi & Mahaputra, 2021). Non-verbal communication can also take the form of gestures using the hands or conscious body movements like a thumbs-up or a greeting. Facial expressions like a smile or the wearing of a business suit to work are examples of non-verbal communication. Purwati et al. (2019) explain that teacher-students nonverbal communication in the classroom can enhance language communication and acquisition when studying the impacts of nonverbal communication in the learning process (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
The teachers’ potential to create a strong relationship with students by integrating verbal and nonverbal communication techniques has a direct impact on student progress. Managers can use the research findings by Purwati et al. (2019) to enhance communication with staff members and foster a laid-back workplace culture where staff members feel appreciated. They can form relationships and increase trust as a result. It can aid in promoting a feeling of comfort and understanding between two people and increase their sense of connection (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Finally, leaders can use visual communication to influence workers within an organization through improving perception, memory, and persuasion. The usage of visual components in communication, such as illustrations, computer images, and drawings, has undoubtedly made it simpler for humans to communicate, comprehend, and remember/memorize significant information. There are many methods to employ visual communication, from making straightforward posters to constructing intricate website user interfaces. Organizations can more easily reach a wider audience and give their customers a more memorable experience by employing visual methods of communication (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Kujur and Singh (2020) assert that businesses can utilize visual communication to enhance their brand’s perception and customer response on social networking platforms. Kujur and Singh (2020) employed structural equation modeling to validate the impact of images with educational, entertaining, and lucrative content on customer engagement, which in turn leads to a relationship between the consumer and the business. They discovered that visual communication is crucial for engagement on social media, which boosts purchases. The high-quality image increases visibility on social networking sites and is chosen as the primary activity of the organization (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Newman and Bustamante (2022) argue the need to include a visual communication curriculum in universities and colleges due to its advantages in healthcare organizations. The researchers contend that maintaining and promoting health-related practices within a community and enhancing public health depends on effectively disseminating health information to a variety of people. According to the literature, patients must comprehend their medical condition, health risks, and treatment alternatives to make properly informed decisions (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Thus, nurse leaders should encourage the use of visual communication to enhance the provision of quality care. Therefore, organizational leaders, such as nurse leaders, should integrate different forms of communication, like verbal, visual, and non-verbal communication, to enhance the passage of information across the organization. They should establish a culture of effective communication involving clear and accurate passage of information to increase efficiency in patient care and reduce incidences of medical errors (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Roles of Communication in Leadership Success
Leadership abilities aid in clearly defining the team members’ objectives. To inspire and motivate others around them, whether on a political, personal, or professional level, Zhang et al. (2021) explain that leaders must be able to articulate their visions clearly. It functions by establishing connections and assisting in maintaining open channels of communication between employees and other organization members (Ambarita et al., 2020) (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
In this case, the open communication channel can facilitate employee engagement, resulting in higher employee satisfaction and a positive work environment. For effective nurse leadership, effective communication skills are crucial. The improvement of communication abilities is a crucial component of good nurse leadership. You can communicate with patients and colleagues more effectively if you have strong communication skills (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
For instance, Heinen et al. (2019) examined leadership competencies among master-level educated nurses and found that effective communication is a crucial skill for advanced practice and clinical nurse leaders. Nurse leaders require effective communication skills to aid in communicating project goals, addressing employee concerns, and advocating for improved employee conditions. Clarity in communication of nursing unit goals is necessary for improved performance and collaboration within the unit.
Notably, the identified significance of effective communication aligns with the need to train and equip clinical nurses with communication skills matching medical treatment requirements. According to Back et al. (2019), clinician nurses should acquire evidence-based communication skills to improve nursing care, such as facilitating nurses’ ability to explain a patient’s condition to the patients and their families (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Communication competence is also necessary when attending to patients or their family’s emotions, such as showing compassion and empathy to influence hope and the desire to continue fighting for positive results. Therefore, competent leadership communication enables nursing teams to perform effectively in improving patient treatment outcomes and aligning with the organizational vision and goals (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Moreover, communication helps inspire employees by enhancing the team leaders understanding of the members’ goals and desires (Zhang et al., 2021). Awareness about the issues affecting a leader’s team is integral in achieving success across organizational projects. Employee teams in healthcare settings experience challenges requiring immediate intervention from their leaders, such as burnout, stress, and job insecurity. In this case, leaders should integrate effective communication with their teams to inspire, motivate, and help them sail through turbulent times in their careers (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
For instance, a cross-sectional and correlational survey by Lake et al. (2022) revealed that effective and timely leadership communication between nurses and organizational leaders was integral in improving employee morale during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers investigated the factors associated with the nurses’ moral discomfort during the initial COVID-19 pandemic and their long-term mental health. They used surveys to look into explanatory factors, including leadership communication, access to safety equipment, and employee health, as well as outcome variables like moral distress and employee health (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
According to an analysis of the responses, many respondents reported trouble getting access to personal protective equipment (Lake et al., 2022). The majority of nurses agreed that the hospital’s leadership provided quick, efficient, and transparent communication, including regular updates about the pandemic’s progress. Hospital nurses faced significant risks and difficulties as the first responders to the COVID-19 outbreak. The nurses were mostly distressed by the potential transmission of the virus to their families, caring for patients in the absence of family members and attending to patients who were dying without family or clergy present (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Lake et al. (2022) explain that these distressing situations affected the nurses’ morale, which improved due to transparent, clear, and effective communication from the organizational leaders. The leaders successfully inspired, motivated, and retained nurses across the hospitals, irrespective of the fear of contracting the virus or mental deterioration. Thus, leaders should maintain transparent communication during crises to inspire employee performance and reduce problems associated with a distressed work environment.
