IHP 620 Final Project Milestone Three – Solution

IHP 620 Final Project Milestone Three

Prompt: In Milestone One, you selected an organization to analyze from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database and received approval and feedback from your instructor on your proposal. In Milestone Two, you submitted a draft of the policy research report and received feedback. Now, for Milestone Three of your final project, you will apply the economic principles you have examined through the first seven weeks of the course to your chosen organization by submitting a draft of the organizational analysis report.

Based on instructor feedback and direction to this milestone, you will revise your organizational analysis report for the final submission of the policy research and organizational analysis report in Module Nine.

Your analysis of your chosen organization must address the following elements:

I. Organizational Impact and Recommendations: A. Organization Introduction: What organization is the focus of your report, the sub-industry or type of organization it belongs to (home care,

hospital, etc.), and what is the financial background of the organization? B. Nonprofit or For-Profit: Is the organization you selected a nonprofit or a for-profit? What differences will this make in terms of economic policy


II. Financials, Market, and Demand: A. Demand Theory: Explain how demand theory is reflected in the organizational financial statements. B. Market Behavior Impact: Explain how and why market behavior affects the financial statements at various times throughout the calendar year

for your organization.

III. Economic Legislative Changes: A. Legislative Changes: Considering the economic and legislative changes you researched, what changes are most likely to impact your

organization, and why? B. Policy Changes and Impact: Considering the legislative changes and type of organization you have selected, what possible organizational policies

may result? Discuss the possible resulting policy changes that may occur within the organization. What is, or will be, the impact of these policy and legislative changes on your organization?

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IHP 620 Final Project Milestone Three
IHP 620 Final Project Milestone Three

C. Statement Impact: In what ways would you expect to see the financial statements to be impacted because of these changes, and why? D. Potential Disparities: Would the legislative changes cause disparities in care that could further impact your organization, or that your

organization could plan to combat? How would you recommend planning for these?

Guidelines for Submission: Your report should be in APA format and all resources and references should be cited appropriately. A well-written, concise report will fall within the range of 4–6 pages, not including a title and reference page.


Rubric Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Organization Introduction

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is concise by delivering key elements without superfluous detail

Accurately and in detail describes the selected organization, sub- industry, and financial background

Describes the selected organization, sub-industry, and financial background, but with gaps in accuracy or detail

Does not describe the selected organization, sub-industry, or financial background


Nonprofit or For-Profit Meets “Proficient” criteria and summary evidences ability to translate the larger view of economic impact in healthcare to the level of a specific organization

Determines whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit and accurately summarizes the impact this fact will have in terms of economic policy

Determines whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit and summarizes the impact this fact will have in terms of economic policy, but with gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not determine whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit and summarize the impact this fact will have in terms of economic policy


Demand Theory Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into appropriate application and use of demand theory for a particular organization

Accurately describes how demand theory is reflected in the organizational financial statements

Describes how demand theory is related to the financial statements, but with gaps in accuracy or detail regarding how the statements reflect demand theory

Does not describe how demand theory is related to the financial statements


Market Behavior Impact

Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation evidences keen insight into the nuanced relationship between market behavior and financial impacts to an organization

Accurately explains how market behavior impacts the financial statements of the organization at various times throughout the year, and explains why

Explains how and why market behavior impacts the financial statements of the organization at various times throughout the year, but with gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not explain how and why market behavior impacts the financial statements of the organization at various times throughout the year


Legislative Changes Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into how the current economic legislation changes will impact organizations

Accurately determines and explains the recent economic legislative changes that would most likely impact the selected organization

Determines and explains the recent economic legislative changes that would most likely impact the selected organization, but with gaps in accuracy or detail

Does not determine and explain the recent economic legislative changes that would most likely impact the selected organization


Policy Changes and Impact

Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the nuanced impact of legislative changes on healthcare organizations

Logically determines the impact the recent legislative changes will have on the selected organization and its policies, with supportive detail

Determines the impact the recent legislative changes will have on the organization and its policies, but with gaps in logic or supporting detail

Does not determine the impact the recent legislative changes will have on the organization and its policies


Statement Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the facets and factors that influence financial statements

Accurately describes how the financial statements are impacted based on legislative and policy changes

Describes how the financial statements are impacted but lacks accuracy or necessary detail regarding legislative and policy changes

Does not describe how the financial statements are impacted


Potential Disparities Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the continuously evolving healthcare environment or the unpredictable impacts of legislation on specific organizations and availability of care

Recommends logical methods to plan for legislative and policy- driven disparities in care to prevent further organizational impact

Recommends methods to plan for legislative and policy-driven disparities in care, but they would not logically prevent further organizational impact

Does not recommend methods to plan for legislative and policy- driven disparities in care


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Earned Total 100%

  • IHP 620 Final Project Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric

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