Healthy People 2030 – Final Paper

Healthy People 2030 – Final Paper: Describe an emerging or expanded role for public health professionals in 2030 and beyond. Explain and support your choice with resources…

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Healthy People 2030 – Final Paper

Paper details

As you near the end of this course, take the time to consider your opportunities and the professional path you might follow. Examine and reflect upon the insights you have gained into the diverse workforce, programs, services, challenges, and opportunities for public health.

  • Submit a 6- to 8-page (not including title page and references) scholarly paper using APA references and formatting.
  • Include section headers for each of the sections below:
    • Describe an emerging or expanded role for public health professionals in 2030 and beyond. Explain and support your choice with resources.
    • Propose an additional goal not found in Healthy People 2030 that should be added to the next Healthy People update (e.g., for 2040). Use supporting resources and data to defend your proposed goals.
    • Prioritize and explain future health systems, programs, and policies that might affect the future of public health.
    • Review your StrengthsFinder results and what you wrote in your Module 1 paper. Then, explain how your goals to support and promote the field of public health have changed as a result of what you have learned in this course and describe how you will use your personal strengths, skills, and knowledge as a scholar and practitioner to achieve those goals. (Be sure to go beyond what you wrote in your Module 1 paper to show your growth.)
    • Describe how your goals for the future will contribute to positive social change in your community.
  • Be sure to cite the resources you used within your assignment using APA format for in-text citation and include a reference list at the end of your paper.
  • Make sure you follow APA format for all aspects of your paper.

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Healthy People 2030

The Healthy People Federal Interagency Workgroup (FIW) and other federal agencies developed the Healthy People initiative to support and guide America’s efforts to promote health and prevent diseases (Gómez et al., 2021). The Healthy People 2030 framework has various goals, including achieving the full potential for health free from preventable diseases, health equity, and literacy. These goals impact different aspects of public health.

Thus, to understand its potential impacts, the paper will identify and describe an emerging role of public health professionals in 2030, including a goal that should be included in the subsequent Healthy People Update 2040. Moreover, it will explore future health systems, programs, and policies likely to affect the future of public health. Further, it will examine the changes in goals supporting and promoting public health, including applying personal strengths, knowledge, and skills to achieving those goals.

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The last part will explore those goals’ contributions to achieving positive social change within the community. Therefore, Healthy People 2030 framework is an initiative with the potential to improve the health and well-being of Americans through its incorporation of improved programs, policies, and overarching goals.

Emerging Role of Public Health Professionals in 2030 and Beyond 150

An expanded role of public health professionals is facilitating community health literacy. Health literacy is part of the Healthy People 2030 framework based on a prevention-based strategy. Public health professionals will be focused on designing and raising awareness of disease prevention approaches (Santana et al., 2021).

Generally, health literacy entails procedures people can use to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services required in making appropriate health decisions. This aligns with the future prevention-based healthcare goals of reducing health disparities and improving the health and well-being of the community.

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According to Santana et al. (2021), most American communities experience higher levels of health illiteracy, making it challenging to observe measures that can improve their well-being. Most are unaware of disease prevention measures, such as healthy eating, the importance of vaccination, and maintaining a safe and clean environment.

As a result, Gómez et al. (2021) observe that public health professionals will be responsible for research and information dissemination to healthcare providers and the community to support their disease prevention and well-being. They will achieve this role by rolling out national prevention programs, creating awareness through community groups, designing and distributing information pamphlets, and holding educational events within communities.

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Additional Goal that Should be added to Next Healthy People Update

The next update of healthy people should incorporate art and culture as one of its overarching goals. Aspects of art and culture are vital to promoting community health and well-being due to their emphasis on addressing the upstream drivers of health outcomes (Fancourt & Finn, 2019).

For instance, it supports healthcare structures, systems, environments, and policies by incorporating innovative and collaborative strategies critical for creating memorable experiences, effectively utilizing community resources, and supporting individual well-being within the social-ecological model. According to Fancourt and Finn (2019), arts and culture can strengthen the health and social being of the community by prolonging their life expectancy and affecting their experienced health status.