Another study by Zhang et al. (2021) supports the significance of leadership communication in employee motivation and inspiration. The researchers used quantitative research involving self-administered interviews to investigate the factors impacting project management. The researchers proposed a conceptual framework highlighting the factors impacting project management in organizations, such as team knowledge management, problem-solving competence, interpersonal conflicts, and organizational trust, including their influence on the organizational psychological capital and project performance, as shown in the Figure below (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Figure 1: Figure showing a conceptual framework depicting the factors influencing project team performance.

Conceptual framework depicting the factors influencing project team performance (Lake et al., 2022).
The study findings indicate that effective management of a project team requires knowledgeable leaders with exceptional problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, which are crucial in inspiring the development of a trustful and active team membership (Lake et al., 2022). They should communicate clearly and transparently, including allowing open communication between team members to enhance the identification and resolution of employee issues and recommendations. Such leaders can develop strong teams who can collaborate effectively in executing project goals (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Furthermore, communication also enhances conflict resolution by enabling the team leaders to comprehend the grievances or problems of the team members and implement suitable solutions (Yao et al., 2021). To do a thorough examination of the issue, the leaders must actively listen to the employees as they describe their issues (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Giving the conflicting parties an equal timeframe to express their views underscores the significance of active listening in communication, interrupting only when receiving requests for clarification. According to Yao et al. (2021), for disagreements to be resolved constructively, it is important for each person to feel heard and appreciated. This will also stop disputing parties from stomping out of the conversation in a way that implies they no longer believe the issue can be resolved.
Chaudhry et al. (2019) presented a discussion on the role of communication in conflict resolution across organizations. One must frequently tread gently and pick their words carefully to prevent disagreement with friends, coworkers, or acquaintances. The study recommended that effective dispute resolution strategies include the need for regret, thanks, and acceptance. They show how people pick communication tactics they believe will minimize conflict (such as hiding success or avoiding obtaining information) but that these tactics may backfire (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
To facilitate the resolution of problems inside the organization and ensure the provision of high-quality services, personnel must essentially demonstrate collaboration and coordination (Yao et al., 2021). The development and success of an organization depend on coordination since it improves employee contact among various work units through social practices. In the event of interpersonal disagreement among organization employees, social development may diminish (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
However, leaders should be proactive in developing conflict resolution strategies and promote a culture of responsibility, acceptance, and gratitude within the organization. Such culture can motivate project team members to seek peaceful resolutions to disputes, such as involving the input of neutral third parties (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
The above conflict resolution strategies align with the findings of a study by Ambarita et al. (2020), which investigated the impact of communication, work environment, and conflict management on the performance of English teachers in high schools. Effective communication is necessary in every organizational context since it helps leaders modify the environment based on concerted efforts to identify the needs and preferences of all parties within the organization (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
In their study, Ambarita et al. (2020) employed multiple linear regression to analyze the responses from the questionnaires completed by 40 participants from high schools in West Jakarta. The findings indicate that the work environment was insignificant to student’s performance, while the teachers’ communication and conflict management skills positively influenced the students’ performance (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Previous studies have also found that nurses’ performance is also influenced by the management or nurse leaders’ communication and conflict management skills. For instance, Yao et al. (2021) investigated the role of workplace violence, empathy, and communication skills in occupational stress among psychiatric nurses. Their finding suggests that efficient resolution of workplace violence reduced occupational stress and enhanced the development of therapeutic relationships among the nurses, including improved performance (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Psychiatric nurses require psychological support, which should be communicated clearly and regularly throughout the healthcare facility’s leadership structure (Yao et al. (2021). Thus, organizations should prioritize transparent and timely leadership communication to address employee issues like conflicts and influence positive performance (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Leaders with higher communication competencies can promote trustful relationships between leaders and their teams, which improves productivity and effectiveness. Since it enhances employees’ communication abilities, allowing them to comprehend their jobs better and voice their demands and concerns, it is essential for greater team collaboration and cooperation (Newman & Bustamante, 2022).
