8-1 Discussion: Language and Cognition-Nursing Paper Examples

Language and Cognition

Language has and will continue to influence human beings’ interactions across the world. Language entails a system of conventional written or spoken words in which participants or social groups express themselves in a culture (Kim, 2020). Language is vital to individuals’ individuality since they can describe their feelings, thoughts, and actions. Of importance, culture shapes peoples’ language by choosing different words to be used in different circumstances. Thus, different cultures imply that people should learn different languages to communicate effectively (Language and Cognition).

 Language and Cognition
Language and Cognition-Nursing

Language also affects peoples’ worldviews and thinking processes. The acquisition of language is a vital aspect of cognitive development. Language and cognition are in a dual and cyclical relationship, such that thinking affects what we speak and eventually affects how we think. Teaching students about color words in a professional setting promotes their ability to discriminate between colors. Secondly, in the cognitive theory of language, psychologist Piaget positioned language learning in context with a child’s cognitive or mental development (Qizi, 2022).

Therefore, a child comprehends concepts before they acquire the means to express them. For example, a child in a particular developmental stage can arrange several sticks by size. However, the child may have yet to reach a stage to learn and use comparatives such as more minor and more significant. The theory shows a strong relationship between cognition and language (Language and Cognition).

Language is a powerful tool that allows people to communicate, express thoughts and feelings, and share knowledge and information. By doing so, language brings people together and separates them by enshrining different aspects of language diversity. However, communication barriers arise when people speak different languages. Therefore, we should learn to communicate differently across different cultures as it affects how we think and react in specific circumstances and connect with diverse people.


Kim, D. (2020). Learning language, learning culture: Teaching language to the whole student. ECNU Review of Education3(3), 519-541.

Qizi, Q. Z. A. (2022). Multiple intelligences in language acquisition-1. Ta’lim fidoyilari7(8), 57-78.

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