Summative Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples

Mental Health/Diminished Capacity (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)


The assessment tools used in the case scenario included the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45) and Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), satisfying the Daubert standard. Besides,Stapleton et al. (2020) confirmed that the SA-45 produced highly reliable results. Moreover, the MMPI had a validity score of 0.34-0.92 and a reliability of 0.16-0.93 (Kumar, 2020). Both tools remain scientifically valid since they constitute systematic observations and measurement of results. In addition, testing of the data validity and reliability (Stapleton et al., 2020; Kumar (2020) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).

Interview Information

The parent had a substance addiction problem and was not well-positioned to care for her child (Otten et al., 2019). Children in such families develop substance addiction at an early age. As a result, Ms A is likely to influence the child into using heroin and cocaine, leading to future substance addiction (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).

Collateral Information

The collateral information indicates that Ms A has a diminished capacity to effectively provide a suitable environment for the child’s growth under protective child services. Mwachofi et al. (2020) explain that parents with a diminished capacity to care for children due to drug use, mental deterioration, and inadequate education are less likely to care for children adequately. Consequently, mentally incapacitated parents do not recognize their children’s basic needs. More so, like education and food, increasing the risk of adverse childhood experiences among the children (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..


The child should be given to Child Protective Services (CPS) until the parent’s addiction problem is resolved. Also, Ms A should engage in the mental health and substance use rehabilitation program to facilitate an abstinence journey. Additionally, Ms A should be granted visitation to bond with the child to enhance a positive response and desire to stop using drugs and substances (Owen et al., 2020). Moreover, the CPS should also regularly inform Ms A of the child’s progress in education and health, including seeking informed consent when the child is undergoing major medical procedures like surgery (Nastasi et al., 2020) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).. 

Ethical Guidelines

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), upholding the child’s right to visit their parent is necessary. Also, keeping the child with child protection services will help uphold the child’s rights to education, food, and good health (Nastasi et al., 2020). Additionally, obtaining informed consent before conducting any major medical procedures for the child is importan (Summative Forensic Case Report)t.

Offender Risk Assessment


The Symptom Assessment 45 (SA-45), Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs, and Strengths (IORNS), and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) tools meet the Daubert standard. Iwakabe et al. (2022) found SA-45 effective during mental health assessment. IORNS is also effective and reliable based on its 130 items offering comprehensive mental health assessment results. Furthermore, the MMPI-2 has a validity score of between 0.34-0.92 and reliability scores of between 0.16 and 0.93. Ingram et al. (2020) illustrate that the MMPI is widely used and accepted among the scientific community. Consequently, it has undergone extensive peer review to determine its validity and reliability (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Interview Information

Mr B’s assessment indicates positive progress into a more responsible individual with a reduced risk of recidivism. As a result, the offender should be provided with adequate resources to aid complete change and achieve positive results from the skills learned during incarceration. Moreover, Hechler et al. (2022) assert that being remorseful indicates the prisoners’ recognition of the committed crime and willingness to reconcile their differences with the victims (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Collateral Information

The collateral information indicates that Mr B’s engagement in criminal activities like drugs was focused on meeting basic needs. Hence, this shows that the convict has a higher potential of reforming into a better person if granted parole. The previous convictions related to family violence also show that Mr. B has challenges sustaining social interactions. Moreover, is less likely to achieve positive treatment results due to his aggressive nature (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..


Mr B should be granted visitation from his child and ex-girlfriend to enhance his desire and effort to reform. Moreover. O’Brien and Grosso (2020) observe that convicts are likely to reform quickly if given substantial justification for the importance of improving. Also, the parole board should give him the benefit of the doubt and observe his progress throughout the parole duration.

Ethical Guidelines

Based on Bring Change to Mind’s recommendations for reducing people’s suffering, granting Mr B’s release through parole will increase his chances of contributing positively to community development (Bring Change to Mind, 2022). It will also enhance his response to mental health treatment by reducing the unpleasant experiences associated with incarceration centers. Besides, granting Mr B his child’s and ex-wife’s visitation can also reduce mental suffering related to his engagement in limited social interactions (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Substance Abuse Potential


The Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45) and Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-3) assessment tools satisfy the Daubert standard. They are widely used across the scientific community since they constitute systematic observations. Consequently, can produce valid and reliable results that can be reproduced in different settings. SA-45 tool has been peer-reviewed by many researchers, such as Fernández-Sogorb et al. (2022). SASSI-3 is also a reliable tool with a tested accuracy of 94% and has been peer-reviewed by many researchers, including Gray et al. (2021) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).