It also enables managers to communicate with employees simply and precisely, particularly by giving them the appropriate feedback, which fosters a collaborative work environment. Tian et al. (2020) observe that executives who encourage social ties, behave collaboratively, and foster a culture where interactions with leaders and coworkers are valued and freely given—in other words, as gifts—help teams perform better (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
For instance, healthcare workers such as surgical teams require effective communication to maintain a collaborative work environment throughout the surgery process. A study by Tørring et al. (2019) revealed the significance of communication in enhancing relational dynamics among surgical teams. The researchers conducted an ethnographic study involving participant observations of 39 surgical teams during ten months in 2014 in 2 orthopedic operating units in a university hospital in Denmark (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
The study results indicate that surgical teams employ various communication types to enhance collaboration, such as communicating proactively and intuitively, silently and ordinarily, inattentively and ambiguously, and contradictorily and dynamically. These communication patterns and relationships underscore the need for effective communication in achieving successful collaboration (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Leaders of the surgical team must exhibit and create a culture of open communication to promote collaboration among the team members, resulting in improved surgery outcomes (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). Open communication channels enable team members to share knowledge, objectives, and problem-solving skills to reduce post-surgical complications, high readmission, and mortality rates (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
A previous study by Wei et al. (2020) concurs with the above findings on the importance of communication among surgical teams. In their qualitative descriptive study, Wei et al. (2020) investigated the perspectives of healthcare professionals on Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) in healthcare settings. The researchers found that IPCP created synergy among the healthcare professionals, resulting in a culture of caring forged through positive relationships and constructive feedback from team leaders, enabling them to coordinate in offering quality healthcare. Henceforth, successful healthcare outcomes among team members require team leaders to promote effective communication for the collaborative work environment and effective performance of the team members.
Communication and Transformational Leadership
The transformational leadership approach impacts organizations and employee behaviors by bringing about significant and constructive change among the employees to enhance their transformation into leaders (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). It motivates and inspires staff to innovate and create new approaches for expanding and enhancing an organization’s future success. By employing this technique, CEOs empower dependable staff members to take initiative and promote novel methods of problem-solving (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Since employee inspiration and motivation require proper persuasion through well-articulated responses, effective communication skills are a critical talent and attribute of transformational leaders (Eisenberg et al., 2019). They must be excellent communicators who can give a compelling and clear direction for their team by painting a vivid vision of the future (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
For instance, Tian et al. (2020) investigated how transformational leaders can employ communication and citizenship behavior to promote employee retention, mediation, and moderation processes. They employed convenience sampling to collect data from 505 employees, and the findings indicate a positive relationship between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, with communication playing a moderating role in the association (Tian et al., 2020).
To keep personnel and improve organizational and civic behavior, transformational leadership is essential. It is crucial to realize that effective communication and inspiration among leaders raise employee happiness. The production, efficiency, and dedication of employees are all considerably increased by effective leadership and employee communication. Employees feel appreciated, encouraged, and rewarded for their contributions towards the success of the organization and the improvement of both the person and the organization through efficient communication (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Furthermore, Eisenberg et al. (2019) investigated the influence of communication and transformational leadership on reducing the negative impact of organizational team dispersion and performance. The researchers highlighted that reliance on virtual teams in remote areas impedes effective team communication and performance. Analysis of data collected from the 53 innovation teams involved in the study reveals that transformational leadership is necessary for bridging the gap between tea communication, dispersion, and performance (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
The leaders may experience counterproductive influence from employee teams that are highly dispersed, reducing the leaders’ influence on the projects’ progress and performance. Eisenberg et al. (2019) proposed a theoretical model (Figure 2) to highlight the relationship between team dispersion and performance. The model indicates that transformational leadership reconciles the differences in geographical dispersion and team performance through effective communication. Regular communication with virtual team members increases the potential of inspiring and motivating employees to strive in pursuit of leadership goals (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Figure 2: Theoretical model showing the relationship between team dispersion and performance

Theoretical model showing the relationship between team dispersion and performance (Eisenberg et al. (2019).
