Discussion to Reply to-Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples

BD (Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples)

Leadership competency is a composite of knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform effectively in a leadership role (Kragt & Day, 2020). My practice change project is focused on using behavioral interventions as a form of treatment for adult obesity. The project team will be engaged in this project through my leadership competencies of creating a collaborative culture and operating with care. Interprofessional collaboration is crucial to comprehensive care, especially in treating complex diseases requiring different professionals’ involvement (Kaiser et al., 2022) (Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples).

The use of behavioral interventions for treating adult obesity focuses on lifestyle changes, healthy food choices, and increased physical activities. This will involve effective collaboration with health coaches, nutritionists, dietitians, and diabetes educators. The ability to communicate the goals of the project is essential. In addition, ideas will be welcomed without changing the proposed translated evidence.

Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples
Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples

On the other hand, operations with care will focus on the ability to accommodate their schedule choices. The project change will involve educating and training staff about the proposed interventions; this may include working late. The ability to offer weekend training instead of working long hours will help enhance their engagement, ultimately improving outcomes (Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples).

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive one’s emotions, understand others, regulate, and utilize emotions to guide thoughts and actions. Mindfulness training enhances and promotes it, alongside human caring ability and supportive communication( Kou et al., 2021). Mindfulness practice helps individuals to unify their mind, body, and spirit with the present, which makes it easier for them to observe, understand, love, and care ( Kou et al., 2021). Mindfulness training is usually done through meditation, which profoundly improves anxiety symptoms (Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples).

This will help control the project team stress associated with change. In addition, the translated interventions will be understood effectively, and they will be able to observe changes in biometrics such as waist circumference, hemoglobin A1c, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI). Top-notch care will also be provided because the project stress level is minimal. This will promote good outcomes. The staff will be encouraged to engage in meditation training daily. It will be easily accessible and can be done at work during lunch break or at home. A reward will be attached for those who complete theirs on time.

Education and training will continually be provided while observing the biometrics. Effective communication will be encouraged between other health professional teams throughout the project, and evidence-based suggestions will be adopted as long as they stay the same methodology in the translated evidence. This will produce better health outcomes (Leadership competency-Nursing Paper Examples).


Kaiser, Conrad, S., Neugebauer, E. A. M., Pietsch, B., & Pieper, D. (2022). Interprofessional collaboration and patient-reported outcomes in inpatient care: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews11(1), 1–169. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-022-02027-xLinks to an external site.

Kragt, & Day, D. V. (2020). Predicting Leadership Competency Development and Promotion Among High-Potential Executives: The Role of Leader Identity. Frontiers in Psychology11, 1816–1816. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01816Links to an external site.

Kou, Bi, T., Chen, S., Li, X., He, Y., Xie, Q., & He, J. (2022). The impact of mindfulness training on supportive communication, emotional intelligence, and human caring among nursing students. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care58(4), 2552–2561. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppc.13093