Formal Research Paper: A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper. All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works Cited page…
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Formal Research Paper
Paper details
A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper.
All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works Cited page. This research paper will use the MLA Style for both formatting and documentation.
Here are the details:
- The research paper will need to be at least 6 pages long, not including the Works Cited page at the end. If you desire to go over the 6 pages, please ask your instructor. Instructors will vary in how much over the page limit students may go.
- The paper will have MLA Style for documentation of sources and formatting. Please refer to the resources located in this unit for assistance. Also, please do not hesitate to contact me individually by email with any questions you might have.
- Your instructor will provide guidance on the topic of this essay. Some instructors will allow great freedom in choosing topics, while others will limit topics or have a selection of topics to choose from. This freedom on topics will vary depending upon the instructor, so please ask your instructor if he or she does not make this clear.
- The paper will need to have a thesis to keep the paper focused and organized. Unit 3 explains how to develop the thesis and use it for an organization.
- Include a visual aid such as a picture, graphic, table, chart, etc. in the research paper and give credit to the source of this visual aid. In the six pages this assignment requires, the graphic should take up no more than one-half of one of those pages. (That really means 5.5 pages of writing with .5 of a page allowed for the visual aid). This visual aid requirement is to be in compliance with state guidelines for the class
- As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments including how to manage stress in workplaces. All you need to do is place an order with us (Formal Research Paper: Influence of First Language on Second Language Acquisition).
- The paper needs to have at least 4 outside sources. At least half of the sources you use need to be non-internet. By non-internet, this means general web pages found through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. It is acceptable to use library sources that are accessed online, such as the college\\\\\\\’s system of OhioLINK and the EGCC Gateway. Please refer to the links below for assistance in accessing these library sources. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
- The paper uses a formal, academic tone of voice.
- The paper is an original creation for this course session and not a reworking of any previous essay submission from any prior course experience.
- The paper also includes a large amount of the student’s own ideas and words and is not merely a linking of a series of quotes or paraphrases.
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Influence of First Language on Second Language Acquisition
The first language refers to the language someone learns before attaining three years. It is often referred to as a native language, mother tongue, or primary language (Houwer, n.p). On the other hand, a second language is needed to increase professional success, such as employment, education, and other official reasons. With increased globalization, people from different demographic backgrounds come together, increasing the need for bilingualism.
As a result, most schools have made bilingualism a vital component to enhance learners’ success. People with knowledge of a second language have more opportunities to get more job opportunities which enhances professional success, especially in multicultural societies.
According to Paradis et al., learners exposed to bilingual education in their early school years are more likely to be more proficient in the second language due to brain development (p.149). For this reason, teachers in bilingual schools are challenged to help young learners reach the proficiency needed for learning the content taught in schools and enhancing cognitive development.
Previous research has identified that teachers should use the learners’ native language in the second language acquisition. In support of this statement, using mother tongue can help increase understanding and develop the target language. Specifically, it allows the learner to connect with the existing knowledge of their first language, which enhances understanding.
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However, others feel that if it is constantly encouraged, it may replace the second language. The present thesis aims at assessing the need for using the first language in second language classes. The present research aims to answer the following question;
RQ. What are the benefits of using the first language in second language acquisition and understanding among learners?
This study will use different research materials as a source of secondary data. It will incorporate previous literature for support and background for research advancement. However, not all previously published articles are reliable, negatively affecting the quality of the findings upon use. Therefore, this study will use peer-reviewed articles which are credible and reliable. In this regard, the article should be current, reviewed by a board of experts, signed by authors, and written by professors or researchers.
Research Review
Theoretical Perspectives
The study is based on two theoretical perspectives; second language acquisition and sociocultural theory.
Second Language Acquisition Theory
This theory was selected because most of the articles used for this study are based on this theory, and it is also crucial in understanding the development of a second language. According to Paradis et al., human beings learn a second language by understanding messages, which can also be termed as receiving comprehensible input (p.156).
