family history-Nursing Paper Examples

Response 1 (family history-Nursing Paper Examples)

Excellent post! I agree that collecting family history is instrumental in identifying risk factors for diseases the rum among family members. Besides risk identification, family history should be combined with physical assessment during health promotion to improve early detection and disease prevention. Family history is an effective screening tool that ensures that moderate-risk or high-risk people benefit from more targeted interventions (Chigonda, 2022) (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).

family history-Nursing Paper Examples
family history-Nursing Paper Examples

A DNP-prepared nurse can incorporate genetics and genomics into their practice by encouraging individuals or families to maintain their family history and share the information with various health providers. The nurse can also record, track, and update patients’ family histories, such as children’s immunization schedules to improve the quality of care toward mitigating diseases in the families (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).


Chigonda, R. L. (2022). A Systematic Review on Evolving the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England: Targeted Screening for Individuals with First-Degree Family History of Bowel Cancer.

Response 2

Great post! Your discussion is informative and fascinating. I agree that incorporating family history in physical assessment during health promotions allows healthcare professionals to devise informed treatment plans for patients, leading to improved care quality and positive health outcomes. Family history should comprise behavioral and environmental factors influencing various family members (Prom-Wormley et al., 2021) (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).

For instance, chronic multifactorial diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions may have genetic influence and behavioral and environmental factors within the family unit. In this case, DNP-prepared nurses can integrate genetics and genomics by encouraging their patients to adopt healthy lifestyles such as healthy eating and physical activity to reduce the risks of developing the conditions even though they are genetically predisposed (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).


Prom-Wormley, E. C., Clifford, J. S., Bourdon, J. L., Barr, P., Blondino, C., Ball, K. M., … & Newbille, C. (2021). Developing community-based health education strategies with family history: assessing the association between community resident family history and interest in health education. Social Science & Medicine271, 112160.

Response 3

Great post! Your discussion is educative and engaging. I support your claims that family history is one of the fundamental tools for all healthcare professionals to determine the inheritance pattern of different disorders among families. It aids in determining differential diagnoses, identifying necessary genetic tests, and devising individualized care plans for different patients (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).

In addition, family history is a vital clinical tool that guides disease management by considering genetics among individuals while acknowledging their effects from environments shared by a family unit (Li et al., 2012). The tool improves physical assessment and health promotion by developing awareness and genetics-related health information for different conditions across diverse populations. Therefore, DNP nurses can integrate genetics and genomics into their practice by ordering genetic tests and providing pre- and post-genetic test counseling to improve patient health outcomes (family history-Nursing Paper Examples).


Li, M., Zhao, S., Young, C. M., Foster, M., Wang, J. H. Y., Tseng, T. S., … & Chen, L. S. (2021). Family health history–based interventions: A systematic review of the literature. American Journal of Preventive Medicine61(3), 445-454.

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