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It also reduces exclusion, which is essential in managing and treating various mental health conditions like stress. Artistic and cultural activities allow individuals to interact, share ideas with others, and enjoy memorable experiences crucial for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, to achieve this goal, Healthy People 2040 will need to hire local artists to research arts and culture dissemination and collaborate with art organizations on designing and implementing the interventions.

Future Health Systems, Programs, and Policies

Future health systems will include technological transformations like telehealth, scientific breakthrough, and interoperability. These technological transformations will change the current health system from a treatment-based to a prevention-based system. Mehta and Pandit (2018) observe that adopting data, science, and technology will be critical to early disease identification, proactive intervention, and improved understanding of their progression to aid consumers in sustaining their well-being.

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For instance, the overarching goals of Healthy People 2030 will incorporate three distinct but interconnected aspects of a technology-driven health system. It will involve data and platforms, the backbone of future health systems, and aid in generating insights for decision-making to underpin consumer-driven health. Besides, the health systems will comprise a well-being and care delivery plan focused on establishing virtual and physical healthcare facilities and communities to provide consumer-centric care delivery and wellness products (Betts et al., 2021).

Finally, it will consist of care enablement plans focused on financing, connecting, and regulating the healthcare industry’s engine. Besides, future public health programs will incorporate shared value proportion programs for communities and investors. Such programs involve incorporating public health initiatives into other community aspects, such as developing real estate while promoting public health by increasing access to social amenities like water (Betts et al., 2021).

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For example, many programs like the Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund II will be crucial in improving public health within communities. These programs position communities as central players in public health decision-making. Other programs will center around health equity to ensure that every individual achieves the full potential of health and well-being. Like the Magnolia Community Initiative, the programs will underscore health equity by prioritizing vulnerable populations with less-developed public health infrastructures.

Finally, the local, state and federal governments will be forced to introduce public health policies to increase accessibility and equity and strengthen the potential of achieving health and well-being (Betts et al., 2021). For instance, future public health will incorporate initiatives like the introduction of equitable fiscal policies encouraging funding of programs for improving the health and well-being of Americans.

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For example, policies can be introduced to increase funding of programs like The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) (Betts et al., 2021). Implementing policies to increase funding for such programs can help public health departments hire more staff to effectively engage in disease prevention and community engagement.

Application of Personal Strengths, Knowledge, and Skills in achieving the Goals

The content of this course was elaborative and informative, which increased my knowledge of the concepts of public health promotion. My initial goals were to achieve cultural competency, uphold collective decision-making and collaboration, and pursue academic excellence. However, the public health promotion knowledge gained in the learning activities has increased my desire to pursue various goals, such as creating awareness of social support and trust within the community, fostering civic engagement and democracy, and encouraging community safety and harmonious living.

My strengths that will aid the achievement of these goals include connectedness, competition, includer, significance, and relator skills (CliftonStrengths, 2018). Connectedness entails social, emotional, and spiritual engagement with other people or objects with a distinct physical being. The ability to form a connection with the community will facilitate the development of trust, making it easy for the community to listen and engage in civic activities.

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Besides, I will use the strength of competition to compare my strategies with the measures other scholars applied in their studies, such as encouraging harmony and safety within communities by educating them on the benefits of collaboration (Padilla-Rivera, Russo-Garrido & Merveille, 2020). Additionally, I will use the included strength to ensure that every community member is engaged in achieving the goals. For instance, I will conduct door-to-door awareness campaigns to capture every part of society, including those who do not see the importance of collaborating with other community members.

Moreover, the significance strength will be critical in ensuring the achievement of all the goals (CliftonStrengths, 2018). I will utilize my orator, innovative, and creative skills to devise ways to ensure that the community engages and is attentive to the awareness campaigns, such as narrating their stories of encouragement. Finally, relator skills will be critical in establishing closer relationships with the community (CliftonStrengths, 2018). I will show the community the importance of establishing trust and authenticity and overlooking offenses of their neighbors to resolve conflicts and achieve peaceful co-existence.