Comprehensible input refers to messages that are slightly above the learner’s current level of understanding. In this regard, it helps to build on competence, which promotes speech development. As a result, a learner can automatically receive grammatical structures, which eliminates the need for educators to teach grammatical errors explicitly (Raheem, p.113). The second language acquisition theory helps to understand how language works, the learner’s actions to understand the language, and the need for continuous practice to enhance fluency and apply it in real-life situations.
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Houwer highlights that the only way a learner can communicate in a second language is through the assumption of word-for-word translation from the first language (n.p). In this regard, they rely on the first language structures to write or speak the target language.
While the structures between the two languages are different, more errors affect the learner’s understandability. Paradis adds that inference, the errors traced back to the first language, can lead to difficulties when the learner tries to acquire the second language (p.113). Specifically, the learner can find it challenging to understand phonology, grammar, and vocabulary.
Deneshfar and Mehdi add that the errors can be categorized as developmental errors not associated with the learner’s first language; ambiguous errors involving developmental and inference errors and unique errors cannot be categorized in any of these categories (p.600). In this regard, the learner may pronounce the second language words with the first language structure.
Several researchers argue that the learner is more capable of speaking the second language more fluently and autonomously (Deneshfar and Mehdi, p.600; Paradis p.113). However, some counterarguments that increasing proficiency in the second language does not imply that the learner can eliminate the influence of the first language.
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Nonetheless, previous studies have examined the relationship between age and second language acquisition. Houwer highlights that age is essential in developing the second language (n.p). In this regard, learners who acquire the second language at an early age are more likely to be more proficient than those who learn it after puberty.
In childhood, human beings can easily learn languages because the left hemisphere is more involved in speech and language than the right hemisphere (Paradis et al., p.150). After puberty, the brains lose its reorganizational capabilities and elasticity essential for language development.
Sociocultural Theory
This theory was selected as it explains the interactions of people in social contexts and the communicative aspects of teaching and learning. People from different cultures use the second language to enhance collaborative dialogue to solve problems and enhance mutual understanding (Loewen and Masatoshi, p. 288).
Also, when learners interact, they notice gaps in their linguistic knowledge. As a result, they may try to fill these gaps by asking their teachers and peers, referring to grammar resources, or noticing the changes they can improve their language in the future.
Newman adds that communication can help link interaction and thoughts (p. 355). In this regard, collaborative communication is important in areas where the learner cannot solve a problem alone and instead seek guidance from someone with more knowledge.
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In this regard, the sociocultural theory highlights the importance of interaction in helping learners improve their language. Second language acquisition is demanding and involves several struggles. Therefore, the interaction between learners, peers, and their teachers helps ease the transition, enhancing the success of second language development, as shown in the figure below.
Fig 1: Sociocultural Theory (Newman, p. 352) (Figure available on request).
Empirical Studies
This research utilizes previous research articles that focused on the influence of the first language in the acquisition of the second language.
Literature Surveys
Bilingual Education
Bilingual education involves including multiple language practices that conform to the culturally predominant ones. (Raza and Rafael, p.651). There exist two classic models of bilingualism; subtractive bilingualism and additive bilingualism. The latter involves taking the learners’ first language and replacing it with a second language.
As a result, the learner adopts the new language, mainly a majority language. Contrary, additional bilingualism involves adding the second language to the learner’s first language, where the learner retains both languages but majors in the second language (Raza and Rafael, p.651).
A powerful central group often codifies the standard language, which is then policed through schools (Raheem, p.115).In the United States, English is the standard language used across schools. Although most learners understand the language, there are ethnic minority groups who face a challenge of language barriers due to their inability to speak or understand English.
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However, applied transitional bilingual education helps to improve language as it involves using the learners’ native language to facilitate the acquisition of a new language (Paradis et al., p 150). As a result, learners increase their knowledge of the new dominant language, improving their performance.
Bilingual language models applied in learning institutions vary with language interactions. Due to the diversity among learners, dynamic bilingualism is the most appropriate model to address the multiple language interactions and the linguistic interrelationships among multilingual interrelations (Raheem. P.116).