Interview Information

The interview information indicates that Ms C has a low risk of substance dependency but has problems with substance use. Subsequently, the SASSI-3 measurements (DEF, T=68 & OAT, T= 81) indicate that Ms C is highly defensive of substance use and is not ready to acknowledge it as a problem. Besides, the individual has an isolated substance use problem. Hence, relapse prevention strategies focusing on recognizing the substance use problem can result in positive outcomes for the individual.

Collateral Information

The assessment results indicate that Ms. C has reformed with a limited risk of violence or neglect of the child. Besides, the history of parental alcoholism and depression, including sexual assault, will likely affect Ms. C’s threat control levels when stressed (Sheffler et al., 2019). Additionally, the SASSI-3 scores (FVA, T=55) indicate a high risk that Ms C has a substance use disorder (SUD). Moreover, potential SUDs and ACEs can affect parental decision-making. Hence, increasing the risk of neglect and child abuse, such as exposing the child to substance use (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..


The individual should be accorded regular follow-ups. Moreover, Stohs et al. (2019) argued that regular follow-ups and monitoring are crucial in eliminating cravings for substance use and strengthening coping skills. Furthermore, this could help assess the individual’s mental health and stress coping mechanisms. Hence, considering the history of traumatic experiences (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Ethical Guidelines

Based on APA guidelines, CPS should protect children from any danger or harm in the family environment (Nastasi et al., 2020). Psychologists must seek parental consent on issues related to the child, such as major medical operations. They must also exhibit competency during the assessment to reduce the potential of false results (Owen et al., 2020) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Trauma Symptoms among Children


The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) and Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI) tools meet the Daubert standards. Moreover, since they are widely accepted across the scientific community. Besides, Stanley and Stanley (2021) confirmed that TSCYC is a reliable assessment tool. Also, Liel et al. (2019) explained that CAPI has a good internal consistency with valid concurrent validity in determining the risk of child abuse among the parents.

Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples
Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples

Interview Information

The TSCYC scores indicate that the child suffered from depression (DEP, T= 65) and elevated anxiety levels (ANX, T= 80). Also, CAPI shows a higher potential that the child suffered potential abuse (Abuse, T=73). In addition, has problems with themselves (T=68) and others (T=61). Consequently, the child has an increased risk of disorganized attachment, attributed to the neglect and abuse experienced in childhood (Choe & Yu, 2022). Additionally, the child has a higher risk of developing self-destructive and suicidal behaviors. Moreover, due to a lack of care for themselves or others (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Collateral Information

The child was frequently punished for bad behavior by the sitter, contributing to problematic social development. Moreover, Choe and Yu (2022) explained that children subjected to child abuse and neglect tend to exhibit antisocial behaviors and aggression. Hence, making it challenging to interact with their peers effectively (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).


The child should be subjected to a long-term rehabilitation process. Besides, the child’s support system should incorporate empathy and encouragement to help model trust and build self-esteem. Additionally, the child should be subjected to regular mental health assessments. Moreover, to ascertain the extent of mental deterioration. In addition, the efficacy of any therapeutic intervention implemented (Rocchio, 2020). The child’s assessment results should also remain confidential (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Ethical Guidelines

Based on APA guidelines, psychologists should demonstrate competency in evaluating and implementing appropriate treatment interventions for the child (Rocchio, 2020). They should also remain objective and avoid biases like racism when dealing with the child. Besides, they should ensure confidentiality and seek informed consent from the child’s parents before conducting any psychological evaluation (Owen et al., 2020). Also, the principle of justice by eliminate harm to the child during treatment (Owen et al., 2020). Besides, they should incorporate parental figures in the rehabilitation process to help increase coping with the intensity of the treatment process.

