8-1 Discussion: Support an Argument Position-approaches in implementing change-Nursing Paper Examples

Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples

Organizations employ proactive and reactive approaches in implementing change efforts to improve operations and resolve issues that may hinder productivity. The reactive change efforts are initiated after an opportunity or unexpected situation occurs within the organization (Neubert & Dyck, 2021). It responds to the circumstance structurally and positively to ensure the achievement of positive outcomes of the problem. Consequently, Parker et al. (2019) explain that proactive change entails changes organizations initiate due to the desire to improve positive outcomes for a particular strategy or sector (Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples
approaches in implementing change-Nursing Paper Examples

The premeditated change effort is integral in addressing expected organizational changes, such as implementing a new employee benefits scheme to promote employee job satisfaction and productivity. Ideally, the proactive change effort is more beneficial than the reactive effort since it enhances the organization’s ability to anticipate and devise solutions to potential problems (Parker et al., 2019). For instance, the organization can revise wages and increase employee benefits to mitigate a looming employee strike on poor wages, minimizing the impact of abrupt wage increments on the organization (Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Besides, the proactive changes ensure business continuity by preparing the organization for various uncertainties that may affect its operations. It enables the organization to establish safeguards and contingency measures, such as training junior employees to equip them with skills to help fill future talent shortages (Meyers, 2020) (Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Additionally, proactive efforts enhance collaboration between stakeholders and company management based on necessary policies for guiding the organization to its vision and goals (Yang et al., 2019). It provides ample time for the stakeholders and management to debate and determine necessary improvements for the organization’s success. Lastly, Neubert and Dyck (2021) illustrate that proactive change efforts are cost-effective since they allow the organization to anticipate potential problems and establish measures in advance to curb losses from uncertainties (Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Necessary resources for mitigating the change, such as discovering new funding sources for employee training, can help reduce the cost of bridging the gaps left by retired employees or those who quit their jobs. Henceforth, proactive change effort enhances the organization’s early adaptation to potential changes, ensuring the long-term achievement of organizational goals (Implementing Change-Nursing Paper Examples).


Meyers, M. C. (2020). The neglected role of talent proactivity: Integrating proactive behavior into talent-management theorizing. Human Resource Management Review30(2), 100703. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2019.100703

Neubert, M. J. & Dyck, B. (2021). Organizational behavior: For a better tomorrow. (2nd ed.). United Kingdom: Wiley.

Parker, S. K., Wang, Y., & Liao, J. (2019). When is proactivity wise? A review of factors that influence the individual outcomes of proactive behavior. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior6, 221-248. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012218-015302

Yang, D., Jiang, W., & Zhao, W. (2019). Proactive environmental strategy, innovation capability, and stakeholder integration capability: A mediation analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment28(8), 1534-1547. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2329

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