Although most ethnic minority learners understand English, communication is not very effective because of different accents influenced by the first language. In this case, the dynamic bilingualism model is most effective as it includes students from dominant and non-dominant ethnic groups. As a result, Raza and Rafael highlight that bilingual education has adopted this model mainly due to its inclusive ability (p.650).
However, even with this model’s presence within bilingual classrooms, students and teachers have violated the principle of using each language in its own educational space and time to ensure its effectiveness (Song, p.31). As a result, it has affected the learner’s ability to transition into the new language.
Nonetheless, language experts argue that language production is based on the student’s ability to create their language, a concept known as translanguaging (Song, p. 32). In this regard, a learner’s ability to adjust to the new language is based on their ability to their creativity. The more they are creative, the more they can learn and adopt a new language.
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Benefits of First Language
Different studies aim to investigate and describe the need for a bilingual approach and discourage the monolingual approach in language classrooms. The use of the first language is considered important in second language learning and teaching. Newman highlights that learners’ first language can act as a stepping stone for improved second language performance (p.361).
In this regard, the study found that when teachers use the first language in classes, the higher the levels of second language proficiency. It creates a relaxed environment where the learners can easily learn the second language. It also increases the learners’ motivation to acquire the second language.
Nonetheless, the first language is important in teaching the target language, especially among instructors, while giving instructions, translating new words, and assessing grammar. It ensures that the learners understand what is needed from them, and the teachers can check if the students have understood the concept being passed across.
Paradis et al. add that strengthening the learners’ first language is key in activating the learners’ prior knowledge in language classes (p. 161). This knowledge includes the skills, information, and experiences that have shaped the learner’s cognitive functioning and identity. As a result, they can easily notice the similarities between the two languages.
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Through the identified research question, this study has investigated the role of the first language in acquiring the target language. From these findings, we can draw several conclusions. First, using the first language helps create a relaxing learning environment that makes it easier for the learners to acquire a second language.
Second, it is easier for teachers to give instructions and evaluate if the learners understand the given tasks. Third, the learners can easily relate the context of the new language to that of their mother language, enhancing understanding. Also, the study has found that learning a second language at an early age is more effective in the acquisition and increases fluency.
Therefore, learning institutions need to incorporate bilingual education into their teaching practices. Bilingual education provides a sense of belonging to people who speak the minority language.
The language barrier hinders learners from achieving academic success. Schools are diverse, where learners from different backgrounds seek education. Students from minority ethnic groups may not understand English, the standard language across the United States of America. Therefore, adopting bilingual education models across all schools may help address this challenge, improving students’ performance.
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Works Cited
- Daneshfar, Samran, and Mehdi Moharami. “Dynamic Assessment in Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory: Origins and Main Concepts.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research, vol. 9, no. 3, 2018, p. 600.
- Houwer, Annick D. Bilingual Development in Childhood. Cambridge UP, 2021.
- Loewen, Shawn, and Masatoshi Sato. “Interaction and instructed second language acquisition.” Language Teaching, vol. 51, no. 3, 2018, pp. 285-329.
- Newman, Stephen. “Vygotsky, Wittgenstein, and sociocultural theory.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, vol. 48, no. 3, 2018, pp. 350-368.
- Paradis, Johanne, et al. “Children’s Second Language Acquisition of English Complex Syntax: The Role of Age, Input, and Cognitive Factors.” Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, vol. 37, 2017, pp. 148-167.
- RAHEEM, Karwan J. “The Role of First Language on The Second Language Acquisition.” International Journal of Kurdish Studies, 2018, pp. 112-119.
- Raza, Kashif, and Rafael D. Brown. “Language Acquisition Theory and Context in Materials Development for Second Language Writing Courses.” The Journal of AsiaTEFL, vol. 18, no. 2, 2021, pp. 649-656.
- Song, Sooho. “Second Language Acquisition Theories.” Second Language Acquisition as a Mode-Switching Process, 2017, pp. 9-36.
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