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Positive Impacts of the Goals on Social Change within the Community

The goals will positively impact social change within the community in various ways. For instance, creating awareness of social support and trust is essential to overcoming public health challenges like the Covid-19 outbreak. Song and Yoo (2020) observe that establishing trust and support encourages the community to reciprocate by collaborating with any initiative or strategy to curb the health problem. They can collaborate by complying with disease prevention measures, like accepting vaccines.

Besides, fostering civic engagement and democracy can help promote the quality of life through political and non-political processes. It involves political and environmental activism, including participating in community and national services (Procentese, De Carlo & Gatti, 2019). In this case, educating the community about civic engagement and democracy will inform them of current health promotion events and encourage youths to perform voluntary activities like clearing drainage systems and maintaining a clean environment.

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Lastly, creating awareness of safety and harmonious living is essential in encouraging collaboration within the community, which is vital in identifying public health gaps, like the need for a clean water supply (Padilla-Rivera, Russo-Garrido & Merveille, 2020). It will also reduce violence-related injuries and costs, making it easy for them to preserve income and assets like health facilities destroyed during riots or clashes.


The overarching goals, policies, and programs of Healthy People 2030 have a higher potential to improve the health and well-being of Americans. The paper describes community health literacy as an emerging role of public health professionals based on the Healthy People 2030 initiative and beyond.

It also identifies and examines art and culture as the new goal that should be added to the next update of the initiative. It further explores the future health systems, programs, and policies likely to affect future public health systems. They include technological transformation, shared value proportion programs, and equitable fiscal policies.

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In addition, it identifies new goals like creating awareness of social support and trust, safety and harmonious living, and fostering civic engagement. I can use my skills, knowledge, and strength to achieve the goals by building trust and encouraging community engagement and collaboration.

Lastly, these goals can positively impact social change within the community by encouraging collaboration in performing community initiatives like clearing drainage systems. Henceforth, the overarching goals of Healthy People 2030 are key to establishing a more robust health system that can guide America in achieving security, safety, and economic prosperity in the future.

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  • Betts, D., Gordon, R., Cruse, C. B., & Egizi, A. L. (2021, November 29). The Future of the Public’s Health: Reimagining the Health ecosystems, Policies, programs, and systems for transforming public health. Deloitte. Available at: (Accessed: October 29, 2022)
  • CliftonStrengths (2018). Live your best life using your strengths. Gallup. Available at: (Accessed: October 29, 2022)
  • Fancourt, D., & Finn, S. (2019). What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
  • Gómez, C. A., Kleinman, D. V., Pronk, N., Gordon, G. L. W., Ochiai, E., Blakey, C., … & Brewer, K. H. (2021). Practice Full Report: Addressing Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health Through Healthy People 2030. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(6), S249. Doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001297
  • As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments including how to manage stress in workplaces. All you need to do is place an order with us (Healthy People 2030 – Final Paper).
  • Mehta, N., & Pandit, A. (2018). Concurrence of big data analytics and healthcare: A systematic review. International journal of medical informatics, 114, 57-65.
  • Padilla-Rivera, A., Russo-Garrido, S., & Merveille, N. (2020). Addressing the social aspects of a circular economy: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 12(19), 7912. DOI:  
  • Procentese, F., De Carlo, F., & Gatti, F. (2019). Civic engagement within the local community and a sense of responsible togetherness. TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 26(4).
  • Santana, S., Brach, C., Harris, L., Ochiai, E., Blakey, C., Bevington, F., … & Pronk, N. (2021). Practice Full Report: Updating Health Literacy for Healthy People 2030: Defining Its Importance for a New Decade in Public Health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(6), S258. Doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001324
  • Song, E., & Yoo, H. J. (2020). Impact of social support and social trust on public viral risk response: A COVID-19 survey study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6589. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186589  

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Healthy People 2030