Human Rights Equality Research Article

Human Rights Equality Research Article – For each of the 8 Fundamental Human Rights, find 2 recent articles. Recent is defined as an article that was posted from September 1, 2020 to the present. One article will define the right being upheld…(Human Rights Equality Research Essay)

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Human Rights Equality Research Essay

Paper details

For each of the 8 Fundamental Human Rights, find 2 recent articles. Recent is defined as an article that was posted from September 1, 2020 to the present. One article will define the right being upheld, while the second article will define the right as being denied. In a Google Doc, supply a link to each article (keep it organized by the right). Write a short (approx 2 sentence) summary of each article. At the end of document, write a 3 to 5 paragraph essay: “Write a reflection on positive and negative human rights trends nationally or internationally.”(Human Rights Equality Research Essay)


The article talks of increased prospects to enhance gender equality for women. It provides a reflection of America’s commitment to promote gender equality especially after Biden’s victory in the presidential elections.

The above article talks of the quest by the European Commission to end gender inequality. It raises concerns of existence of high cases of gender inequality with women being the major victims.

Right to Freedoms

How Freedom defeated America: We lost an entire year from COVID due to phony patriotism and cheap liberty

The article talks about the right to freedom in America. It shows that the Covid 19 pandemic led to the violation of some American freedoms as the government failed to protect its citizens.

The article talks of Mr Skase release from prison. It revisits the case of Mr Skase who was denied his freedom by the Austrian government extradition case but freed by the Spanish court thereby upholding the right.

Right against Exploitation

The article talks about the right against exploitation by focusing on slavery. It points out that instances of slavery has increased with the covid 19 pandemic.

The article focuses on ending the exploitations of people by amending the constitution. It talks of the move by Democrats to erase clauses that still permit slavery by the American constitution.

Right to Religion

The article discusses an online rally to oppose the violation of religious beliefs of individuals. The rally is meant to oppose the decision by an American court to ignore the religious views of the people involved in the case.

The article discusses the United States government’s move to place Nigeria on the blacklist of religious freedom. Pompeo depicts the move as an act of ensuring that the United States uphold the right to religion.

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Right to Cultural Practices and Education

The United States is illustrated as upholding the cultural rights of its citizens and the world at large. This is seen in its collaboration with Taiwan to promote the teaching of language.

The passage discuses violation of freedom to education. It points at concerns by Human Rights organizations to regarding increase in cases where children with disability are discriminated from learning.

Right to Constitutional Remedies

The article portrays the presidential pardon as a clause that violates the right for constitutional remedy. It shows that presidents abuse it thereby leading to violation of constitutional remedies for the victims.

The article proves the upholding of the right to legal remedy. It shows Donald Trump’s recent views that the elections were not fair hence moving to seek legal redress thereby proving the existence of constitutional remedies.

Right to Labor

The article discusses the right to labor. It talks of the failing state for America and Canada failure to protect workers as seen in the high cases of violation of labor union demands.

The article shows the United States commitment to safeguard the rule of law regarding protecting the citizen’s right to labor. It talks of Congress’ move to approve a budget meant to promote economic recovery from the Covid 19 pandemic thereby generating more jobs to Americans.

Right to Health

The article points at the importance of the right to health. It discusses the UN’s move to uphold the right by advocating for better access to vaccines to curb the covid 19 pandemic hence promote people’s health.

The article discusses the health crisis in America that has seen citizens suffer. It looks into the concerns of a family that has suffered from the pandemic thereby showcasing the governments’ failure to protect its citizens.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Human Rights Trends

 Several advantages and disadvantages can be realized from the growing trend of human rights activities in the United States and the world at large. Human rights refer to the fundamental freedom guaranteed to each person through the constitution. The desire to ensure that the rights of people are upheld has seen the emergence of diverse trends in people becoming bolder to champion for their rights and those of others.

Mass protests have become familiar events as people show their dissatisfaction with specific inhumane practices and call for awareness on the violation of the rights. Digital communication sites have also provided people with the platform to rebuke instances of violation of human rights. The situation has led to several advantages and disadvantages.

The key advantages of the trends is that they have helped create awareness of violation of the human rights in the country and the world at large. The awareness is seen in the massive attention that is created when people come out in large numbers to oppose violation of the numerous human rights. Another advantage is seen in the trends enhancing the standards of life for people who have often been affected by cases of human rights violation.

Likewise, the trends have several disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that they sometimes lead to the attainment of opposite results. An example is seen in people with contradicting ideas about different protests engaging in bitter exchanges through online platforms. The exchanges cause further divisions instead of uniting. Another disadvantage is depicted by instances of property destruction that sometimes occur when some protestors decide to vandalize people’s investments.

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