Discussion Wk1 Responses-Improved Education and Training for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP-Nursing Paper Examples

Reply to First Discussion (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples)

Excellent post! Your discussion was informative and fascinating. Improved education and training for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP) to effectively assess, diagnose, and treat people with mental health conditions is essential. Although the social worker maintained eye contact and showed concern for the patient, she should have introduced herself to the patient. Consequently, the social worker should have mentioned her name, profession, and reasons for meeting with the patient at the beginning of the session (Improved Education and Training for Psychiatric).

Proper introduction aids in making a positive impression and building trust with patients. One of the main concerns for the patient was self-harm. Furthermore, comprehensive psychiatry assessments should be conducted to identify self-harm are secretive behaviors that may go on for a long time without being discovered. Like in Tony’s case, most children and adolescents may struggle to express themselves. Hence, require immediate support to help them explore their feelings and behavior, potential interventions, and mental health outcomes (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples).

Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples
Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples

One of the main strategies for conducting children and adolescents’ psychiatric assessments is case management. More so, where social workers assess clients’ needs and their families to arrange, coordinate and monitor. In addition, evaluate, and advocate for multiple intervention strategies to promote healing and recovery (Snyder & Wenocur, 2022) (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples).

Subsequently, appropriate symptom rating scales should be used. Moreover to determine the extent of the problem to create intervention strategies that improve the patient’s condition. Thus, evidence-based interventions such as Cognitive behavioral therapy allow the clients to change their feelings and thoughts. In addition, behavior to improve their mental health and well-being (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples).


Snyder, S. E., & Wenocur, K. (2022). ‘Meeting them where they are at A practice note on the implementation of the Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention in an emergency family homeless shelter. Child & Family Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12962

Reply to Second Discussion (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples)

Great post! Your discussion was educative and engaging! I support your claims that there is a need for mental health practitioners to need to build trust and confidence while dealing with children and adolescents. In the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video, Tony was hesitant and nervous during the encounter with the social worker. For example, Tony was uncomfortable answering questions such as whether he was crying a lot. The social worker should have determined Tony’s general appearance (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples).

She should have been assessed for potential shortness or heavy breathing, sweating, or shaking to confirm potential nervousness. The social worker offered the patient a warm reception by greeting them with a smile. However, the practitioner should have previewed the appointment by giving the patient an overview of what happened during the visit since knowing what to expect reduces anxiety. Secondly, lighting the mood by asking the patient about life interests or hobbies may have reduced the patient’s nervousness (Improved Education and Training-Nursing Paper Examples).

Although suicidal thoughts were some of the compelling concerns for the patient, there was a need to address the chest pain and tightness encountered as it implied potential panic attacks that are detrimental. Collaboration between mental health practitioners and patients’ parents/guardians aids in obtaining comprehensive information about behavior changes, history of mental concerns, and trauma among children and adolescents (Casella et al., 2022). Subsequently, thorough psychiatry assessments comprising of the patient’s developmental, family, socio-demographic, and environmental factors aid in identifying major mental health concerns and devising suitable interventions.


Casella, C. B., Zuccolo, P. F., Sugaya, L., de Souza, A. S., Otoch, L., Alarcão, F., … & Polanczyk, G. V. (2022). Brief internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral intervention for children and adolescents with symptoms of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial protocol. Trials23(1), 899. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13063-022-06836-2