Basically, transformational leadership influences employee performance by exhibiting excellent verbal and nonverbal communication skills (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). transformational nurse leaders inspire confidence and strength among nurse teams, allowing each team member to improve their skills and competence appropriately. Such leaders nurture trustful relationships with the nurses through mentorship based on transparent and clear communication (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
They approach the nurses’ issue with open-mindedness while allowing room for open discussion about the issues and possible solutions, creating an idealized influence (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). Therefore, transformational leaders can succeed in their quest for organizational change by employing effective communication skills through open-mindedness, trust, clarity, and respect for the employee teams (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Barriers to Effective Communication
Leadership communication is affected by many barriers that impede the leaders’ ability to pass information to project teams, resulting in miscommunication. Nurse leaders’ poor communication may negatively affect patient care across nursing units by misleading nursing teams, leading to poor healthcare practices and outcomes at the hospital. For instance, the nurse leaders may filter information given, especially feedback collected from the nurse teams, inhibiting the organization’s management from acting on the issues affecting employees (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Filtering involves distorting or withholding to help manage an individual’s reaction, making it challenging to understand and address the concerns of employees. For example, a nurse leader may withhold employee feedback from the top management about occupational stress and burnout issues, increasing the dissatisfaction and low retention rates of employees. In this case, the employees get demoralized, compelling them to vacate their positions or provide dismal patient care (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Moreover, inadequate or ineffective communication channels also inhibit communication between organizational leadership and employees. Some organizations, especially those with a top-down approach to management, can experience challenges resulting from communication breakdown. They may be affected by miscommunication or delayed communication, which is not suitable for cases requiring emergency reaction.
Campbell et al. (2020) employed descriptive research, questionnaires, and surveys to evaluate the impacts of inadequate communication between organizational management and employees. The authors argue that every administrative activity relies on communication, which is a fundamental and essential part of passing information along and being understood by others. A general lack of interdependence, whereby managers and employees have not created a collaborative and coordinated work relationship, is one factor contributing to the breakdown in communication between managers and staff (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Employee actions and organizational goals or vision become miscommunicated and out of sync as a result. Additionally, some managers don’t consider the contributions of other individuals since they believe they can complete the task on their own. Lack of a collaborative workplace atmosphere can lessen the need for communication, which can have a detrimental impact on how well patients are treated in healthcare organizations (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Additionally, Campbell et al. (2020) note that some managers are unable to convey information to their subordinates or receive it from them due to a lack of good communication skills. These managers might disclose critical information incorrectly, which would have an impact on how employee teams functioned and how well the company as a whole performed. In general, accurate, open, and prompt information dissemination is essential for the efficient management and operation of healthcare facilities, including the transfer of responsibilities to nursing teams (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Misreporting of information from the top management to the employee teams in these situations may stall nurse tasks and contribute to performance mistakes, which could harm the leaders’ and the company’s reputations. To increase the success of the leaders and boost staff performance, healthcare facilities should encourage good leadership communication practices (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Recommendations (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples)
Organizations should establish training and mentorship programs to improve employee communication and listening skills for the effective provision of patient care. Training will enhance the nurse leaders’ communication competence, enabling them to effectively collect feedback and provide appropriate responses to the employee teams(Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Leaders should also establish open communication channels to facilitate communication and receipt of feedback from employees. Open communication channels allow prompt receipt and action on the communication, increasing the impact of the information.
Leaders should also engage in regular communication with the employee beyond the scheduled duration. This could help understand and develop personal connections with the employees and enhance open communication integral in promoting a corporative work environment (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Leaders should clearly and accurately communicate their vision, goals, and expected employee behaviors to facilitate alignment of employee activities with the goals and expectations. It can help in reminding employees about their obligations and expected work practices to ensure that they do not falter in their obligations (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Leaders should prioritize employee feedback to facilitate organizational success. Employees interact daily with every aspect of the organization, indicating that they can easily identify performance issues or necessary adjustments that must be emphasized to improve organizational performance (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Good communication skills are integral in empowering and inspiring positive performance among employee teams in an organization. The paper explored various types of organizational communication that leaders can utilize to ensure the appropriate passage of intended information and the reception of feedback. The communication types include verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication. Integrating the form of communication elevates a leader’s ability to provide reliable, accurate, and timely information to the employee team (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
Besides, the paper explored the roles of communication in leadership success by evaluating the positions of researchers and experts on how leaders can successfully promote change and improve performance among employee teams. The identified roles include enabling leaders to clearly define the team members’ objectives and inspiring employees by improving the team leaders’ understanding of the needs and desires of team members. Other roles include enabling leaders to effectively resolve employee conflicts and disputes and establishing a collaborative and productive work environment.
Moreover, the paper also examined the relationship between communication and the transformational leadership approach, including how transformational nurse leaders utilize communication competence to inspire and motivate positive employee performance. Transformational leaders must exhibit excellent communication skills to help inspire and motivate change among the employees. The last part will examine the barriers to effective leadership communication and the strategies necessary for improving the performance of nurse leaders in healthcare organizations (Leadership Strategies for Success-Nursing Paper Examples).
The barriers include information filtration, ineffective communication channels, poor communication skills, and inadequate communication between organizational management and employees. Therefore, organizations can employ various measures to eliminate the barriers and ensure leadership success, such as offering training on communication competency, establishing open communication channels, prioritizing employee feedback, and enhancing clarity and accuracy during communication. Henceforth, transformational nurse leaders should sharpen their communication skills to increase their potential to inspire and motivate project teams to succeed.
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