Child Abuse Potential


The SA-45, MMPI, and Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI) satisfy the Daubert standard. More so, based on peer-reviewed studies by Liel et al. (2019), Holgado-Telloet al. (2019), and Northern Illinois University (2017). Furthermore, the studies indicate that CAPI has an excellent internal consistency of 0.92-0.95 and concurrent predictive validity of 85%-90% (Liel et al., 2019). Besides, MMPI-2 has a reliability score of 0.5-0.8 across all scales, while SA-45 has adequate convergent and divergent validity based on its test scales (Holgado-Tello et al., 2019: Holgado-Tello et al., 2019) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).

Interview Information

Ms Z’s willingness to comply with the psychosocial assessment can be characterized under the Beta risk typology. Besides, The patient has a high risk of engaging in misdemeanor offenses like child support hearings. Hence, contributing to challenges in caring for or developing parental attachment with the child (Poehlmann-Tynan et al., 2019) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Collateral Information

Ms Z has hypomania (Ma, T score = 60) and depression (DEP, T Score = 65), indicating that the patient should be classified under Beta risk typologies. The patient also has a high risk of poor decision-making, which could jeopardize the child’s safety and health. Besides, the typologies indicate that the client has a high risk of abuse and neglected supervision. Therefore, reducing her ability to care for the child, Toth and Manly (2019). Negative parent-child relationships also affect the child’s emotional health. Hence, leading to the development of mental health problems like bipolar disorder.


Ms. Z should be subjected to longer durations of counseling with an emphasis on emotion regulation. More so, due to the potential of exhibiting low efficacy to treatment within the first 90 days. Also, the patient should be assessed regularly during the rehabilitation process to determine the efficacy of the treatment process (Stohs et al., 2019). Additionally, the interventions focusing on Ms Z’s domestic violence, such as family therapy, should ensure the patient’s autonomy and confidentiality. Moreover, to enable them to willingly comply with the treatment interventions. Hence, leading to adherence and positive treatment outcomes (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). 

Ethical Guidelines

Based on APA ethical guidelines, the need for lengthy counseling focuses on improving the beneficial outcomes of the treatment process based on the principle of beneficence. Besides, maintaining patients’ autonomy during treatment aligns with the ethical principle of autonomy. Hence, emphasizing the need for patients to make independent decisions (Varkey, 2021). Lastly, maintaining the patient’s confidentiality aligns with psychologists’ obligation to ensure confidentiality and privacy of patient data (Varkey, 2021) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Violence Risk Assessment


The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) tool used in the case study satisfies the Daubert standard. More so, since it constitutes a known error rate of between 0.77-0.87 with a predictive accuracy of between 0.70-0.76 based on a study by Graham et al. (2021). Moreover, It has moderate internal consistency and good concurrent validity. Its data also meets the scientific method since it constitutes Mr X’s background, test prediction and performance. In addition, result analysis for developing conclusions (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..

Interview Information

The SARA scores (total raw score 50, total factors present 15) indicate that Mr X has a high risk of violence. The patient was also remorseful of past criminal offenses and was not ready to re-offend. Hence, this classifies the patient under Alpha risk typologies, indicating the potential of exhibiting neglectful supervision under stress and an increased risk of developing severe psychopathic tendencies like Tragic Hero themes (Khalikaprasad, 2020).

Collateral Information

The individual has a history of family violence and has dealt with illicit substances to generate income. Hence, indicating an increased risk of re-offending due to the underlying psychological condition, mood disorder (Albalawi et al., 2019). The individual also has a higher risk of continuing with the sale of illicit substances due to social difficulties like lack of employment (Payne et al., 2020) (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples)..


Mr X should be subjected to regular psychological assessments (annually) to ascertain his risk of violence, especially gun fitness evaluations (Campbell et al., 2019). Besides, the individual should secure employment to reduce the risk of selling illicit substances to raise income. Also, Campbell et al. (2019) illustrate that such individuals should be enrolled in family therapy to reduce the incidences of domestic violence.

Ethical Guidelines

Based on APA guidelines, conducting regular psychological assessments ensures beneficial patient outcomes. Moreover, the follow-up will improve Mr X’s coping with the mood disorder problem. In addition, enhances his peaceful relationship with his wife. It aligns with the principle of beneficence and underscores the moral obligation of doing good while focusing on the patient’s interests (Kung & Johansson, 2022). Consequently, allowing Mr. X to choose the treatment intervention aligns with the ethical principle of autonomy (Forensic Case Report-Nursing Paper Examples).


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